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September 4th, 2015



RP: Consolation

Who: Katie and Oliver
What: Kate tries to comfort Oliver after a quidditch match
Where: Oliver's house
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: should be SFW Borders on NSFW; sexual activity
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Fic: Robe shopping

Who: Dora and OPEN

What: Shopping

Where: The Alleys

When: late afternoon

Rating: SFW at least for now

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Journal - Thoughts

[Warded to Lucy]

Thank you very much for the tarts. You made me


Rest of the entry looks suspiciously blotchy in places. Like it has been cried on.

Can't settle to anything well. Feel like I'm missing a limb. How did we do this in fifth year? I can't- we never not like this.

[Warded private]

I don't know how much more of this I can take. I feel like part of me is missing. God it's not even because I love him, it's because he's my best friend. And maybe we got a bit co-dependant but for fuck's sake we all got damaged in the stupid fucking war and we help each other out and keep each other going. And I don't know how to do that without him. I haven't had to do that without him. Even when he was travelling we were still talking.

How are we not talking properly? I feel strangled every time I'm near him. I want to apologise but I don't know how to do it. I can't tell him. He'd never talk to me again.

I have to apologise. Properly.

That means I have to visit Aunt Rose. I don't want to do it, but I can't just drop in there and borrow the fruit and leave a note like I would from Mum. And I know Mum doesn't have any steeping.

Shit I can't even remember if he'll get it. That it's special.

What the fuck can I write? I can't just leave it.

I can't-



If anyone has an interest in abstract let me know. They're all depressing as hell though.