August 2015




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Jan. 24th, 2014


Who: Ginny Weasley and Michael Corner
What: Researching and stuff
Where: Home base at the community center
When: Friday afternoon
Why: Because Ginny is determined to help
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Research is not my forte )

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Hard Day

Who: Harry & Ginny
What: Harry needs cheering up, Ginny needs something to take her mind off things
Where: Ginny/Hermione's house (a popular location... hope Hermione doesn't mind)
When: The evening after Harry spends all day pouring out his soul to Teddy and then Remus.. it's hard work, people

this ordinary man who loves you might be as good as I get )

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Owls to people.

Sent to Gideon )

Sent to Harry )

Sent to Ginny )

Dec. 26th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
What: Hanging out and stuff
Where: Ginny and Hermione's House
When: Friday late afternoon
Why: Why not?
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

And I've glimpsed the future and there's no one I'd rather spend it with than you )

Dec. 25th, 2013


Gifts from Hannah to Albus, Alice, Amelia, Analisa, Charity, Draco, Ernie, Frank, Frankie, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Justin, Katie, Lavender, Michael, Ron, Sally, Susan

[I will try to get Romilda and Rodolphus up today. I've been working on getting this one done for 3 hours. Stupid spotty extended network on top of a mountain.]

Dec. 24th, 2013


christmas gifts!





[if it's not clear who they're for, check the cut tags in each of their journals. and if i forgot ANY i'm so sorry. if you think your character should've gotten a gift, they probably did, and i'm just a human who errs. any forgotten peeps get stuff they'd like!]

Dec. 25th, 2013


Ginny's Gift

Dear Ginny,

A little explanation first before you open your gift.

I know that its still weird for you that I have all these memories that you don't.

I can't fix that, but maybe I could try and share some of them with you.

Anyway I thought I'd give it a go, because Al has to get it from somewhere, right?

Turns out he doesn't get it from me. But he did help me get it looking slightly less than awful.

I ask only that if you hate it, you try to spare my feelings.

I love you.

your Harry.

~*-Our Story-*~ )

Warning: Image Heavy!

Nov. 28th, 2013


Who: Harry & Ginny
When: Wednesday night
Where: Ginny & Hermione's place
What: A dinner date.. some potentially awkward conversation

Go gentle through your life If you want me I'll be there )

Nov. 17th, 2013


Who: Ginny and Remus
What: Lunch!
Where: Remus and Tonks's house
When: BACKDATED: to Saturday afternoon
Why: Because Ginny likes to check in before the full-moon
Rating: Probably low
Status: Incomplete

Some ailments can't be cured, but comfort food never hurt anyone )

Nov. 13th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
What: Reunion and explanations
Where: Quidditch Pitch to start and then probably Ginny and Hermione's House
When: Shortly after Harry arrives at the village
Why: Because she's missed him and he needs to be filled in
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Just once, can't something normal happen? )

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Sep. 5th, 2013


Happy Birthday, Colin.

There is more stuff under here. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Tuesday Food/Entertainment Meeting

[ENTERTAINMENT & FOOD WARD] Alice, Andromeda, Bee, Ginny, Hannah, Isabella, Katie, Molly I, Myrtle, Narcissa, Rose, Sally-Ann, Sally, Tonks
Note: All assignments not previously decided or requested were done via random number generator.

Assignments for the day are given out as follows.
Work Crews: Crew 1 will spend the day constructing the fire pits and kitchen area. Crew 2 will focus on transfiguring tables, chairs and other items need for the dining area.
Crew 1: Sally, Alice, Andromeda, Molly, Rose, Hannah
Crew 2: Tonks, Ginny, Bee, Isabella, Katie, Myrtle, Narcissa, Sally-Ann

Meal Crews (these assignments last through Friday)
Meal leaders will be creating their own menu starting tomorrow.
Breakfast: Hannah, Alice, Bee, Myrtle
Lunch: Sally, Katie, Narcissa, Rose, Sally-Ann
Dinner: Molly, Ginny, Andromeda, Isabella, Tonks

Tonks and Rose are given time to discuss their idea of movie night and a break area.
Ginny is given time to discuss her idea of team competitions.
All team members not heading up a meal time or an entertainment section are asked to volunteer to help with either movies, break area, or competitions.

