April 2011


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Jan. 10th, 2011


Week 23 - Monday

Who: Christian & Calypso
What: A pleasant surprise
Where: Christian's new boat
When: Mid Monday Morning
Rating: Let's just go PG-13 to start

Well, he had found a tribe. He had also found a good trading spot. There were also a couple of new playthings that he had started to mould. Check, check, check. If Christian had a list, things would have been going very well at the moment. That was not evident, however, if his facial expression were any sort of tell though. In fact, he looked somewhere between sullen and pissed off. Leaning against the wall of his new cabin on water. He pulled out a hand rolled cigarette and closed his eyes. It sat between his lips for a good four or five minutes before he got up to go and find a light.

Thankfully his saddlebags had made it on board. So after only a bit of searching, he found one of the many packs of matches they had accumulated between the four horsemen on their journey. Sitting inside the cabin, he lit the cigarette that had been sitting between his lips for the past few minutes and took in his first lungful of intoxicating smoke. It was a vice, to be sure, but Christian had many so it had never occurred to him to quite this one.

Sitting down on the pull out couch, that he had pulled out the night before, he rubbed his temples with the base of his palms. He was frustrated and that was not something that he could claim often to be. In that moment Christian wished Conquest were human. If her were he would have lulled him onto the damn boat hours ago.

It had taken him the better portion of yesterday evening to find a boat that was big enough and looked strong enough to hold a horse. And if he did say so himself, he had found the perfect boat. It was an old two car ferry, with a little cabin off to one side and railings all around. Two slides of those railing could be let down in order to let cars on and off... or a horse in Christian's case. And the little cabin seemed not to have rusted out too badly and actually had two levels.

He had taken it as a sign and had used Conquest to pull it back into the River with an emotion that could not have been confused as anything but glee. The problem had come when he had tried loading the damn horse onto the ferry. His steed had said no and they had been at a stand still for hours. About an hour age, Christian had finally relented and had put Conquest on a long line to go graze. He was now trying to plot his success, but all he could focus on was his failure.