August 2015




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Jul. 28th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and Lily Luna Potter
What: Baby shopping and bonding
Where: around the village
When: Saturday afternoon

Knock, Knock )

Jul. 12th, 2013


Who: Lily Luna Potter and Percy Weasley
What: Family bonding, lunch and chess.
Where: Outside by the lake under some trees.
When: Backdated to Tuesday around noon.

... )

Jun. 23rd, 2013



Who: All of Scorpius' friends and family.
What: slightly belated birthday party!
Where: The Potter-Malfoy residence (Cabin 40).
When: Saturday Evening.

The Birthday Party for one Scorpius Malfoy )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Pretend this was up way earlier...


May. 21st, 2013


Who: Scorpius Malfoy & Lily Luna Potter
What: Lily and Polaris are back and Scorpius is flailing.
When: Tuesday morning. Early, early morning.
Where: Their cottage
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. )

Apr. 14th, 2013


Who: Scorpius and Lily Malfoy
What: Things and stuff.
When: Saturday night
Where: Their cottage
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

''Through chaos as it swirls, it's us against the world.'' )

Mar. 14th, 2013


Lily Luna's Birthday

WHAT: Scorpius threw Lily a surprise party. Since he cannot post, baby brother will fill in! Go ahead and leave who showed, presents, etc.

Cut for picture )

Mar. 10th, 2013


[Presents given to Remus throughout the day, or at his little surprise party.]
From Lilu )
From Teddy )
From Hestia )

Feb. 28th, 2013


Who: Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter
What: Astoria is gone and Scorpius is upset. And tired. And needs Lilu, tyvm.
When: Backdated; Wednesday morning, February 27th.
Where: Their house.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

They come in all quiet, sweep up and then they leave, and you don't hear a single floor board creak. )

Feb. 5th, 2013


Al & Lily Luna

WHO: Albus Severus & Lily Luna
WHAT: Snuggle times because I said so.
WHERE: His tree house.
STATUS: Threading

Peeing in the woods was not the most fun Albus had all year. Everyone kept asking about the cold, but he was pretty good with his warming charms and he had plenty of blankets. He also brought plenty of snacks from the grocer. The loo issue? Not as easily solved. Still, the alone time was good for him. People seemed to think he was angry, but he was not. Not really. He was frustrated, confused, and did not know where he fit in all the new developments, but that was nothing new. Al always felt out of place. He was not quite Potter or Weasley, but someone who saw the world in an all-encompassing way that just ripped him apart sometimes. It seemed when he spoke, people thought him either naive or spoiled. Could he be both? Probably. He hated upsetting people, especially people he loved. He needed the time away. He could read, write, draw, and get all his emotion out on paper.

He did not think about the magic he played with earlier. He had not done it since he arrived, but the urge had been too great when his journal exploded. Now? He was just tired. And alone.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Backdated to Christmas day

Christmas gifts from Fred )

Dec. 25th, 2012


Holiday Presents

For Lily Luna Potter )
For Astoria Greengrass )
For Cressida Malfoy )
For Albus Potter )
For Draco Malfoy )
For Mr. & Mrs. Harry Potter )
For Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Weasley )
For Mr. & Mrs. Lucius Malfoy )
For Bellatrix Black )
For Rose Weasley )

Dec. 24th, 2012


Weasley-Potter Family (Including Hermione, Sirius, Remus, Teddy, and Tonks) )

Gifts for Fred )

For Helga, Trish, Alicia, Angelina, Katie, McGoogles, and Cho )

For Roxy )

For Draco )

Secret Santa for Lavender Brown )


christmas gifts!

From: Lavender Brown
To: Parvati & Padma Patil, Ernie MacMillan, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Rabastan Lestrange & Edgar Bones (Secret Santa)


From: Rose Weasley
To: All Potters & Weasleys, Scorpius & Helga Hufflepuff (Secret Santa)


Dec. 6th, 2012


Welcome to Winterfest!

Today we're celebrating six months in the village!
Winding throughout the village's market district, from the bridge all the way to the Quidditch pitch, various booths have been set up for all the participants. In a large empty spot, between Brews & Bottoms and the Nightclub, a stage has been set up for various performances, including karaoke, a weapons demonstration, and all sorts of other things. Set up at evenly-spaced checkpoints throughout the line of booths are food and beverage stands. At sunset there will be fireworks, courtesy of the Weasley twins, and some other fun displays. Enjoy!


This works like all our other IC/OOC thread blends! The comments are all up! I've set them up by the booth and who is running said booth/section, so that you'll know who's in charge. Of course, anyone is welcome to interact anywhere they want with whomever. Have at it, folks! /Turning off email notifications.

Nov. 13th, 2012


Owl Post.


Nov. 5th, 2012


Who: Little!Ginny and Lilu
What: There is a strange guy in a strange bed in a strange house....
When: Morning of November 5th
Where: Potter Cottage

Ron smelled, cause that's what six year old boys did. )

Oct. 16th, 2012


Who: Harry & Lily Luna Potter
What: Making the new place a little more cosy.
Where: Cabin 32
When: Tuesday, during the day
Rating/Status: TBDRead more... )

Sep. 10th, 2012


Who: Scorpius and Lily
When: Monday, 10 September, after dinner
What: trying to get a TV thing working, oh, and snuggling
Where: Scor's room
Rating: PG-13?

Why would a rabbit's ears help with this thing? )

Aug. 11th, 2012


{Delivered is a plate of pistachio cupcakes and a music box that’s charmed to play a collection of Ginny’s favorite songs]

Happy birthday Mum,

Hope everything goes really well for you today. Wish Jamie were here


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