Aug. 30th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
What: A Walk
Where: Amid the rubble.
When: Sometime after This
Why: Because they haven't had any alone time yet
Rating: I guess we'll find out
Status: Incomplete

Walk this way )

Aug. 27th, 2013


Eff Those Monsters!

WHO: Mike Corner, Merlin, & anyone 17+
WHAT: Eff demons, time for a little fun.
WHERE: By the lake.
WHEN: Tuesday 8 p.m. until laaaaate!
NOTE: IC only please.

Mike told several people that he wanted a "I fought a demon and won" shirt, but that did not mean the hellish events didn't take a toll on him. Like others, he too remembered the Final Battle at Hogwarts. Going through a bloody war again had not been part of Mike's plans. Hell, the village was not in his plans, but no one got through life without a few hiccups. Still, the last week didn't just remind Mike of the war. No, the Wizarding War involved a man who used dark magic for evil. The Village War? What the bloody hell was that? Mike told himself it didn't matter. They defeated the damn thing. It was how he blocked out the memories of Alecto torturing him all those years ago. He boxed it up and pushed it deep down inside him. Of course, blocking dark memories was easier when alcohol was involved.

He spent the majority of the day scouring the town for booze. It was no easy feat considering the damage, but Mike saw the cans and bottles he found as a reward for cleaning up the blasted rubble, glass, dirt, and whatever the fuck else was around. By the end of the afternoon, he had a nice variety of drinks he used magic to duplicate, mix, and replenish. Mike Corner succeeded in NEWT potions for a reason!

He was reluctant to leave his brewing and mixing so when he noticed Merlin was only a few feet away, he seized the opportunity. He didn't know him too well, but Mike thought Merlin seemed like someone who was up for a party. "Hey, Merlin!" He called. Other villagers might have fawned over the medieval crew, but Mike saw them as just people. Some he liked, some he didn't. Who cared if they were from the past? Did everyone like all the future kids just because they were from the bloody future? No, Mike didn't think so. However, he thought Merlin might be up his alley. "I think it is time for a party, what do you say, mate?"

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and Albus Potter
What: Love and Cuddles and Grief
Where: Alastor Moody's Home for the physically and mentally ill
When: Friday Afternoon
Why: Because Ginny has lost a son, a husband, a niece and several friends in a week. She needs some cuddles.
Rating: Lowish. Ginny will definitely might swear a lot bit.
Status: Complete

Even the strong fall down sometimes. Even the proud can cry )


Who: Ginny Weasley and Lily Luna Potter
What: Checking in on the patient
Where: Alastor Moody's Home for the invalid
When: Friday Morning
Why: Because Ginny needs company and Lilu needs to check on her mum
Rating: Lowish. Ginny's mouth is not something for children to be listening to.
Status: Incomplete

Stand by me, when you're not strong )


Who: Ginny Weasley and Fleur Delacour
What: Slowly recovering
Where: Alastor Moody's Home for the bewildered
When: Several Hours after the big baddie was killed.
Why: Because Ginny isn't up for journals but wants to do stuff.
Rating: Lowish. Expect some cursing.
Status: Complete

And all our demons, they'll come for us one day. )

Aug. 19th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and OPEN
What: Blind rage and swordplay
Where: Not far from the Community Center
When: Late afternoon/Early Evening on the Fifth Day
Why: Because Ginny has a lot of feelings she needs to deal with. Violently.
Rating: Medium for violence
Status: Open/Incomplete

Hell hath no fury )

Aug. 18th, 2013


Who Neville and Ginny
Where Near the castle
What Fending off monsters and making Neville be not!dead
When Right after his arrival
Rating Likely low

and the walls kept tumbling down )

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