April 2011



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Mar. 21st, 2011


Week Twenty Four -- Thursday

Who: Kenji and Christian
Where: By the river, west of the Trading Post
When: Early morning
Why: His things were stolen and he's upset about Sumi

One of his worst fears had come true; Sumi had rejected him. To make matters worse, he woke up the next morning to find one of his bags was missing. Kenji carried two bags with him, but only one of them at all times- the one with his clothes and personal things. He would often hide the other bag that was full of food, water, and other survival supplies wherever he could find a good place to do so. This system had worked out for him just fine the last couple of years, but no longer. Although the things in the stolen bag hadn't held emotional significance they'd been items necessary to his survival. Luckily he'd been sleeping with his head on his personal pack or it likely would have been taken too. He kicked around his camp for an hour, searching the area just in case. He was no tracker as all of his exploits in such matters had been in urban settings. He found nothing as he stomped around in a cloud of Japanese curses.

His affair with Christian had left him angry and confused, while his attempt to regain Sumi had left him completely drained and feeling hopeless; and now this had to happen. He packed what was left of his things and headed down the river a ways. He had no idea what he was going to do but he desperately needed a change of scenery from the campsite where his bag had been taken. He stopped just west of the Trading Post and collapsed onto the grass. He laid back and spread his arms out, trying to take deep breaths and contemplate what his options were. He could seek out a tribe to join, or try and find some physical labor that would pay but he had nothing to start with but the clothes on his back and the few trivial sentimental things. He laid there, wallowing in his confusion and dreading the oncoming heat of the day.


Week 24 -- Wednesday

WHO: Sumi and Kenji
WHAT: Half-siblings meeting again face to face
WHERE: On the way back to the lodge from the Trading Post
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
RATING: PG-13 for angry yelling in Japanese?
STATUS: Complete

Sumi was feeling much better than she'd been feeling in a long time )
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Jan. 15th, 2011


Week 22 -- Thursday

WHO: Abaddon and Kenji
WHAT: She's arguing with her voices and he comes across her
WHERE: Approaching Jackal territory
WHEN: Thursday, Late morning/early afternoon
RATING: At least PG-13 for cursing
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

There wasn't anyone around )
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Jan. 8th, 2011


Week Twenty Three -- Wednesday

Who: Kenji and Sway
Where: South bank of the river, north of the Outskirts and just across the river from TF territory. (Yeah, I'm that specific.. lol)
When: Wednesday late afternoon
Why: Trying to keep in shape and cooling off

The heat was simply insane. It had effected Kenji's normal routine in that he simply found it too hot to work out or do much of anything. It only seemed to be getting worse too. He'd spent the morning lounging in the shade of a warehouse at the Outskirts. It was where he usually made camp, even though he tried to switch things up and not stick out to everyone as the drifter who...didn't really drift. By the time the sun had started to lower itself he was dying of boredom. There was simply nothing for him to do, and his thoughts kept wandering back to the Christian guy he'd met the day before.

Eventually he decided to take a walk to the river in an attempt to clear his head; heat be damned. He packed up his things and made his way north. When he arrived at the river bank he tucked his belongings safely inside a bush and took off his shirt and shoes. The grass felt cool and soft on his bare feet. It was a little slippery, but that just made him all the more attentive to his movements as he began to practice his taijutsu. It would be nice to have a sparring partner, as he hadn't fought with anyone in ages. Though he supposed he should have been thankful that he hadn't needed to use such skills to survive.
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Jan. 6th, 2011


Week Twenty Three -- Tuesday

Who: Kenji and Christian
Where: Trading Post
When: Tuesday mid-afternoon
Why: Killing some time and cooling off
Rating: PG-13 to R for suggestive..ness. lol

It wasn't often that Kenji ventured farther into town than the Outskirts. Over the last couple of months he'd kept his distance. For one, he didn't want the tribes to get too suspicious of him wandering around their territories and secondly he didn't want to risk Sumi possibly seeing him. He kept telling himself that he'd go to her one day to beg her for forgiveness and tell her the truth. However, that day had yet to come and if it ever did come he wanted to have complete control over the circumstances.

The sky was a clear blue, and the sun was beating down rather unforgivingly all morning. He had hoped that it would cool down, but it only seemed like the weather was getting hotter every day. He still missed the weather in Osaka. Sure, it got warm there during the summer but he didn't remember it feeling as oppressive as the Wyoming summer. He took his time walking to the trading post from the Outskirts and before he went in looking for trade- he was awfully hungry after all-he sat down on a park bench next to the river to cool off. There wasn't much of a breeze but it seemed a lot cooler next to the water. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes to the warm sunshine and listening to the hum of the trading post behind him.

Dec. 18th, 2010


Week Twenty Two -- Monday -- 4th of July Party

Who: Everyone who wants to attend!
Where: The Trading Post
When: Monday evening and throughout most of the night!
Why: Some people just need a reason to party...
((OOC: Please put your characters name and the names of other characters they are tagging into the subject line of your post. If your character's post is open or a narrative, put that in the subject instead.))

Although the United States no longer exists in the way that the survivors knew it to before, there are still some people who use the national holiday as an excuse for celebration. The holiday has mutated into a kind of celebration of survival and perseverance rather than one of national freedom. This party at the trading post is a kind of organic event where one person dresses up and starts drinking and more people inevitably join them. With the number of drifters, travelers and traders in town this time of year there is no shortage of participants. The nearby Belle Fourche offers a cool relief from the heat of the day and many people can be found swimming there during this party.

The citizens of Sundance aren't as likely to join in the fun, unless they're a River Runner, but a few make it over to the Trading Post for some relief from their chores. With the right goods, or other offers, it's always possible to find some drugs or alcohol. This party tends to be more adult-themed than other parties at the trading post, so prudes usually don't enjoy themselves.