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Jan. 14th, 2009


Week Twelve -- Monday

Who: Griffin and Jace.
What: Lilah and 'Brian' finally reunite!
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: The Wolves' Apartments.

Griffin couldn't recall ever being quite so glad to see spring. The cold was uncomfortable, sure, but it was being stuck inside most of the time with one of the mopiest men that she'd ever met that had really started to wear on her nerves. It wasn't like she didn't sympathize. He'd lost his home, his horses, everything. But after a few weeks of just watching him lie there, she'd started to get kind of frustrated. Griffin was the kind of person who worked through her moods. She kept her hands busy, and tried to keep her mind off of whatever was bugging her. She didn't sit around and wallow, so it was hard for her to understand just why he was doing that.

So, even though she already loved going out and lending a hand with other tribes, it was an even greater joy now. A lot of the people in the area hadn't done so well during the long winter months. Now that she had her stockpile built back up, she was eager to start distributing the fresh stuff. As always, the Wolves' medic Shadow was her first stop. It was probably kind of biased of her, but she liked to know that her friend had everything she needed to help the people that she looked after. Plus, it was an excuse to go visit. There was rarely a time that she ventured in to Wolves' territory, and didn't end up hanging out for a few hours.

Once again, she didn't have much difficulty getting over the boarder. Most of the guards knew who she was, and knew what she was doing there. She navigated her horse quickly through the familiar streets, stopping a time or two to exchange words with anyone who might have been out and about. This was her first trip in to town since Nova had come back on her own, which meant that Griffin was fervently hoping that she didn't run in to Wolf. She wasn't sure if her name had been brought up in that conversation, but she didn't want to be interegated by her friend's older brother. Certainly no good would come of that, considering that she would be obligated to defend Hawk if anything nasty was said.

Luckily, she made it to the apartments without bumping in to him. Once there, she tied off her horse, looping the reigns over what had once been a handicapped parking sign. She laughed quietly to herself, enjoying a personal joke about getting handicapped tags for her horse, before unhooking the bad of goodies she'd brought for Shadow. Griffin paused for a second, digging around to make sure she'd gotten everything she needed.
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Sep. 4th, 2008


Week Nine -- Saturday

Who Griffin and Shadow
What Making a delivery
When Afternoon
Where Shadow's place
Status Incomplete

With Christmas come and gone, it was right back to work for Griffin. The weather had turned slightly warmer, and enough snow had melted that it was no longer too dangerous for her to get in to town. The Feathers weren't hte only ones that could benefit from her knowledge. Now that she could get out, she planned to make deleveries to a few other tribes. First on her list were the Wolves. It wasn't that she was playing favorites or anything, but she did have at least one good friend over there. One good friend that she hadn't seen since the first blizzard of the year. She'd spent plenty of time with the same people, or by herself. She was ready for a fresh face.

She'd bundled up in some of her warmest clothes, packed a bag of a few of her most recent mixes, and climbed down out of her treehouse. There were several trails already crisscrossing through the powder. It was easy enough to find one that cut toward the stables. Griffin chatted with a few of her fellow tribemates who were also down with the horses. Since it was possible, she wasn't the only one who was heading out. Saddling her horse, she started picking her way toward town. Aside from the fact that it was still fairly cold, and the sun wasn't exactly shining, it wasn't a bad day to be outside. At least it wasn't snowing.

It took her awhile to get into Sundance. There was just enough snow on the ground that it was slow going. Griffin was just happy to be out of the house. She sang to herself as she rode, keeping an eye on the ground and steering her horse around the deepest snow drifts. The sun still hadn't peeked through the clouds by the time she got to town. From there, the ride to Shadow's apartment went a lot quicker. The Wolves had cleared off some of the major streets in their territory. There were even a few of them out and about, who watched her warily until they saw who it was. Griffin was well known throughout the tribes. She made it her business to touch base with all the of the tribes.

Griffin tied off her horse in front of the Wolve's apartments and unloaded her saddle bags. She'd brought as much with her as she thought she could spare. The Wolves were better off than some. At least they had someone who had a grasp of medicine. Some tribes didn't even have that. If Shadow was at home or at work, she'd be easy to find. But she decided to check the med center first, since it was closer. She knocked once before she pushed the door open, calling out before she just barged in. "'ello 'ello? Anybody home?"

Aug. 19th, 2008


Week Eight - Saturday

Who: Ryder and Griffin
What: Ryder’s cabin burns down so he wanders into the main camp
Where: Ryder’s cabin and the canopy
When: Saturday night

What a long, boring week. Since the snow had subsided enough for him to convince Rose that riding around was a good idea he’d been out every day tracking the herd. It was strange, there were traces here and there and then they were gone. Ryder was no tracker but he knew the habits of horses, especially his horses. He’d been out for the last three days from dusk until dawn riding as far as he could in every direction but he hadn’t managed to find the herd.

Ryder was worried. There were a couple small canyons and decent ravines around that could have been covered with snow, where the herd could have… But no, the entire herd wouldn’t have fallen in one spot and died. Besides, he would have found something by now. He remembered the last winter when he’d had problems with the herd. One of the colts had fallen into a snow drift and it wasn’t until weeks later that Ryder had found him there, frozen or suffocated to death.

There was also the possibility of the herd having been stolen, but with the weather he thought it was unlikely. He’d had a horse stolen before, the first year that he was with the Twin Feathers. They’d found what was left of the carcass outside of town next to an empty camp site. Apparently some drifters thought the horse was more useful as food than anything else. That memory still made his blood curdle. Still, both of those things were incredibly unlikely, especially when it came to the fact that the whole herd was missing.

Nowhere to call home. )
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