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Dec. 27th, 2010


Week 22 - Wednesday Morning

Who: Kestral, Jed, Gabriel, etc.
What: The Feathers come to fix the runner's boats
Where: Jed's boat
When: 8am Wednesday morning
Rating: PG-ish

Well the verdict was in and she hadn't told her brother, so Jed hadn't received a wake-up call. In fact she hadn't told anyone, which was likely why she was the only one bugging out as the Feathers rowed their small boat over to the drifting mass in the Belle Forche that made up the River Runners. The others in the tribe had been well satisfied with the trade as they knew they would be, because the work the common room would entail would need some extra hands. Already Gabe had decided they would need more than the ten promised by the Runners, but it was a start nonetheless.

Looking around their small boat, she was the other female presence really that could be considered the story of her life. She wasn't into gardening or making things 'pretty', she like to build and board and that was her life. Trying to push the rest of the thoughts out of her mind, she looked over at Gabriel and said, "So how many more people do you think we will need to get the base built and up... I'm hoping we can at least to the first build and then the work after with the people we have and those promised to us... so then we just need the others for one days work. Hopefully we can trade that work for some rations."

Mar. 6th, 2010


Week 18-Monday

Who: Allen and anyone near by.
What: Coming into Sundance area
When: Monday at dusk
Where: Woods just south of Twin Feather Territory
Rating: PG?
Status:Complete and Closed

Allen, stalked slowly through the bush, his M1 Grand shouldered in the fire position, slowly as he fallowed the tracks of the deer that he had wounded only a minute earlier. Watching for the blood droplets on the leaf covered ground, as he heard the cry of the deer in the clearing ahead. Carefully and cautiously he stepped through the bushes, the young deer was lying on its side, slowly bleeding out. Having seen its pain, he slid the sling of his rifle over his shoulder, reaching down pulling his knife from its sheath.

"Now now my friend", he spoke calming as if to a friend as he knelt next to the deer, "go with the lord in peace". He sliced the knife quickly across the deers throat ending its pain. He shed a tear as he stabbed his knife into the ground.Slowly he pulled at at a silver chain around his neck bringing out a small silver cross. " Lord above, please forgive me for I have sinned. Allow this humble creature to join you in your light". After kissing the cross he carefully stowed it back under his shirt. Picking up the knife, he slowly began to take what he needed from his prey. "Survival of the fittest my friend"
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Feb. 25th, 2010


Week Eighteen - Sunday

Who: Gabriel & Kahea
What: Buying supplies
Where: The Trading Post
When: Sunday Morning
Rating: PG

When Gabriel had woken up in the morning, he had tried to go back to sleep. It had barely been dawn and his wife had snuggled up against him, something that usually made him want to crawl back in deeper, but he found himself wide awake. So instead of just lying there he had gotten up and started doing odds and ends. First it had been washing some of their dirty laundry in a basin of rain water and hanging them over the balcony to dry, then he had swept the floor to which he had received a groan from his sleeping wife. The pillow hadn't come at his head until he had started fixing the chair. Laughing under his breath he had been tempted to continue fixing it, but instead he had decided to save himself a bruise or two and instead took off with some random small trade-ables to the Trading Post.

It was a brisk morning and on the long walk by himself he was glad be had pulled on a sweater before he left. It was late May, but the night and mornings were still cool, especially after the on and off rain they had over the last few weeks.

When he arrived at the trading posts he was honestly surprised at how busy it was. They had not lived in Sundance very long, but he was always surprise by this city. Everyone seemed to work hard and not complain about doing so, it was nice to see. Especially after some of the towns and villages he had seen where people just seemed to be fading away and letting themselves do so. It was a scary world out there, and he thanked god everyday that after all of the Drama of their past that they had found this little slice of heaven.

Looking around the market, his eyes found a small produce stand and he walked over, eyeing their goods with a still empty stomach. He figured he's make breakfast when he got come and some fresh produce would be a nice treat.
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