08 August 2011 at 08:35 pm
...........This is such a weird dream.

[Shinwoo is staring dumbfoundedly at everything around him while the welcome message drones into his ear.]

I must have fallen asleep in class again. There's no way I'm in jail. I knew I shouldn't have let Ik-han talk me into watching that movie last night.

[He's tempted to pinch himself but....what if it actually hurts? It seems safer to just go along with the scenario for now. Besides, any second now, Teacher's going to bellow out his name and he's going to pop out of his seat, drool still clinging to the corner of his lips. Right?]


If this really is a dream though, can't there at least be ramen in it? [A slight whine.] I'm hungry.
[voice | open]
27 July 2011 at 12:55 am
What d'you miss right now?

And ''my home" doesn't count as an answer.

[The dome has been too quiet for his tastes. What, doesn't anyone ask burning questions anymore?]
[Action || Video || Open]
26 July 2011 at 09:03 pm
[Lyle is seated just outside the cafe, working on a cup of coffee. His cigarette is burning out in the ash tray in front of him. He glances over his notes for his class today as Frederick rolls around nearby]

[He's not completely absorbed in what he's doing. He keeps glancing up to see what else is going and make sure the haro hasn't rolled off somewhere]

[After a few minutes, he decides it make an announcement]

Hello, Marina. This is Lyle Dylandy, one of the professor at the academy. I wanted to inform anyone who was interested that I'll be teaching the economics class this afternoon. I hope to see you there.
The 125th Day
25 July 2011 at 05:26 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 125th day of the third generation.

Today it will be cooler in temperature than previous days, but still average for summer months.

Inmates Kaien Kurosu and Gregory House, items you requested are available by the entrance to Sector 0. Inmate Gregory House, your piano is available for use in the common area of the shelter in Sector 0. Inmates Buffy Summers and Dean Winchester, items you requested are available via the Defense Force. Inmate Ibram Gaunt, the items you requested are available for use in the Dojo in Sector 6.
12 July 2011 at 02:20 pm
[Cosmo's in a good mood today! Plants like the warmth, and she loves it as well. It's the perfect time to wander Sector 4 and see if she can find a little house to stay in. The only question is finding one that's suited to her height. She is shorter than most of the populace.

So as she wanders, she flicks the video on, curious to ask]

I wonder...does anyone know if the houses in Sector 4 are all the same? I've noticed that many are suited to the height of a human, but I'm not quite as tall as them.

[She's catchable in any part of Sector 4, looking into the houses that don't seem to have anyone living in them. She's making sure to knock on the doors of them first though!]
[ video / action ]
05 July 2011 at 08:09 pm
[this feed begins with a rather determined looking face, belonging to a rather determined girl. she's in front of the koi ponds, seated nicely on one of the rocks.

did I mention she looks determined?]

From what I understand, many people here have been wrongfully convicted. It is one thing to convict a Princess of a country with little warning--but it is another thing entirely to convict several innocent citizens with no prior trial.

There are circumstances concerning our crimes. Sometimes they are a necessity. It is for this very reason that one cannot simply take things into their own hands, deciding the fate of so many people on their own! If people wish to be tried and participate in your punishment, then it should be an option that is presented to them. A choice.

Acumen--I speak to you, personally--these actions are unjust. I ask you to see your wrongs, and cease this behavior!

[she pauses here, looking less determined and more calm.]

To the people who are here--thank you for both the pamphlet and the welcoming basket. They were extremely helpful. If there is any way I can assist here, please, do not hesitate to inform me.

[and with that, the video finishes. she sighs, a bit shakily, looking to the koi pond behind her.

how the heck did she end up in *prison* of all places.]
05 July 2011 at 07:15 pm
[ after throwing a tantrum over the fact that his powerz are not workign!!11!! sylar's now sulking all by himself on a park bench ]

I guess this is the part where I defend myself and scream obscenities at whoever will listen. [ oozing sarcasm ] Luckily enough for all of you, I don't feel like engaging in a pointless speech about how I'm innocent and how all of this is ridiculous. Blah. Blah. Blah.

[ flipping the pamphlet open and reading ] I'm here, aren't I? Might as well endure the long haul. [ he doesn't want to, no one can make him, if only his powers worked then he could wreck this entire dome apart -- ]

[ his eyes coast across the faq section, focusing suddenly. and then his mind blanks out and he completely forgets, if only for a moment, that he is in an underwater asylum with no chance to get at Peter and the other genetically gifted individuals ]

[ ...to restrain the powers of the convicted... ]

...Supernatural abilities? Do people even have those here?
05 July 2011 at 06:39 am
[When the video feed turns on, it shows a teenage boy. He seems to be fine, despite finding himself in an unfamiliar environment. Of course, that's just on the surface.]

