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Feb. 14th, 2010


but will there be lovely cheese?

Who: Churuya; OPEN to anyone
When: Valentine's Day
Where: The kitchens for the restaurant
What: Churuya is making chocolate :3
Status/rating: G - Churuya don't make no fuss anyways; incomplete thread

Churuya had noticed it was Valentine's Day and so decided to do something nice for all of the people she had met so far during her stay, like the man with his raven and the nice Chinese man who greeted her. So she ended up in the kitchens, a nice butler named Sebastian having let her in to make chocolates using the hotel equipment. It was very exciting, even when her first ill-fated batch of chocolates somehow made an oven door explode off the hinges.

After the smoke cleared out and Sebastian popped in briefly to fix the oven, it was back to trying to make actual-edible sweets. Churuya, in her frilly apron and oven mittens for safety, started gathering up all the ingredients again, wondering what she could add to make her chocolates super-special. Peppermint? Sea salt? Maybe some smoked gouda? Her mouth started watering at the thought of delicious cheese chocolate, and the bag of flour in her hands burst in her hands, surrounding her in a floating cloud of white powder and leaving poor Churuya blinking and wondering what had happened.

Come on in and have fun making sweets with Churuya-san! Someone needs to make sure she doesn't burn down the restaurant, nyoron~? xD


Puppies at play on Valentine's Day

Who: Remus and Sirius
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Their room
What: Refer to when, you'll know what
Status/rating: Incomplete, NC-17, of course (did you have to really ask?)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints!---I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!---and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after *death. )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Who: Penelope and Abby
Where: Somewhere in the Hotel (one of the resturants maybe?).
When: Sometime Today
What: The Geek Queens of the NCIS and the BAU Meet.
Warnings: Spoilers possible for both NCIS and Criminal Minds in comments.

As Penelope sipped her coffee in the resturant she was a woman on a mission. She had lugged her laptop along and was trying in vain to link back to the computers within the BAU offices, aka her babies. "Come on! Connect already!" as she typed in more codes, her past as a hacker coming in handy once again. But as she worked she decided to see this as half forced vacation and half profile. "Only thing that makes sense is this is an unsub with a massive effects budget" she typed into another file. Of course Penelope has no idea anyone could hear her playing profiler as she worked,"Just remember what Junior G Man and Hot Stuff taught you" thinking of Reid and Morgan as she worked.

Jan. 19th, 2010


A couple of years and I'm a silhouette. My halo is broken, Now I'm all that's left.

Who: Sylar and Greeter
Where: The lobby.
When: Yesterday at 9 pm.
What: Sylar lost his fight with Peter, Claire, HRG, Matt Parkman, Jessica/Nikki and Hiro
Warnings: Suprised and confused Sylar does not make a happy Sylar, so greeter will probably find themselves against the wall with a very not happy killer. D: Good luck. :'D; Also, there's spoilers for first season of Heroes. ♥ Some violence, too.

Hate to disappoint but it's the way things went. I was blind to the things I did, and deaf to what was said. )

Jan. 15th, 2010


Who: Penelope Garcia and her greeter
What: Entering the Hotel
Where: the BAU Bullpen and the Lobby of the Hotel
When: Today, morning
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress (possible spoilers for current season of Criminal Minds in comments)

Nobody knew Penelope Garcia was worried sick about the team, her second family since her own parents had died a few years before. "Need to call Reid since he did not look like himself, check on Hotch and offer to take care of Jack so he can have a breather and last but not least call Kevin!" grinning at that last item and thinking of her boyfriend. As she called a good night to a clerk she realized this was not the BAU bullpen much less the office parking garage. "Ok, don't freak" she told herself,"Just remember everything Reid and Morgan have taught you" as she flipped open her laptop to try and link back with the office computers and not getting anywhere. "Ok, could just be a simple lack of signal so off to the desk to see about either answers or directions back to the BAU". So dressed in one of her usual bright and cheery outfits Penelope hit the little bell on the desk. "Ok, high end looking lobby so this either has to be an Unsub with a really big effects budget or I have dozed off as the desk once again" she decided.

