Posts Tagged: 'ben+parnell'

Jul. 10th, 2014



voice wisp: ben → everyone

I would play a scene, would any care to watch. Or to play themselves as well were the mood to strike. The library holds more scripts than a man might read in his life and 'twould be a shame to let them sit in idleness. The Lord, after all, hates an idle man and He must surely think the same of an idle mind or an idle book. Gifts ought to be used an they were given.

Jun. 24th, 2014



wisp: nyx → everyone

As I had thought. I missed the certainty of solitude. If one does not wish to be found, then there are a plethora of options available to them. Tell me, what benefit does being surrounded by the masses bestow?

Jun. 22nd, 2014



Voice Wisp → Everyone

[A voice wisp, quite agitated.]

What sort of licentious place is this? I saw a man and woman...coupling on the grass. Where everyone can see! This place is a brothel!

Jun. 8th, 2014



wisp: Ben → everyone

[If this was a voice wisp it would be almost unbearably cheerful under the circumstances. As it is, it's still much less frantic or disturbed than most of the recently transformed mortals]

I knowe that for some the change is a thing to bee distrusted but I find this forme is unexpected yet not unwelcome. I could play you a Cleopatra rarely liyke this. Even Juliet which I have not been for some yeeres now could be done to perfection. I was much younger than and fairer and I will have you knowe my death seene was onse the talk of the citie.



wisp: nyx → everyone

It would seem as though my lord King has bestowed upon us a new intrigue. I wonder, is it truly so fretful to be what you desire not to be?

Jun. 6th, 2014



Wisp: Ben → Everyone

I have seene the stables and I have seene the horses therein and I have seen that there is manie a stretch of good and pleasant land about this palace. But are there no hunts? I have seen the manie people and the empty space and the bookes and time for learninge lines. But are there to be no playes? Custom may bee diferent here yett in England no gathering of lordes and ladies would fail to have such. Feasts and dances and what pleasures may bee found in privat may well divert tis true but is it to be all?

May. 16th, 2014



WHO: Ben and Thalassa
WHAT: A journey to the baths
WHEN: After a very important conversation about health and safety.
WHERE: The baths
WARNINGS: It's Thalassa and a room full of water. This is going nowhere good and everyone knows it.

the skirts swirled around her legs like sea foam stitched together )



WHO: Ben and Ranvir
WHAT: A meeting
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: The feast
WARNINGS: Wait and see

one more step along the road to possible damnation surely could not hurt him now )



Wisp: Thalassa → Everyone

I'm looking for a human man who is fair of face and dark of hair. He is unkempt, with ragged clothes I will replace and the shadow of a beard along a strong jaw. If he didn't slouch, he would be quite tall. He holds himself tense, always ready to flee, and I imagine he perpetually goes about wearing a mistrustful expression on his face. Have any of you seen him?

May. 15th, 2014



wisp: ben → everyone

[His writing is spikey, intricate, and almost indecipherable to modern eyes. The spelling and punctuation are creative at best. Ben doesn't speak the way he writes. No one speaks the way he writes.]

As this bee the land of fairie and I knowe it is for could such divers marvells ever bee contained in any palace of men? it is fitting that every hour should be one hundred years. For how else could all its wonders bee seen? Perchance we truly are twixt heaven and hell yet tis a sweet state all the same. I do not fear for my soul as I should.

May. 7th, 2014



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