Posts Tagged: 'jemisha'

Dec. 21st, 2017



Voice Wisp: Winter/Everyone
(Her voice is a low, soft purr, with the sharpest of smiles lacing every word.)

Take great care and stay huddled up inside if you're the sensitive sort. It will be quite cold tonight.

I, on the other hand, will be dancing, if you dare to join me.

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.

Dec. 18th, 2017



wisp: nyx --> everyone

I find myself desirous of stories. Come, tell me your most intriguing.

Dec. 17th, 2017



voice wisp: Jemisha → Everyone

[Her wisp sighs, but it is not malcontent, simply pensive and then it expands, a thought crossing her and slipping from her lips.]

I helped defeat a gingerbread army, but I don't believe I have yet to dance and this is a shame. [She can move like the dark, and to dance brings her peace, especially with those she holds dear.]

Would anyone join me? And perhaps find other pursuits as you do.

Dec. 14th, 2017



Wisp: Merry ->Everyone

[Her voice is flat. Distant]

I think I've been navigating the strange that constantly breaks off and tumbles toward me so often, fairly.

There is always a distinct feeling that I've seen it all before. But it is always right on the edge. Memories, existence, dreams.

I can't sleep.

Wisp:Merry-> Vevina

[Her voice is distressed.]

I need....I...He told me to go. To leave him. To leave the Gala.

Wisp:Merry-> Niall

[She's hesitant. Very unlike her. }

Destiny hopefully knocks on the door at the right time

Dec. 13th, 2017



Voice wisp: Jemisha → Everyone

[The voice over the wisp is rich, smooth and warm, familiar and there is the barest trace of a smile in her words.]

It is good to be home, I hope all are well. The King certainly knows how to keep his guests on their toes, even after all this time, does he not?

May. 7th, 2014



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