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March 28th, 2015



Game Night Kick Off

Who: Marietta, Lucy, Melinda, Rose (their partners if they choose to bring one) and OPEN to all others to observe
What: Game night kick off
Where: Finnigan's Roost
When: Saturday evening
Rating: That depends on how the subthreads go

Marietta arrived a little early with the supplies for the tasks in tow. The room was set up exactly as she had imagined it would be. There was a bar with the drink supplies for the three drinks they'd settled upon readily available. A set of tables for the first task, a circular course for the second, and a clear spot on the floor for the final. She'd heard from a few individuals that they were looking forward to the evening. Marietta could only hope that others would come as well.



Journal: Blaise

Private to Genie )

I spent today in Scotland helping one of their local clubs reorganize. Therefore, I am taking Monday night off. Therefore, I need someone to take the lead for Monday night's club at Finnigan's.