Posts Tagged: 'arthur+vaughn'

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.

Dec. 16th, 2017



Who: Erevos and Arthur
What: A (re)meeting
Where: A hallway somewhere near the library
When: A time
Warnings: Probably lots of fairly detailed death talk coming up

Read more... )



Voice wisp: George → Everyone

[There's a few bars of violin music before George speaks.] You know, I do find I enjoy playing with company instead of alone. Does anyone else play an instrument by chance?

Voice wisp: Timore
Is everything alright?

Voice wisp: Monster
I don't believe we've been properly introduced, but I do hope you'll be willing to change that.

Dec. 13th, 2017



[Written Wisp: to "lavender dream"]

[it is written with a lovely, looping flourish.]

Strawberries are divine!

[Written Wisp: to "poses"]

Still golden?

[Written Wisp: to Aoife]

I feel better, do you? Even a bit?



voice wisps

[voice wisp: everyone]

Okay. I don't remember there being this much...[she hunts for the right word, gives up and settles for:] sex, frankly in the stories about Faerie from my childhood. I take it this is all normal fare here?

When does this party end anyhow? [There might be a twinge of fear in her voice] And what happens if you don't return?

[voice wisp: "unlocked"]
Read more... )

[voice wisp: "burn down"]
Read more... )

Dec. 12th, 2017



[Voice Wisp: Georgie → Everyone]
Well. That certainly was... something. Tell me, does that happen often? That wild tumult of anonymity and... [Hormones.] And lasciviousness?

[Written Wisp: To the man 'Illumination']

You needn't reply. I thought reaching out by means of a letter might in fact encourage you not to, for ignorance is a soft and gentle thing, and I fear you may despise knowing who it was who crossed your path beyond the green door, if at least it was only once you were in the green door. I am The entire experience Such ardor I will leave you with a thank you, for while ignorance can protect, it is knowledge that illuminates and transforms.

Miss Georgiana Holmwood

Dec. 7th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
In the interest of what we call fairness, I'm going to give to give the most recent, and most foolish, book thief the benefit of the doubt. Do return the copy of On Virtues and Lessons and you can continue to keep you skin upon your body.

Otherwise, I do have a fair amount of books to rebind.

Dec. 6th, 2017



voice wisp: arthur → everyone

[He really hates doing these, he hates drawing attention to himself at all, but needs must. So for now he’ll try to be short and to the point and hopefully that will work.]

Would anyone happen to know if there is a gramophone hidden somewhere here? I know that some machines don’t function well, but surely one of the older ones with a crank...

[The wisp trails off, uncertain. He really, really hates these sometimes.]

It isn’t necessary, of course, I simply thought it might be rather easier than trying to hunt down a full jazz ensemble.

Dec. 5th, 2017



voice wisp: georgie → everyone


[Georgie shouts across the wisp, mostly because she's got music turned up really loud. The wisps, dutifully, transmit a bangin kpop bop from her to everyone else.]

THIS IS— IT'S— [She breaks off, her whispers barely audible over the volume of BTS.] OH, YES, OF COURSE. THIS IS AWESOME. MOST MAGNIFICENT INDEED!

Dec. 3rd, 2017



[Voice Wisp: Steph/Everyone]
But seriously, what do you mean I'm stuck here? I've got BTS concert tickets and my phone charger case won't work when it's eternally night. Which, by the way, seems more like vampire thing than anything else.

Dec. 1st, 2017



Voice Wisp: Niall → Everyone

[Niall's voice curls up from the wisps - crisp, precise, and quite serious. A particular subject has snagged his attention and like all things that manage to catch his inquiry, he's not about to let it go anytime soon. ]

Human courtship - what are the rules concerning it? Are there different rules to be followed in regards to casual intimacy versus long term? Are these things discussed up front or supposed to be known in detail before hand? Must all action be mutually agreed upon by specifics before or during?

[Yes, he's so serious about this that it hurts. ]

Nov. 29th, 2017



Voice Wisp: Merry → Everyone

[It's hard to place the emotion in her voice but there is no mistaking how far away it seems - galactic distances even in its waver. She isn't anywhere out in space. She's still at the gala but there is a thoughtfulness that has overcome her and has made her temporarily aloof.]

What color do you see when you close your eyes and think of yourself What color do others perceive you to be when they close their eyes and think of you?

Will you participate in this?

I've included a chart that will help you name the color you see, but of course, you can use your own tools to explain.

List your name, name the color you think you are and hopefully others will choose the color they think you are. Try not to peek at what others think they are so that your answers will not be influenced. This is for...reasons.  )

Nov. 24th, 2017



Who: Timore and Arthur
What: Playing games in the middle of a nightmare
Where: dreamland
When: Some nap time after this
Warnings: Wierd nightmare things

Let me take you down the corridors of your life )

Nov. 21st, 2017



Voice Wisp: Timore --> Everyone

[The wisps curl and stretch, twisting briefly into shapes that were vaguely disturbing before. Timore's voice curled lazily through the air as if he were on the verge of a nap. ]

As lovely as the fires are, I wonder if the King would be so kind to put them out. A true midwinter, shrouded in darkness. It would be the ultimate mark of celebration, would it not?

Nov. 16th, 2017



voice wisp: georgie → everyone

[There's a kind of shrill snap, followed by a crackle, followed by the sound of an abbreviated shriek of horror. When the woman speaks, there is tightly controlled panic in her voice.]

Has everyone forgotten their manners? Why is that—that young man walking about unclothed? Where are the chaperones? Why is everyone here pressing on me a dubious drink meant to cloud the mind?

What. Is. This.

Nov. 10th, 2017



WHO: The Unseelie King, the Seelie Queen, and everyone in attendance at the Midsummer Ball
WHAT: The opening fête
WHEN: The beginning of things
WHERE: The Feasting Grounds
WARNINGS: None thus far
NOTES: If the contents of your comments move beyond a PG rating, please mark them in the header accordingly. Otherwise, go wild, and have fun!

All doors, all paths, all thresholds lead to this place )

Jul. 21st, 2014



Who: Isegrim & Arthur
What: Honestly, a meltdown.
When: Shortly after the veritaserum cupcakes got handed out.
Where: The baths.
Rating: TBD.

He hadn't the good sense to back away from the conversation at that moment. )

Voice Wisp → Everyone

Mortals, if I could peel the skin from your bones I would. If the King gave me permission, I'd strip the life from nearly every single one of you.

But I can't. Be happy.



voice wisp: olivia → everyone

[With very heavy sarcasm.] So it's super awesome to realize that all of you are psychotic assholes. By which I mean not awesome at all. Who knew that your King making us be honest would make everyone into jerks? Wow.

Jul. 20th, 2014



Voice Wisp → Everyone

Honesty? Up until now, I've believed that I've been perfectly honest with everyone...