Posts Tagged: 'caden'

Jun. 15th, 2014



Voice Wisp: Uaine → Everyone

[A voice wisp. Uaine's voice is calm, almost too soft to hear.]

It seems colder. Has anyone noticed that? Perhaps it's just me.



Wisp: Marcus → Everyone

[The writing is angular and strong, clear and precise. As always, there is little second guessing with him.]

There is always a measure of comfort in knowing that nothing really changes at these parties. The same faces, the same personalities, the same games, the same outcomes. Some of the details may change, but the major things never do.

At least there seems to be a new recipe for honeyed dormice in use this year. It's an improvement.

Jun. 14th, 2014


Voice Wisp → Everyone

[A smoky feminine voice, slightly amused, comes across.]

Oh dear. I seem to be lost in the hedge maze. Could someone come help me find my way out?



Voice Wisp - Everyone.

[There is a bit of a smile to her words, the wisp carries them for her, elated by the giggling that fuels its happy flurry]

There are drinks here that make you giggle, it tickles your stomach to your toes. There is also a desert that changes the colors of your eyes depending on what you bite into. This place is wonderful.

Jun. 12th, 2014



Written Wisp: Unseelie Courtiers

As [...] interesting as that was, I'm glad to be back to something to our usual selves. Wouldn't you agree?

Jun. 9th, 2014



WHO: Caden & Nyx
WHAT: Two unseelie enjoying their gender swaps
WHEN: After her talk with Caden, before she sends out her own wisp
WHERE: The ballroom
WARNINGS: Will update as known!

He lounged, shirtless, against a pillar overlooking the dance floor. )



Wisp: Aoife -> Everyone

This is fantastic - I suddenly understand why some of you men wear kilts and robes. You need to try it completely . The breeze down here. I can feel everything. And the sensitivity - mmmnm. I almost can't wait to get back to my own body to better appreciate how much you men can feel. And more wary.



Written wisp: Everyone.

[This is of course written after her tea-time with Halis, because writing it during would be rude. It is written in an elegant, flourished hand, accented by her unmistakably propensity for perfection.]

Stell and I are taking a poll, for educational purposes of course. If any of you would be so kind as to disclose whether or not you like this particular change, along with reasons as to why or why not, along with any striking changes one notices save for the very obvious... we would be much obliged.

We may ask further questions to broaden our research, thank you!

[Added a bit later.]

And do feel free to stop by the maze for some refreshments once you finish, thank you!

[Added quickly after.]

Any humans would be wise to stay away from the black tins, however. Thank you!

Jun. 7th, 2014



voice wisp: to everyone.

[The voice is definitely male, however it rings with a feminine touch, proper and the edge of panic threaten to surge through in flaring octaves as the pitch adjusts.]

We must all remain calm. Yes, indeed. Calm and collected and surely this isn't so bad. Yes? There have been worse games, one cannot forget the asexual experiment a few centuries ago. I still cannot get the images of spores out of my head.

Nonetheless, would any of the switched mortals care for some clothing to adjust? I am quite certain that the new gentleman would prefer some slacks befitting their new hipless figures, and the now ladies some gravitational support. Some tea, perhaps?

Jun. 8th, 2014



Voice Wisp to Nyx

[The voice is female and slightly malevolent. If she were singing, it would be the perfect Jazz voice; it is in the lower alto ranges, soft, silky and seductive]

Are you as amused as I am, Mistress of the Nightfly?

The way they fret as they discover the joys of being something other than what they believed, it is simply delightful.
Tags: , ,

Jun. 7th, 2014


Written Wisp: To Everyone

I suppose I should be to blamed for this one, but honestly I wasn't expecting something so soon.

Jun. 6th, 2014



Wisp: Isegrim → Everyone

[His voice is light and playful. It starts out a bit mumbly, as if he doesn't expect anyone to be listening, but then becomes clear enough.]

Hey there, little buddy. What are you up to? Nope. Come here. Come on. Aren't you a skittish little thing today? What's gotten into you? Ha!


Ha... Didn't know the mic was hot, as the humans would say. Guess I ought to take this opportunity to ask how y'all are doing. So... how y'all doing? If you're interested, I'm having a grand time. And if you're not, you obviously haven't tried the prosciutto, goat cheese and fig jam canapés. To die for. I should just glue them to my ass now and save my body some time and trouble. C'est la vie.

Jun. 5th, 2014


Written Wisp: To Everyone

Enchanted masks? I really should stop getting distracted so early on at the ball. I miss everything fun.

Jun. 4th, 2014



Wisp: Talos → Everyone

I- I- I- oh.

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?



Wisp: Nia → Everyone

You know, humans have this sort of shit down, and you have got the nerve to say you're the superior lifeform or whatever? You faeries ever been to a fucking shopping plaza? There's these big maps behind plastic or plexiglass, see, and on it, there's also a dot labeled in big as fuckall letters 'YOU ARE HERE'. Can we get one of those? Please? And can we put it in the library, 'cause that's really where it should be and it ain't.

Oh. And by the way, not that any of you assholes asked, could we maybe write a 'What to Expect When You're Expecting Sex Faeries to Hold You Captive' pamphlet and put them in the library, too? Fucking useless, this library. Just has a mess of books.

Jun. 3rd, 2014



Voice Wisp: Everyone.

[The wisps voice is curled with a definitive edge, uncharacteristic to the humans who have encountered the normally jovial fae, but the tone is all too familiar to her counterparts. Oletha's nature is on edge.]

My eyes are roaming. Remaining cold will only spurn obstinance and ill will. Revel. That is why you are here, and I shall make sure it continues.

Jun. 2nd, 2014



kerav → everyone

I seem to have missed the King's masquerade. Such a shame. The dancing is always so enjoyable when he commands it.

May. 31st, 2014



Written Wisp to all Fae

I have arrived. Do feel free to panic.

May. 7th, 2014



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