Posts Tagged: 'anthony+bishop'

Aug. 20th, 2014



voice: olivia → everyone

I'm kind of surprised by how much I'm going to miss most of you. It's been fun. Sometimes disturbing, but mostly fun.

Fiach, you and the other fae can take the portraits I'm leaving in my garden. There are a lot. They might be... growing.

For all you humans staying here, fuck some more fairies for me. For those who aren't sticking around, like me, if you want a support group my number is 867-555-5309.

Aug. 9th, 2014



WHO: Anthony and Fiach
WHAT: Running into each other by chance, they have a conversation while looking for Olivia.
WHEN: Recently-ish.
WHERE: The Palace.
WARNINGS: Flirting, casual implications.

It was a sort of desperate selflessness Fiach was unfamiliar with, and he wondered just what kind of person she would be willing to do that for. )

Jul. 9th, 2014



Who Regan Kavanagh, Anthony Bishop
What: Regan is a little... tense.
Where: The feast.
Rating: None yet.

Mad human. )

Jul. 5th, 2014



[voice wisp: liv → anthony]
[She sounds rushed and harried.] Who were you? In the labyrinth. Because I swear to god if I made out with you, or-- [She breaks off, and there's the sound of charcoal snapping.] Who were you in there?

[written wisp: liv → fiach]
[Her handwriting has gone from her usual blocky, architectural script to something more messy. Half the wisp is littered with drawings, strange and twisted bodies.] What would I have to do to get a boon from you, Raven?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


Voice Wisp: To Everyone

Wha-- [A sigh of confusion, with just a hint of frustration] I don't even... know... Wha-- [Another frustrated growl.] What is this thing? [Someone is very confused about this 'wisp' thing.]

May. 7th, 2014



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