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December 13th, 2014



Journal -- small party?

Going to have a little get together on the 17th at Rich's place to celebrate me doing cool things well.

Who wants to come? Mils, Pansy, Tristan, Julian? I haven't had a housewarming thing, I know, and though this will be at Rich's and relatively low key, we can pretend I'm hosting it or something?



Journal Justin

So.. Holidays. I wish the ER wasn't so busy this time of the year, but then again if it wasn't busy I'd get bored. Or maybe I should find a new place to work? Like in Poisons? Or Accidents?

Do you have anything planned for Christmas?



Journal: Michael

I have made Pepper-Up enough to make sure I don't have to brew any until next week. Now I should make sure that the kid is actually working, the other day I found him taking his sweet time making the sweeping so he wouldn't have to help with the inventory. I swear sometimes they just don't know how lucky they are

I need to escape and do something.

I hate Holidays.



[No Subject]

So!! I've got the house!! Technically I'm buying it and everything and I'm leasing it to her until March so she can have time to move. Her new flat isn't ready yet and I don't mind extending my move until then, so everyone's happy.

I brought Donny over though and he loved the place. This is going to be fantastic! We'll move my Greenhouses in April or May once the weather is warm enough not to kill all the stuff I have in there.




(Writing is very scrawled)

MOTHERfucking yes! 2nd in time for Xmas break.

Celebratinng tonight.

And I got tickets for the Bourne Swan Lake on Tuesday

Life is good.