Posts Tagged: 'vevina'

Nov. 20th, 2017



[Her wisp ripples, like pond water, it's never completely steady ... at least, not usually. When she speaks it sounds more like she is wondering aloud, but no indeed, she is talking to everyone and befuddlement graces each syllable.]

Fond. He was fond of riddles.


They can have more than one answer, yes?

So here, one.

You can carry it everywhere you go, and it does not get heavy. What is it?

Nov. 17th, 2017




[The voice is distracted as if she's caught in the middle of something and has had to pause whatever she's doing to ask]

I need a jar of mist from the deepest churns of a midnight sea. Does anyone happen to have this?

Nov. 16th, 2017



Voice Wisp: Robin → Everyone

[When she speaks her wisp is steady, not even a ripple over it, calm but there's an edge of curiosity in her words.]

What is beyond the Unseelie land? Where would it lead?


Where can I find a change of clothing? I would like to bathe and change. [...] Please.

Nov. 10th, 2017



WHO: The Unseelie King, the Seelie Queen, and everyone in attendance at the Midsummer Ball
WHAT: The opening fête
WHEN: The beginning of things
WHERE: The Feasting Grounds
WARNINGS: None thus far
NOTES: If the contents of your comments move beyond a PG rating, please mark them in the header accordingly. Otherwise, go wild, and have fun!

All doors, all paths, all thresholds lead to this place )



Wisp: Vevina --> Everyone

[ A light, airy voice breaks across the wisps with a warmth that completely contradicts the snowy climbs of the Unseelie King's domain. Vevina has arrived and her enthusiasm for the gathering cannot be missed. ]

Isn't this wonderful? The Unseelie territory is spectacular! I do hope we don't prove to tasking on their hospitality. Thank you all for welcoming us.

Still, it's been an age, perhaps longer since I've run into some you and that is a true shame. Tell me, darlings, how have you been keeping yourselves busy? I want to know everything.

And those humans among us for the first time, please, don't fret. Our parties do get wild, but that only means you'll have the most marvelous stories to tell. If you have questions, you only need ask, my dears.

May. 7th, 2014



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