Posts Tagged: 'loreley'

Jul. 11th, 2014



Voice Wisp: Zelen → Everyone

[He sounds about as nostalgic as a millennia old fae can be. The moratorium on bloodshed is something he can live with, but he does miss it. He can't help reminiscing as his time draws near. It used to be so vital.]

This year's festivities have been entertaining. The truce has managed to hold much to the credit of the King and Queen. Yet I find myself remembering the feasts of centuries past. They seemed so much more [...] vibrant. Even the celebrations in the mortal realm were different then. There was such urgency. There was so much life.

Voice Wisp: Loreley → Everyone

I always forget what fine food the Seelie palace provides. My palate is cleansed indeed. These tiny fish babies are delicious. I wonder who dreamed them up.

Are we meant to announce our lateness? I am late to the ball, but now I am here. Hello.

Jul. 10th, 2014



voice wisp: ben → everyone

I would play a scene, would any care to watch. Or to play themselves as well were the mood to strike. The library holds more scripts than a man might read in his life and 'twould be a shame to let them sit in idleness. The Lord, after all, hates an idle man and He must surely think the same of an idle mind or an idle book. Gifts ought to be used an they were given.

May. 7th, 2014



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