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April 23rd, 2015



Journal: Astoria Greengrass

Oh my goodness! I was working on a blanket, and I noticed two rounds later that there's a messed up stitch! And I can't just wave my wand and fix it magically because of how the yarn is connected and knotted together. (I've tried before. It makes the mess bigger instead of fixing it entirely.) No no. It has to be entirely unraveled and redone. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't at the very beginning of a round two rounds back! That's hundreds of stitches and hours of work for nothing! The only good thing here is I can use magic to unravel the yarn and wind it into balls. But it's just so frustrating when things like this happen on a project, especially because I was almost done with it, too.

Once this yarn is unraveled and wound up, I'm going to have some tea.



Journal - Birthday

Pen-blwydd Hapus i Mi!

Celebrations will happen after our match on Saturday, and will coincide with celebrating being top of the table, assuming we all manage to pull our fingers out of our arses in an appropriate way.

As many of the team as I can convince will be at an appropriate watering hole.



RP: House Call?

Who: Dennis and Terry

What: Hanging out, doing things

Where: Dennis' flat

When: Thursday evening

Rating: SFW???

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