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June 1st, 2015



Journal: Blaise

I have been stuck going through prototypes that have been sent in and diligently trying to actually find some that are worth testing with the public. We got so many ideas during the event in Hogsmeade that I've barely been able to lift my head. With that stated I have two propositions.

One: I have been given lee way to hire an assistant for what looks to be a budding new department within Gobstones. Not only will we have oversight now of current clubs but also certification of new stones that will be approved for production and deemed legal for upcoming matches.

Two: I have been locked away in my office for so long I think I've forgotten what color the sky is supposed to be. Therefore I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off to do some flying. Anyone care to join me?

Journal: calling all tinker'ers

Who can help a wizard out? I'm desperate for a telly in my house. I just can't keep popping up to Mum & Dad's when I want to watch the same movies over and over again or binge on bad muggle shows. I'm not the master of electronics and magic that I need to be, though. Anyone with any ideas? I know it exists, can I just go buy one? Where?

Journal: Sales

Sales this week at McLaggen's...

⚐ Half off on sets of mini Gobstones for travel games.
⚐ 25% off of flying gloves & goggles.

As it's Summer holidays now, be sure to bring in the kids and stock up on things to keep them busy until school starts back!