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March 25th, 2015



Dellivery - Owl to Pandora


I've got a job for you if you're interested. Escort an agent transporting diamonds from Antwerp to Gringott's in London on Thurday morning. I'll provide the portkeys, and I'm charging them double for the lack of advanced notice, so you'll pocket a nice bit of brass on the deal.




Job Prospects

Who: Lucy and Richard
What: Talking about employment options
Where: Office of International Exports LTD
When: Wednesday 25th March, 1.30pm
Rating: SFW

For service and devotion you would think that I would deserve a fat promotion )



[No Subject]

I've been talking with Seamus about instituting a game night of sorts. We've discussed and have an outline for what I think will be a fun kick off event. So grab a partner and head on over to Finnigan's this Saturday evening for a bit of a challenge and some dessert drinks. Small entry fee to cover the cost of alcohol. I'm hoping for a good turn out. There will be a sign up sheet on the wall by the door to the Roost between now and Saturday at noon. If you can't find a partner don't worry singles can sign up and be paired for the night of the event.

Winning pair gets a dessert drink named after them and added to the menu for an amount of time determined by Finnigan.

Wave your wand to see details of the event.