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Apr. 30th, 2013


Who: Annie & Gilman
When: Around the time Gilman and Annie broke up.
Where: Crow’s Landing!
What: AU: Annie & Gilman’s Most Excellent Zombie Adventure.
Warning: Lots of swearing, violence against zombies, and Gilman acts like a decent human being. Split into parts in the comments. 22k words.


Apr. 29th, 2013


Fairy Tale AU: The Warning Mouse

Who: Marcus, Jon, tbd.
When: Once upon a time...
Where: In a land where men can buy husbands for their sisters, apparently.
What: Jon gets bought. Basically.
Warning: TBD (none as of yet; in progress)

Hey, you left some crumbs on your pants. Are you gonna eat those? ...Can I? )

Apr. 25th, 2013


FAIRY TALE AU: The Goat Prince

Who: Annie, the Yorks... TBD
When: Once upon a time...
Where: A bountiful, peaceful, but ultimately rather patriarchal kingdom.
What: Annie buys Rob and takes him home on a leash.
Warning: It probably gets dumb. In progress.

For me it’s highly disconcerting. )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


FAIRY TALE AU: Title Pending

Who: Marcus, Tatum, Teagan... TBD
When: Once upon a time...
Where: A nondisclosed, anachronistic land where there aren't really any strict laws about parenting, or commerce.
What: TBD
Warning: TBD (in progress)

Don't open the door for anyone. And never - ever - go into the forest. It's not safe. )

Mar. 31st, 2013


Fairy Tale AU Prompt

WHO: Nona and Mike, then later Nona, Mike, and Ben
WHEN: After the End of the World (or Western Society, anyway)
WHERE: The Wilds
WHAT: Post-Apocalyptic Little Red Riding Hood
WARNING: High. This ain't gonna be pretty.

Don't always trust the beaten path. )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Fairy Tale AU: The Giant and the Virgin

Who: Marcus and Ben
When: Once upon a time...
Where: In a very strange world where some people are sluts, many live their whole lives by pissing contest rules, and others routinely get locked in towers for all kinds of stupid shit. SO not unlike Cycle 002!
What: Marcus goes out to rescue a virgin.
Warning: TBD (In progress.)

Armed with a sword and very few of the pertinent details... )

Mar. 18th, 2013


act iv

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language and death, y'all. Sorry we broke the posting limit four times over. :/

Act IV )


act iii

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language and self harm.

Act III )


act ii

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language & ends strong with gratuitous ladysex!

Act II )


act i

Who: Jenny & Dahlia [with small cameo by Chase].
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Some foul language and harsh words.

Act I )

Feb. 26th, 2013


Valentine AU: Crimes of Passion/Made My Own Valentine

Who: Teagan and Mallory
When: Valentine's Day, wee hours of the morning.
Where: Restful Pines Cemetery
What: Tired of being alone for Valentine's Day, Teagan turns to black magic! Because who wouldn't?
Warning: TBD

There were spells for that. )

Feb. 11th, 2013


Who: Dahlia and Sully.
What: AU Prompt, "So I married a ..."
Warning: Not sure! We'll see. :D
Setting: Sully and Dahlia are a "happily" married couple, but Dahlia has no idea that her beloved Sully is actually a genetically mutated creature. Dun dun DUNNNN.

It looked as though some kind of flour-filled bomb had gone off. )

Feb. 3rd, 2013


Who: Gilman and Annie.
What: AU Prompt “Haunted Honeymoon”.
Rating/Warning: A teensy bit racy then a whole lot of murdery violence.
Setting: Annie marries Gilman, but that’s not the scary part. Gilman used to be a mad scientist, and before he met Annie, was so convinced he’d be alone forever that he built himself a girlfriend. Once he found love in a living woman, he had no use for his creation and did away with her. Or he thought he did. She’s followed her creator/lover to Hawaii and she is pissed.

Gilman couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so happy. )

Dec. 30th, 2012


Who: Gilman and Nona.
What: AU Prompt "Another Virgin Birth"
Rating/Warning: Gross, weird, schlocky stuff! Restraints, forced feeding, forced alien incubation, and a grisly end.
Setting: AU!Gilman is actually an alien looking to start an invasion of planet Earth. To start his invasion, however, he needs a host for his squiggly alien young, and Nona fits the bill.

Gilman had spent five years in Crow’s Landing, and two weeks before Christmas, he had finally chosen his host. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Christmas AU: Beat That, Grinch

WHO: Bryant, with mention of the entire company
WHEN: AU Christmas Eve
WHERE: Crows Landing
WHAT: holiday crack!poetry
WARNING: I don’t... I don’t even...

Welcome to Crows Landing: a nice place to live. )

Dec. 17th, 2012


Christmas AU: Another Virgin Birth

WHO: Casper and CJ
WHEN: Early December
WHERE: Their home on Trout
WHAT: The classic tale of "a demon took over my room mate's body and knocked me up"
WARNING: Language, references to dubcon, possessed!CJ, pregnant!Casper

What to expect when you're expecting the Antichrist. )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Christmas AU: Home for the Holidays

Who: Nona and Avery
When: Christmas Eve
Where: On the road home from the airport
What: Avery picks his famous step-sister up for her visit home; things get tense
Warnings: Obsession, coercion, really bad weather, idk

Baby, it's cold outside. )

Nov. 30th, 2012


Thanksgiving AU: Drabbles

(These are the drabbles that were sent in for Thanksgiving. If you have your own drabbles you'd like to add, you can comment with them or mail them in and I'll add them to this post.)

Guess WHAT’S Coming to Dinner? )

The Most Dangerous Main Course. )

A Scary New World. )

Nov. 28th, 2012


Thanksgiving AU: The Most Dangerous Main Course

WHO: Emma and Marcus; mention of Eden.
WHEN: Non-specific; Sometime in November.
WHERE: Emma's house.
WHAT: Emma makes a delicious stew.
WARNING: Torture ensues, and death is inevitable. Cannibalism. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

There was no method to the way Emma chose her victims. Deciding factor in Marcus' case? He looked delicious. )

Nov. 20th, 2012


November AU: Big Gay Birthday Present.. With Violence.

Who: Tatum & Casper.
When: Nonspecific. Sometime shortly after Tatum graduates from high school.
Where: Casper's studio [if she doesn't really have one then SHE DOES IN THIS AU].
What: Drabble that took over my life and became a scene of it's own. Tatum wants to learn about being an artist, but she gets more than she bargained for, as is her typical luck. Awkwardly sexy sapphic pairing scenario for Smee's birthday, with a twist included free of charge.
Warnings: Violence and violent imagery, implied sex and sexual references, probably ooc!Casper, snuff films, etc.

Tatum hated being filmed; Casper knew that. )

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