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May. 13th, 2010


Week Change

Week Twenty and Twenty One - Sunday to Saturday

Month: Third & Fourth Weeks in June (June 13th to June 26th), Sunday to Saturday
Year: 2021

Week Twenty:

Things in Sundance are finally starting to feel somewhat normal, that is, like things felt before the war. With the warm weather the Trading Post has been seeing a lot of business from local traders and those who are just passing through town to sell their wares. As the Trading Post is one of the few neutral areas, people hang out there to socialize and swim in the river as well. Unless someone was directly involved in the incident concerning the drifter a week ago, most people have completely forgotten about it and business goes on. This quick forgetting by the majority of Sundance residents is a good thing for the groups of drifters that continue to enter the city. Still, with all of the new people arriving with the warm weather, everyone is being a little extra cautious, and perhaps rightly so.

Week Twenty One:
The temperatures start to rise this week and people are trying their hardest to beat the heat either by swimming or staying indoors. Luckily the power plant has been running smoothly and those who still have working air conditioning are making the most of it. There is, however, a rumor circulating that the Jackals are planning on raising the price of trade for their electricity.
Early in the week a rumor starts to circulate when a drifter at the Trading Post starts telling people about a body that they found close to the Jackals' Winter Camp. It was at the bottom of the river, bound to cinder blocks. He says it was obviously a murder, and a few days later he too disappears, starting even more negative rumors concerning the Jackals.
To celebrate the progress they've made since the end of the war, the Wolves and the Carrion are having a picnic at the farm. Only Wolves, Carrion and their guests will be invited. This event is also doubling as a birthday party for Grey (June 21st). The picnic will be on Saturday June 26th in the afternoon. ((This will be a group post, please wait for it to be posted!))

Citizen Birthdays:

June 21st (Grey)

Week Twenty Weather:

Sunday: Partially cloudy, high humidity and heat.
Monday: Partially cloudy, light breeze and slightly lower humidity.
Tuesday: Mostly clear skies and quite warm.
Wednesday: Clear skies, low humidity.
Thursday: Partially cloudy with light showers in the late afternoon and evening.
Friday: Partially cloudy and humid.
Saturday: Very hot and windy, with clear skies.

Week Twenty One Weather:

Sunday: Lower temperature but still windy.
Monday: Calm, Partially cloudy.
Tuesday: Clear skies
Wednesday: Clear skies, low humidity.
Thursday: Clear skies, hot.
Friday: Clear skies, very hot.
Saturday: Clear skies, breezy and warm.