Posts Tagged: 'erevos'

Jan. 17th, 2018



voice wisp: aelius → everyone

So here's what I'm thinking.

[Aelius leading with that? We all know he's not really thinking.]

We split into teams, randomly assigned. One team builds a gingerbread castle. [Aelius, no.] An actual castle that you can walk inside. Has rooms, hallways, traps, whatever. Castle. Team build. [Aelius, please.] Maybe add some defensive capabilities like sentient gingerbread turrets that shoot hardened gumdrops. [Aelius, stop.]

And then team two, they also have gingerbread. But it's a gingerbread army, right? [Aelius, what.] And the army? The army tries to get through the gingerbread turrets and defenses to the heart of the castle. If a single combatant makes it there, then the two teams converge and there's a massive battle.


Toy guns and candy cane swords. Maybe the Castle Lord fights on the side of the Castle Team to defeat the Invading Team or something. Winners get bragging rights.



Jan. 7th, 2018



Sleigh bells ring

Who: Erevos & Vevina
What: Palling around
Where: The feast
When: After this
Warnings: None.

Are you listening? )

Jan. 4th, 2018



The Longest, Coldest Night

Who: Erevos and Winter
What: Dancing
Where: Starlight Palace, ballroom.
When: After this.
Warnings: None.

I believe we have a dance in our future. )

Jan. 3rd, 2018




[ Mirror: Vevina → Eiran ]

[ A voice wisp might have sufficed, but Vevina decides a mirror - a bi of face to face - is more appropriate. Seated at her desk, arms crossed on the surface, she smiles into the mirror. ]

If you're busy, I'll ring you at a time of your choosing.

[ Voice wisp: Vevina → Erevos ]

Did you get them? [ By 'them' Vevina means the dozen Death statutes she's promised delivered by sprite express. The figurines had ranged in style from stately to bobble head. ]

Dec. 31st, 2017



i get you to swerve right outta fast lane

Who: Erevos and Georgie
What: Getting some salve
Where: Hot springs
When: After this
Warnings: TBD

you still got champagne running through your veins )



voice wisp: georgie → everyone

[She clears her throat. It's an awkward sound.]

Is... there anyone who can point me in the direction of a physician? I have, ah... [A delicate cough.] Discovered an allergy. As it were.

Dec. 26th, 2017


voice wisp: London → Everyone

[Her voice is a shriek of horror across the wisps. She's distraught about the library closing. Panic is bubbling.]

The library is closed and it's all your fault Felix! Apologise to Damen and his books at once!

Dec. 21st, 2017



Voice Wisp: Winter/Everyone
(Her voice is a low, soft purr, with the sharpest of smiles lacing every word.)

Take great care and stay huddled up inside if you're the sensitive sort. It will be quite cold tonight.

I, on the other hand, will be dancing, if you dare to join me.

Dec. 20th, 2017


voice wisp: London → Erevos.

[She sighs, this all due to Vevina's music no doubt. London steadies herself.]

I would like to see you. Is this alright?



Voice wisp: Vevina → Everyone

Hello, my darlings. I've been working on something since I arrived and I thought that I might share it with all of you. Please compliment them well, these sprites have worked hard for this performance.

[ There's a pause, a rustle, and then a rising chorus of tiny chatter that could be words, but they speak so fast that picking out any word is next to impossible. ]

Calm down, my tiny loves, you'll get your treats, but first....

[ Suddenly the chaotic chatter dies down into a soft, melodic hum of many in tune voices that grow into perfection. ]

Thank you, lovelies. I do hope you all enjoy this. I think we could use a little more music at this party, yes?

[ The sprites begin to sing and those familiar with the human world might find a few familiar songs in a lilting chorus that mimics human voice but with an otherworldly quality. Those fae used to such things will recognize some of the songs as Sovan's creations. Those inclined towards sweet feelings towards a particular individual might find their thoughts gently turned in the direction of that person (or persons) for whom they hold such feelings. However, the suggestion is a gentle one.]

song list )

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.

Dec. 17th, 2017



Mirror: Merry -> Erevos

[Merry is in her quarters. It's silent and she is sitting at her table, the one Erevos made for her. There are pillows everywhere, strewn around the floor. She looks distraught and manic. She's been crying and there is stardust glittering on her face from all of the tears she's shed.


I need you.

I desperately need you.

Dec. 16th, 2017



Who: Erevos and Arthur
What: A (re)meeting
Where: A hallway somewhere near the library
When: A time
Warnings: Probably lots of fairly detailed death talk coming up

Read more... )

Dec. 14th, 2017



Who: Erevos and Lir
What: Dranks, stories and Heartaches.
When: After this and this.
Where: The gallery
Warnings: Drinking, Tearing things apart and stabbing things.

Telling stories left in the distance )



Who: Erevos and Merry
What: A reunion goes terribly wrong
Where: The palace
When: After this
Warnings: The feels.

The Space Between )

Dec. 13th, 2017



Voice wisp: Jemisha → Everyone

[The voice over the wisp is rich, smooth and warm, familiar and there is the barest trace of a smile in her words.]

It is good to be home, I hope all are well. The King certainly knows how to keep his guests on their toes, even after all this time, does he not?

Dec. 12th, 2017




[ His voice projects evenly; a shadowy, stoic quality to it. There is a trace of some unnamed emotion lingering beneath the surface. He's been gone a long while, and there are repercussions to that - some pleasant, some complicated. ]

It's been quite some time. I'm in need of a drink, and to be told a story. The ones that are true are far more compelling.

Would anyone care to indulge me?

May. 7th, 2014



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