Posts Tagged: 'jocelyn+march'

Jul. 14th, 2014



WHO: Jocelyn and Jonathan.
WHAT: Awkward run in.
WHEN: Now-ish. After the Labyrinth.
WHERE: The library.
WARNINGS: Noooone.

At that thought a smile presented itself on her face.  )

Jul. 5th, 2014



Voice Wisp; Gears, Coast


I. Sorry?


Um, I don't expect you to answer. Well. I don't know what to say.

Jun. 23rd, 2014


Voice Wisp: To Everyone

Wha-- [A sigh of confusion, with just a hint of frustration] I don't even... know... Wha-- [Another frustrated growl.] What is this thing? [Someone is very confused about this 'wisp' thing.]

Jun. 19th, 2014


Group Wisp → Aoife, Jo, London, Liv, Marcus, Uaine

Drinks, anyone? This is a celebratory time, is it not?

Jun. 16th, 2014



Wisp: Jo → Nerys.

[The voice does not speak for a long moment, perhaps hesitating.]

Hi, I was told to seek asylum from you, possibly. I mean, if the safe places don't work. I need to be kept away from Kerav. I don't know if you could or even would want to help me, but I figured I'd ask.

Jun. 14th, 2014



Voice Wisp - Everyone.

[There is a bit of a smile to her words, the wisp carries them for her, elated by the giggling that fuels its happy flurry]

There are drinks here that make you giggle, it tickles your stomach to your toes. There is also a desert that changes the colors of your eyes depending on what you bite into. This place is wonderful.

Jun. 2nd, 2014



kerav → everyone

I seem to have missed the King's masquerade. Such a shame. The dancing is always so enjoyable when he commands it.

May. 28th, 2014



Voice Wisp: To Everyone.

[The wisp's voice is slightly frantic, but despite it all it remains congeninal despite the grim message.]

Um. Yes. I seem to have fallen near one of the baths. I hurt my ankle, if someone would be willing to bring me a towel, or a robe so I can get to one of the rooms ... I'd, well, I'd appreciat it very much.

May. 27th, 2014



Wisp: Soren → All

It is good to see that the world is back on order once more.



Wisp: Unseelie King -> All

[His writing is striking and bold, the letters like slashes on the page. There is a hurried quality to his writing. He must have something to do.]

Tell me, my children, did you enjoy my masquerade? My Queen and I found you indescribably amusing.

May. 21st, 2014


WHO: Tristan and Jocelyn
WHAT: Feasting, and probably moping
WHEN: Nowish?
WHERE: The Feast

If someone wished for his company, they were free to come to him. )



Wisp: Jocelyn -> Everyone

[The hand that is written is delicate, carefully maticulous, but there is a touch of excitement in the loops and curls that normally calls for precision.]

This place is utterly beautiful. Stunning, really. I feel as though anything can happen here. My name is Jocelyn.

May. 7th, 2014



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