Posts Tagged: 'vevina'

Jan. 26th, 2018



voice wisp: aelius → everyone

[Wisps spin through the feast, each positively bouncing. A burbling giggle issues from the pulsing ball of light, and the wisp curls into the shape of a flower.

A second later, Aelius' excited voice spills from the wisp.]

Lords and Ladies and those yet undefined by form, mortals from hither and yon, the Frost Maiden with the Black Ice Smile and I are pleased to introduce you to... to someone new.

[Another happy sound.]

The newborn Lord of New Blooms, Summer's Sweet Scent. Alair. [His voice is soft and full of wonder.] His mother would prefer you not send gifts or even congratulations, and may kill you if you try to touch him, and I may simply melt you to slag on the spot, but you're welcome to stop by and say hello.

From a safe distance.

I'm sure our glorious Queen will understand if we murder you on accident.

Jan. 17th, 2018



voice wisp: aelius → everyone

So here's what I'm thinking.

[Aelius leading with that? We all know he's not really thinking.]

We split into teams, randomly assigned. One team builds a gingerbread castle. [Aelius, no.] An actual castle that you can walk inside. Has rooms, hallways, traps, whatever. Castle. Team build. [Aelius, please.] Maybe add some defensive capabilities like sentient gingerbread turrets that shoot hardened gumdrops. [Aelius, stop.]

And then team two, they also have gingerbread. But it's a gingerbread army, right? [Aelius, what.] And the army? The army tries to get through the gingerbread turrets and defenses to the heart of the castle. If a single combatant makes it there, then the two teams converge and there's a massive battle.


Toy guns and candy cane swords. Maybe the Castle Lord fights on the side of the Castle Team to defeat the Invading Team or something. Winners get bragging rights.



Jan. 7th, 2018



Sleigh bells ring

Who: Erevos & Vevina
What: Palling around
Where: The feast
When: After this
Warnings: None.

Are you listening? )

Jan. 3rd, 2018




[ Mirror: Vevina → Eiran ]

[ A voice wisp might have sufficed, but Vevina decides a mirror - a bi of face to face - is more appropriate. Seated at her desk, arms crossed on the surface, she smiles into the mirror. ]

If you're busy, I'll ring you at a time of your choosing.

[ Voice wisp: Vevina → Erevos ]

Did you get them? [ By 'them' Vevina means the dozen Death statutes she's promised delivered by sprite express. The figurines had ranged in style from stately to bobble head. ]

Dec. 31st, 2017


voice wisp ---> everyone.

[ Her voice sounds bewildered, she's attempting to keep her composure but it's fraying around the edges. ]

Where... am I?

[ She bumps into something decidedly not human, and this, after having wandered lost in the forest for a few hours before finding the gala, cracks the final shred of her composure.]

Who---or rather what are all of you?!

[ Her wisp trembles, then Claire takes a breath to steady herself. This is not the best way to make a first impression, with fear and insult laced through her tone. ]

I.. I am sorry. I'm trying to locate my siblings and... so much of this is beyond my comprehension.

Dec. 20th, 2017



Voice wisp: Vevina → Everyone

Hello, my darlings. I've been working on something since I arrived and I thought that I might share it with all of you. Please compliment them well, these sprites have worked hard for this performance.

[ There's a pause, a rustle, and then a rising chorus of tiny chatter that could be words, but they speak so fast that picking out any word is next to impossible. ]

Calm down, my tiny loves, you'll get your treats, but first....

[ Suddenly the chaotic chatter dies down into a soft, melodic hum of many in tune voices that grow into perfection. ]

Thank you, lovelies. I do hope you all enjoy this. I think we could use a little more music at this party, yes?

[ The sprites begin to sing and those familiar with the human world might find a few familiar songs in a lilting chorus that mimics human voice but with an otherworldly quality. Those fae used to such things will recognize some of the songs as Sovan's creations. Those inclined towards sweet feelings towards a particular individual might find their thoughts gently turned in the direction of that person (or persons) for whom they hold such feelings. However, the suggestion is a gentle one.]

song list )

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.

Dec. 17th, 2017



voice wisp: raana → everyone

[The wisps come bearing presents, each carrying a heart, uniquely beautiful, lovingly carved, exquisitely crafted.

Her voice is low and soft, heavy-laden with honeyed desire and the weighty blanket of satisfaction. Each word is a gentle purr, a lover's croon.]

I am much too much, my power made complete. To bear it alone would be a sin, even among those of us who believe in so such thing.

Take it, beloved. To each of you, a piece of me.

[Each heart contains a core of throbbing light, crystalline and iridescent. Shifting, writhing, it maintains no shape and shifts through them all. A piece of Raana's power, crystallized in light, made incandescent by Niall. A gift without price or expectation. Passion in the palm of your hand, should you choose to take it.]



