Posts Tagged: 'damen'

Jan. 17th, 2018



voice wisp: aelius → everyone

So here's what I'm thinking.

[Aelius leading with that? We all know he's not really thinking.]

We split into teams, randomly assigned. One team builds a gingerbread castle. [Aelius, no.] An actual castle that you can walk inside. Has rooms, hallways, traps, whatever. Castle. Team build. [Aelius, please.] Maybe add some defensive capabilities like sentient gingerbread turrets that shoot hardened gumdrops. [Aelius, stop.]

And then team two, they also have gingerbread. But it's a gingerbread army, right? [Aelius, what.] And the army? The army tries to get through the gingerbread turrets and defenses to the heart of the castle. If a single combatant makes it there, then the two teams converge and there's a massive battle.


Toy guns and candy cane swords. Maybe the Castle Lord fights on the side of the Castle Team to defeat the Invading Team or something. Winners get bragging rights.



Dec. 30th, 2017




[Once again, there is no wisp, nor warning, nor notice. Just like that, the library is open again, as if nothing happened at all.]

[Written Wisp: Damen/Raana]
Thank you for the brew.

Dec. 26th, 2017




[There is no wisp, nor warning, nor notice. After a certain someone refused to listen to repeated warnings, the library is now closed. Until further notice.

Those who were in the library will find themselves unceremoniously outside of the library with all their belongings (provided those belongings weren't part of the library to begin with). They will be facing a closed door that will not open.

Those who visit the library will find the doors closed and not opening for anyone or anything who might want entrance.]

Dec. 27th, 2017



Voice wisp: Félix → Everyone

[His voice sounds slightly panicked, but it's also clear that Félix is attempting to control it and maintain some level of decorum. A level that wobbles a bit as there's a sound of something nearby that's almost like... rustling pages?]

These books are biting! Who's idea was this?

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.

Dec. 7th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
In the interest of what we call fairness, I'm going to give to give the most recent, and most foolish, book thief the benefit of the doubt. Do return the copy of On Virtues and Lessons and you can continue to keep you skin upon your body.

Otherwise, I do have a fair amount of books to rebind.

May. 7th, 2014



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