Jan. 14th, 2010


Who: 3, 4, and greeter.
Where: Lobby. Specifically, on top of the front desk.
What: They're entering.
when: Backdated to yesterday, 6 PM-ish?
rating: G to PG.
Warning: This contains spoilers for the movie 9. :(

And as we say our long goodbyes, I nearly do. )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Who: Dr McCoy and open
What: Having drinks
Where: the bar
When: (backdated) Afternoon Christmas Day right after his arrival
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
Price of freedom? )

Jan. 12th, 2010


Who: The Joker tagging L.
When: Now!
Where: Somewhere in the halls...
Rating: Undecided.
Status: Incomplete.

Let's play a game. )
Tags: ,

Jan. 11th, 2010


Rod? Just Rod?

Who: Rod and Greeter.
What: Entering the hotel.
When: Now!
Where: The lobby.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

Yes. Just Rod. In tradition of Cher. )

Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Abigail Chase - Bartolo aka Puss in Boots
What: On her way to their room to find Ben
Where: From the restaurant, through the lobby, up the elevator... ;)
When: Right after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Sometimes it helped talking to someone, another woman, who could be objective. )

Jan. 4th, 2010


One room, two vamps - a recipe for a long hot southern night. . .

Who: Eric Northman and Bill Compton
When: the same night as this
Where:Room B10
What:In which Bill learns that he has an unexpected roommate
Status/Rating: Complete/R

Just when you think you've found paradise, then you find the damn serpent.... and you know that he's up to no good by the sound of his rattle )


Who: Ron Weasley and greeter
When: Morning, today
Where: The Burrow, then the lobby
What: Arrival
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

someone's gotta go... )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


Who: Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman
What: Eric makes known that he is here
Where: Hotel lobby
When: Today, night
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

I hear them getting closer/Their howls are sending chills down my spine/And time is running out now,/They're coming down the hills from behind )


Who: Bill Weasley - Rogue
What: Going to his room
Where: Lobby, Elevator and up to his room
When: Right after this.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

He hummed a little muggle rock song as he pressed the elevator button. )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Merry Christmas, Doctor

Who: Jo Grant and Doctor Three
What: Gift giving
Where: Their suite
When: Backdated to Christmas day
Rating: G probably
Status: Ongoing

Merry merrily )


Who: Edward and Alice Cullen
What: Chatting about the wedding/ catching up
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Alice's room

Edward was on cloud nine. Bella had agreed to marry him. He knew Alice already knew about the news, but he couldn't resist going to celebrate. Therefore, early in the morning, while Bella still slept, Edward crept from the room. He left Bella a note, letting her know where he was so she wouldn't worry, then headed to Alice's room. He knew she was lonely without Jasper, and so tried to visit her as much as possible - particularly when Bella was sleeping, as neither he nor Alice did much of that.

Arriving at her door, he knocked. He smirked to himself, surprised she had let him get that far in the first place.


Enter Bill Weasley

Who: Bill Weasley - Nick Charles
What: Entering the Hotel
Where: the Burrow and the Lobby of the Hotel
When: Today, morning
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

After a little discussion about the length of his hair and the earring he always wore he went outside, but not before giving his mother a kiss on the forehead and telling her that he loved her. )


Who: Fred and George Weasley and greeter
When: Morning
Where: The lobby
What: Arrival
Rating: G probably
Status: incomplete

Cayenne curry? )

Dec. 29th, 2009


Who: Dr McCoy and Spock
What: Arrival
Where: Lobby
When: Afternoon Christmas Day
Status: Complete

Not a Country Doc )


Who: Elena and OTA
Where: Around the hotel.
Rating: TBD

Having been to her room Elena decided to look around and hopefully find a way to get home. She took a look in the mirror and saw the cuts and scrapes. She sighed at least she didn't have to worry about Stefan seeing her and wanting to feed. Or even seeing Damon. Since neither one of them were there.

She sighed and walked out of her room. "May as well look around." she said to herself as she walked the halls. She made her way to the main floor and looked around. It was interesting and she honestly wondered why she'd never known it was there before. She walked through the halls exploring her surroundings. She knew she'd been told that she couldn't go home or even call but she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and tried to find service. She'd call Bonnie and Bonnie would come get her.

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June 2010



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