So this is prison? Ahahah... [It’s a nervous laugh, an attempt to calm his nerves.] I guess I can understand why, when I think about it. But it’s still feel rather surreal to me...

So, uh, hi! I’m Atsuro Kihara, I’m from Tokyo and, as you probably can tell already, I’m new around here. I already read the welcoming material, which is a great help. But...

[A slight pause, before he continued.] I’m wondering, but is there anyone here that knows me from Tokyo? If you guys are here...let me know, okay?

...I read that we're replaced by a version of ourselves from another world in the brochure. Won't anyone notice that version's absence from their world? Or is their world's time just...stopped while they're taking our places?
[ Event: Summer Solstice Festival ]
29 June 2011 at 12:23 pm
[ Around noon, the robots that had been swarming the beach scatter, leaving a transformed landscape in their wakes. There are volleyball nets set up in the sand, along with colorful umbrellas and blankets beneath them. Part of the water has been sectioned off for water polo, while inflatable rafts in fanciful shapes are ready for use in the open area.

Ringing the beach are food stands serving street and festival foods: chin chin, takoyaki and taiyaki, aloo tikki, sabikh, empanada, hot dogs, ice cream and shaved ice, and suchlike. There is one stand where a robot serves an alcoholic punch not completely unlike sangria. Several of the other stands also serve non-alcoholic drinks. Clean up robots zoom from place to place, picking up garbage. ]
♉ [Video/Open]
26 June 2011 at 07:11 pm
Uhhh, hey, everyone, who is currently staying here, not totally against their will or anything. [ >_> ]

I just have a question, uhh, that is purely due to my own curiosity, so it is your choice to answer, or, um, not, answer, it's okay if you don't.

What kind of races are people here? I've already spoken to humans! Which was r-really cool, and uhh, a canine that could speak as I do, which was uhhh, also very neat. But, I am just wondering what other species are here, besides trolls, and er, humans, and talking canines. I probably have already spoken to other things, not that, anyone is a thing, or anything like that.

But...yeah, that's it, heh.
[ Voice | Action - Open! ]
13 June 2011 at 09:29 pm
[ If you pay attention to the network, you'll see there's an adorable little kid smiling at you! |3 ] Hello Marina inmates-- how are you today?

I was thinking it would be fun to check out the new skating place, but rather than go alone, I thought it would be much more fun if I invited someone to go with me. So! Does anyone want to go skating with me?

Oh! We could also go to the Ramen place after skating! And then we could go to the ice-cream place and... [ramble ramble~]
10 June 2011 at 09:15 pm
Why - why would Acumen arrest a ghost? I don't think it makes much sense...Ghosts should be able to move on, right? I don't think it's fair to keep one here with m-me - with people. [does she sound a bit stressed?]

I really, really, really hope Acumen doesn't arrest any more...That would be the worst.

[Anyone who passes through Sector 1 will see Sakura slowly inching along the way. She's just left the headquarters and she's on her way home. It's dark and she looks more than unhappy being outside. In fact, she even has her wand out - just in case.]

[ooc: there is a 99.99% chance that Sakura will flail and accidentally hit you with her wand if you sneak up on her in the dark. She's had a traumatic day okay]
09 June 2011 at 04:28 pm
[Backdated to Late Morning]

It's My Party )

[Video | Filtered from the Order, except Allen and Lenalee]

[Alma is grinning into the screen, but he also looks a bit embarrassed.]

So it's getting a lot warmer around here. That means it's summer right? Or almost. June! Which is what is important. [He laughs and scratches the back of his head.]

June is a very important month. My best friend is born in June so his birthday should be around now and that means my birthday was a while ago, but neither of us have ever gotten to celebrate a birthday together. Which sucks. But today we will! Because I'm throwing a birthday party for him--us--tonight at the hall in the Education Center.

But I don't know all of Yu's friends here, so anybody who wants to say happy birthday to Yu Kanda should really come! There will be cake, food, drinks, balloons, and maybe even a singing-game like at the club! [The karaoke machine, he has it. He just has to figure out how to get it to work.]

So if you want to come celebrate our birthdays, show up before six o'clock! Just don't tell Yu. I really want to surprise him. And Yu doesn't like gifts, so don't worry about it unless you really want to!

[And with a happy grin he cuts it off and moves on to his next call.]

[Private to Yu]

Hey, Yu... Are you busy today?

