Posts Tagged: 'etain'

Jul. 20th, 2014



Voice Wisp → Everyone

[Uaine's voice is quiet.]

I wish that I could tell you all not to speak, but that would be disobeying our King and that's not wise. He's terrifying.

[the wisp makes a slight 'eep' noise]



A Voice Wisp: Regan → Everyone

[She is snarly, and angry, smacking her lips a moment after eating the confectionery.]

I will bloody well pay someone to sew my lips together until this thing passes.

Jul. 8th, 2014


Voice Wisp: Etain → Tristan

How was the party for you, my love?

Jul. 6th, 2014


Voice Wisp → Etain

Still bored?
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Jun. 23rd, 2014


Wisp: Etain → Mael

I sometimes wonder if being patient is all that it's cracked up to be.
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Jun. 22nd, 2014



Wisp: Maverick → Everyone

Who's ready to have some fun?

Jun. 18th, 2014


Wisp: Etain → Everyone

The dungeons are quite lonely this time of day. A pity given the amount of potential these rooms hold.

Jun. 13th, 2014


Wisp: Etain → Tristan

[Her voice is sweet as sugar, positively dripping with saccharine.]

I was thinking about something, my dear.

Jun. 12th, 2014


Wisp: Etain → Everyone

And now, somehow, I find myself bored.

And boredom, as we all know, is a very dangerous thing, particularly in my case.

Does anyone care to amuse me?

Jun. 9th, 2014




I do hope everyone's had adequate time to explore the poetry of their new bodies? I'd be quite happy to aid any 'ladies' who have yet to experience the exquisite beauty of their new forms.

Jun. 7th, 2014



WISP: Sarah ---> Everyone

[The voice is practically booming, quaking with incredulous anger.]

What. The actual. FUCK.


May. 27th, 2014


Wisp: Etain → Tristan

[It comes floating to him on a breeze, a whisper that is as gentle as it is dangerous.]

I request your presence at your earliest convenience.

May. 15th, 2014



WHAT: Sketchings and general artistry.
WHEN: After asking Etain and Stell to be models.
WHERE: In the gardens.
WARNINGS: None yet.
Note: Feel free to tag in even if someone else is already here!

she studied one of the trees and came to the disconcerting conclusion it was growing upside down )



wisp: olivia → everyone

[Her script is that of an architect's, blocky and square though still decidedly feminine.]

So just to clarify: we've been summoned from all across time by the Fairy Queen, dumped into her palace for her and her husand? consort? people's? amusement; we can have anything we want; we're surrounded by more pretty people than exist in all of LA; and we can be here for hundreds of years without aging?

May. 14th, 2014


Wisp: Etain --> Tristan

[Voice Wisp to Tristan]

Tristan, darling, where are you hiding?



wisp halis > everyone

[Everyone gets the wisp not because he likes anyone at this bloody tragedy but because he wants everyone to see his displeasure. Given that his chicken scratch handwriting is on a level with human doctors, though not quite that bad, it's possible no one will.]

Marvelous. Another party. You'd think they'd get tired of them.

May. 7th, 2014



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