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May 29th, 2015




Who: Bryony and Astoria
What: Lunch, conversation
Where: Rosa Lee Teabag, Diagon Alley
When: Thursday may 28th, afternoon [backdated]
Rating: Probably SFW

I'm warning you we're growing up )




I'm having a surreal moment. My youngest sisters are now of age. I can't believe it.

In other news, the idea I had a couple weeks ago is starting to come together a little bit more. There are still some people I need to talk with, but I'm hopeful.

That's Delaney on bottom and Aileen on top.



Sore Loser?

Who: Seamus and Draco
What: Checking in
Where: The Roost
When: Post chess match, Thursday 29th May [backdated]
Rating: SFW for now

We're old enough by now to take care of each other )



Come upstairs...

Who: Seamus and Dean
What: Tipsy Seamus wants to have dinner with his best mate
Where: Finnigan's / Seamus's Flat
When: Friday 29th May, evening
Rating: SFW for now. There might be language later.

Some may call us fools you know and that we can't deny )



Journal: Emma Dobbs

I got home from work to change before I go out for the evening and there was my fish DEAD.

RIP Kermit. Gone to the fishbowl in the sky.