{OOC: I will be putting in a [Video] thread where anyone who wants to respond to the video post can. Otherwise you can respond with [Before] or [Party] to let people know when you get there? Feel free to be brought by the friend of a friend, crash, and mingle all you like!}
08 June 2011 at 02:33 am
[the first thing to show up on the camera is a blond young man lying on the ground. he seems slightly distressed. the foot of a high-heeled boot pokes at his side, making him twitch a little, before the camera pans upwards to show Nena smiling, as sweet as could be.]

Okay so, I was talking to this guy, and he sorta died on me. Well, not completely, but he looks pretty close! Now, before anyone gets any ideas, I didn't do anything! At all! Got that?

[glares a good few seconds, then she's cheerful again.]

Anyway, if no one comes to claim him or whatever, I'm keeping him! [v-sign! you can't say she's not being fair!]

((ooc: the poor victim is the lovely, unfortunate, Guy Cecil ♥ !))
07 June 2011 at 12:14 pm
[ after waking up in a koi pond, and then simply lying in it for long enough to guess what happened -- which didn't take very long, really; he doesn't remember said pond, but he recognizes the sky of the domed prison well enough -- Murata has begun to suspect Acumen doesn't like him.

oh well... he climbs out of the pond and drips on the grass for a moment before turning on his communicator. ]

[ voice ]

The koi pond is a very nice addition to things, I must say. Though I think the fish might be a little angry with me!

I think I should probably take a bath...

((ooc: Open for both voice and action tags!))
07 June 2011 at 03:20 pm
Oh my... [There is a plant girl in the park, kneeling in a patch of flowers and gently running her hands over them] The plants here have grown different...I cannot imagine that such a time has passed to let them grow so much. It feels like none has passed at all...yet the trees are welcoming me again.

[She carefully gets to her feet and brushes her dress off] I suppose I must have been lost then. Would someone be willing to tell me what day it is?

[And in the meanwhile, she's going to go say hello to Ammy's tree. It is blooming beautifully, and it is as peaceful as ever]
07 February 2011 at 11:03 pm
[there is a terrified redheaded girl on your screen who looks a little bit like the world is ending and sounds just as distressed. she's still wearing her pyjamas, and is gesturing a little as she speaks.]

I know I jumped the turnstile at the subway, but if I didn't I was going to miss the train and I swiped my card twice the next day to make up for it, and I know I didn't tell my dad right away but when I did he promised it was alright and we made sure I was punished for it! I don't think I've ever tortured anyone and I've even worked with the police before, so-- so--

--I don't understand why I'm in trouble now! [she stares at the screen for a moment longer, clearly distressed by all this.]

I-- is there any way to leave? I have a math test tomorrow and I have to finish studying for it!
[Action|backdated to afternoon|open]
21 January 2011 at 10:20 pm
[Harry is, once again, doing some more exploring of the dome! This time, his wanderings have brought him to the pet cafe, where he is sitting down, looking curiously at a little black puppy. It's strange - the only dogs he's ever known are Aunt Marge's and the less said the better, or Fang who's way too big but nice, or Fluffy, who is...a three-headed hellhound. There's just no other way of saying it. So he's not used to puppies, basically. This one seems okay, and it doesn't look dangerous...

And it's actually very friendly, Harry realizes belatedly as he ends up with an armful of warm puppy. Said puppy nudges his hand and barks - but not, Harry realizes, in an angry way.

It wants...something? Harry's not sure what, for a moment, but he figures it out pretty quickly: dogs like being petted, right?

... This really isn't so bad, he decides.

tl;dr: there's a kid in the pet cafe befriending a puppy. Bother?]
17 January 2011 at 08:43 pm
[ Jade is in a wide open park, running through his artes. he's been doing this every day, feeling out the boundaries of the "seal" placed on him by Acumen and... pushing at it. he believes he's starting to get a handle on its exact composition, though he has to give it many props; he managed to undo the last seal placed on him much more quickly... so far, he's not even completely sure he's making progress.

so, this amounts to him making big, splashy magical displays, for anyone in the area to notice.

a little bit later in the morning, he pauses, taking a break in the exercise to turn on his communicator and murmur, only slightly breathless from all of the exertion ]

The limitations imposed by this place are rather frustrating, aren't they?

[ even though the words should be irritated, there's a little curl of amusement in his voice; on some level, he's enjoying the challenge. ]
[Action | Open]
10 January 2011 at 10:46 pm
[Look who's up early! Not that it's any surprise - the early risers of the dome might've spotted Ryu running around at the first crack of sunlight anyway. But today is different!]

[Today he has a puppy with him! … Well, maybe he's not such a puppy. The dog is pretty big, but Ryu doesn't really know anything about dogs anyway.]

[They're mostly running in the park, but they're also running to the convenience store for food for both of them. Those out and about might run into them (figuratively or literally) as they go about their morning business or chores!]