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August 27th, 2010

[info]fearlessfelix in [info]musingslogs

Who: Eve Kelly [Catwoman] and OPEN
What: Late-night drinking and entertainment
When: Late Thursday night
Where: Scuzzy dive-bar off the beaten track
Warnings: Nope?
Bars came in many forms: coolly elegant where the clientele talked in low tones, music rippled in the background and the soft chink of glass and ice was the loudest sound in the place -- to the raucous, where smoke and sweat and music spilled onto the street when the doors opened and the pool table was a battleground, crumpled dollar-bill bets thrown down like gauntlets )

[info]lightofday_ in [info]musingslogs

Who: Johnny Cooper and Max Main
What: It's high time he met his new cubicle buddy, who is obviously a gay brodawg with many admirers
Where: The Seattle Times, one of the many cubicle bays.
When: Nowish
Warnings: Spilled coffee and the end of preconceived notions about new cubicle buddies.

Gay brodawgs ahoy )

[info]bylined in [info]musingslogs

Who: Adam and Max
What: An interview
Where: Verisimilitude
When: 1 pm, yesterday
Warnings: None

Interview subject: Adam Morgenstern )

[info]whisper_no in [info]musingslogs

Who: Sam and Rorschach Rory
What: Two roommates talking about their days, like totally normal people.
Where: The Hamartia, 505
When: At about 3:30 AM after Rory meets Jack
Warnings: Doubtful.

Everybody Loves Rorschach, Episode One )

[info]odangochan in [info]musingslogs

Who: Bunny, Allyson, Luke, JP, & Sam
What: Zombies and Cake
Where: Bathos 302
When: Friday 7PM.
Warnings: Squealy girliness.

Bunny's day had been ridiculously uneventful. )

[info]heshotfirst in [info]musingslogs

Who: Hal & Charlie
What: A hard day's night.
Where: The 90 Freeway, westbound.
When: Last night, sometime around 3 AM.
Warnings: Some language.

I don't wanna be your tiger, 'cuz tigers play too rough... )

[info]bystealth in [info]musingslogs

Who: the Bat and the (pre-suit) Cat
What: A meeting. In which there is not as much flirting as Eve might like.
Where: On the rooftops, since apparently Bats meets everyone on the rooftops.
When: Say last night.
Warnings: Zip! Well, maybe some slight blood. PG13 if that really bothers you?

The Cat went out for a walk and met a Bat who was out for a stalk... )