Voice wisp: Vevina → Merry

Tell me what happened, love.

[ Vevina's voice is quiet but steady now. The volume solely determined by the sleeper currently curled up on her. ]

Dec. 15th, 2017



voice wisp: Vevina → Faiella, Doran, Eiran

[ Her voice is low and uncharacteristically subdued. ]

Have any of you seen him? Is he all right?

[ Merry told her about the punishment and while that is alarming, it's not all that has her worried by a long shot. ]

Dec. 14th, 2017



Wisp: Merry ->Everyone

[Her voice is flat. Distant]

I think I've been navigating the strange that constantly breaks off and tumbles toward me so often, fairly.

There is always a distinct feeling that I've seen it all before. But it is always right on the edge. Memories, existence, dreams.

I can't sleep.

Wisp:Merry-> Vevina

[Her voice is distressed.]

I need....I...He told me to go. To leave him. To leave the Gala.

Wisp:Merry-> Niall

[She's hesitant. Very unlike her. }

Destiny hopefully knocks on the door at the right time

Dec. 13th, 2017




[ Voice Wisp: Vevina → Everyone ]

Hello, my darlings. [ Her voice slips lightly, soothingly over the wisp. ] I hope you all had a splendid time across the threshold of whatever door - or doors - you chose. In the lack of faces and names, we are given a greater chance for something new and bold. May that grace has touched us all.

[ Written Wisp: Vevina → "Just a Tiny Spark" ]
Read more... )

[ Written Wisp: Vevina → "The Fog Settles" ]
Read more... )

Dec. 12th, 2017




[ His voice projects evenly; a shadowy, stoic quality to it. There is a trace of some unnamed emotion lingering beneath the surface. He's been gone a long while, and there are repercussions to that - some pleasant, some complicated. ]

It's been quite some time. I'm in need of a drink, and to be told a story. The ones that are true are far more compelling.

Would anyone care to indulge me?

Dec. 7th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
In the interest of what we call fairness, I'm going to give to give the most recent, and most foolish, book thief the benefit of the doubt. Do return the copy of On Virtues and Lessons and you can continue to keep you skin upon your body.

Otherwise, I do have a fair amount of books to rebind.

Dec. 6th, 2017



WHO: Vevina & Merry
WHAT: One fae is having an overflow of emotions.
WHEN: Some point before the anon event
WHERE: Near the feast
WARNINGS: Vev is gonna be so happy it probably needs a sugar warning.

The feeling in her heart did not know things like boundaries right now )



voice wisp: arthur → everyone

[He really hates doing these, he hates drawing attention to himself at all, but needs must. So for now he’ll try to be short and to the point and hopefully that will work.]

Would anyone happen to know if there is a gramophone hidden somewhere here? I know that some machines don’t function well, but surely one of the older ones with a crank...

[The wisp trails off, uncertain. He really, really hates these sometimes.]

It isn’t necessary, of course, I simply thought it might be rather easier than trying to hunt down a full jazz ensemble.

Dec. 5th, 2017



WIsp: Lir -> Everyone except Georgie

I need help finding flowers in winter.

It's for a good cause, I assure you.

Please, I beseech you, help me.

Dec. 1st, 2017




[ Text: Vevina → Miss Georgianna Holmwood ]

[ In a flash of cheerful light, the wisps unrolls itself like a parchment. Upon it, graceful letters curl and swoop with playful elegance. ]

Dear Miss Holmwood,

I've not had the pleasure of formally meeting you thus far, and felt it time to rectify the situation. I am Vevina of the Seelie Court and I'd be delighted and honored both if you'd join me by one of the fires at your leisure. Look for me near the swarming sprites. I promise to have plenty of hot cocoa at the ready in exchange for your company.

With love and warmth,


[ Voice: Vevina → Dyspiro ]

Dyspiro, are you perchance available for a short talk?

Nov. 30th, 2017



Voice Wisp: Lir → Aelius, Niall, Raana, Vevina, Ranvir, any friend I'm forgetting but not Georgie.

[Lir is mortified for lack of a better word. He thinks he's done something terrible and offensive. The rules are that he is not supposed to hurt anyone but he feels he has. His voice is worried. Not quite in a panic...but definitely unsure what he could have possibly done to instill such a hurried, terrible reaction]

She ran away...She fell off of me and chided me for taking liberties. Of course, I did... And, she had the liberty to do the same.

I hope I didn't hurt her. I've never seen someone screech and take flight from anyone so quickly.

Nov. 21st, 2017



MIRROR: Aelius → Vevina

[A mirror, because a mirror allows her to see his face. He's spent a good ten minutes beating himself up for being an ass, and so he leads with the only right words:]

I want to apologize.