Posts Tagged: 'arda'

Aug. 6th, 2014


Voice Wisp → Everyone

I find it too quiet here. Who is willing to come and enjoy some noise?

Jul. 31st, 2014


WHO: Arda and Jonathan
WHAT: Meet and Greet
WHEN: omg a while ago – technically before the last plot but let’s handwave the fuzzy timeline
WHERE: By the ballroom

At thirty-six, it was frankly, quite embarrassing to be this completely voiceless over a woman. )

Jul. 9th, 2014


Voice Wisp: To Everyone

I still linger on the maze. I suppose this is what happens when you taste true submission on another's lips. It was fun. I shall think of it often. I doubt I shall try it so thoroughly anytime soon.

Jun. 23rd, 2014



Wisp: Nia → Everyone

Alright, but who misses their telly? Fucking what's going on with Mad Men? I got nothing. Draper has to have gone rogue by now. Pete probably shot a person. Peggy's.. what? Running the show?

Jun. 8th, 2014



group wisp

[ranvir, fiach, talos, gemma, aoife, oletha, arda, aimee, nia]

This? Is the best Midsummer feast we've ever had.



Wisp: Soren → All

I do not enjoy being a source of amusement for the king or the queen.

Is there someone I might appeal to in order to be left out of such games in the future?

Jun. 7th, 2014



wisp: liv → everyone

So does this thing happen often? Like one minute you're eating a fruit tart and then suddenly you go from having a vagina to having the most awkward food boner ever?

Jun. 4th, 2014



Wisp to everyone

Okay, how fucking drunk am I? Wait, no alcohol doesn't make shit this cool.

WHO THE FUCK GAVE ME AN LSD ROOFIE? Party foul guys. Party fucking foul. I gotta say though, this is one fucking badass trip. You should see the email. It's like a firefly or something that turns into paper.

Also whose party is this and whose bed am I sleeping in how am I getting home?



Wisp: Nia → Everyone

You know, humans have this sort of shit down, and you have got the nerve to say you're the superior lifeform or whatever? You faeries ever been to a fucking shopping plaza? There's these big maps behind plastic or plexiglass, see, and on it, there's also a dot labeled in big as fuckall letters 'YOU ARE HERE'. Can we get one of those? Please? And can we put it in the library, 'cause that's really where it should be and it ain't.

Oh. And by the way, not that any of you assholes asked, could we maybe write a 'What to Expect When You're Expecting Sex Faeries to Hold You Captive' pamphlet and put them in the library, too? Fucking useless, this library. Just has a mess of books.

May. 31st, 2014



Written Wisp to all Fae

I have arrived. Do feel free to panic.

May. 29th, 2014


Written Wisp -> Everyone

One has to wonder, should I bother mingling now, or wait until the king finds himself bored and gives everyone another good push? I enjoyed myself immensely last time, I'd hate to miss another go.

May. 27th, 2014



Wisp: Soren → All

It is good to see that the world is back on order once more.



Wisp: Unseelie King -> All

[His writing is striking and bold, the letters like slashes on the page. There is a hurried quality to his writing. He must have something to do.]

Tell me, my children, did you enjoy my masquerade? My Queen and I found you indescribably amusing.

May. 19th, 2014



wisp: fiach > everyone

[His handwriting is casual and sleek, but it wanders a little. He's not fully paying attention to what he's doing at the moment.]

We do have a varied selection this time around, don't we? All these mortals, lost and wandering in our midst. As dazzled as you ever are. Which I understand. So many choices I could make ... but if I browse forever, everyone's going to beat me to the punch. Be a shame if that happened.

I hope you're all enjoying what we have to offer. To the fullest extent.

May. 7th, 2014



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