January 19th, 2010

[info]tunafishbrains in [info]hannibals_hotel

A couple of years and I'm a silhouette. My halo is broken, Now I'm all that's left.

Who: Sylar and Greeter
Where: The lobby.
When: Yesterday at 9 pm.
What: Sylar lost his fight with Peter, Claire, HRG, Matt Parkman, Jessica/Nikki and Hiro
Warnings: Suprised and confused Sylar does not make a happy Sylar, so greeter will probably find themselves against the wall with a very not happy killer. D: Good luck. :'D; Also, there's spoilers for first season of Heroes. ♥ Some violence, too.

Hate to disappoint but it's the way things went. I was blind to the things I did, and deaf to what was said. )