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July 12th, 2015



Journal Marietta

Today has been wonderful. I had absolutely no where to be. I've spent all day curled up on the couch with my new Sudoku book with the wireless instrumental playing quietly in the background.

Good thing I got to relax considering I have an early shift at the shop in the morning. We'll be stocking the new sets of school books in anticipation of yearly Hogwarts owls.

Romilda )



Owl to Ron Weasley

Owl to Ron )

Battlescars Journal: Anonymous

I don't think I've slept for more than an hour since Tuesday and it's just physical exhaustion that makes me do that. I can't hardly get out of bed, but every time I close my eyes all I see is... Well, bad things.

Has anyone figured a way to cope, yet?

Journal: notes to Alicia & Seamus

[Warded to Alicia] -- Alicia, is the Foundation doing anything for the Muggle fundraising efforts to support the victims of last week? I was thinking of hosting a party fundraiser, pro bono of course.

[Warded to Seamus] -- Seamus, I'm thinking I'd like to plan and host a fundraiser for the Muggle donation efforts for last week's victims, and I was hoping you wouldn't mind if we had it at the Pub? I was thinking of getting some local bands to play, maybe even a bigger name, and collecting donations via sponsorships, tickets, and crowd buckets at the event. What do you think?