April 2011



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Jan. 2nd, 2011


Sunday Afternoon Week 22

Who: Scotch, Shine, Mensa, Runt and Open
What: Birthday Surprise
Where: By the Bell Forche
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: TBD

Shine was overjoyed at the idea of the picnic, she'd planned it pretty carefully so that Scotch had hopefully got no idea. She'd quietly spread the word and made sure with the location that she got Scotch and the kids out of Carrion territory, but without the added pressure of the packed trading post. She just hoped people would show up to something that had been thrown together so quickly, was bring your own and was so close to 4th July.

Shine knew she'd have to let them go soon, and as Scotch's confidence improved he'd have to start trading his skills to get ahead out here, and go and see Marnie about getting the kids into the school. So getting him out to enjoy his birthday and hopefully meet some new people, have a little fun, and get drunk enough to drop his inhibitions a little. Maybe ask her something really, massively, important.

With a little help from the kids, Scotch had been distracted enough for her to run off and set the picnic up, and now had one of them holding each of his hands while she covered his eyes to lead him the last part of the distance to the river.

May. 13th, 2010


Monday Week 19

WHO – Shine, Scotch, Mensa, Runt and open to other Carrion
WHEN - Monday morning Week 19
WHAT – Shine introduces her family to her tribe
WHERE – Carrion Territory
WHY – Shine is so proud of the new editions

Shine knew that Scotch was tired and worn out, but the kids were getting bored and the rest of the tribe needed to get to know them in order to be properly accepted and absorbed. That was what she wanted for them. Somewhere that they could feel settled and safe. Somewhere that they could grow up without fear, and somewhere that they could all be together. Finally and properly together.

Shine had gathered herself up and tiptoed into the spare room that Scotch and the children were still sleeping in and woke them, convincing them up and at them was the best way to be and near enough dragged Scotch out of the room. There was of course, another hope, that in time Scotch would trust the others enough to at least sleep in a different room to the children. To sleep in her room.

Feb. 27th, 2010


Week Eighteen - Thursday

Who: Scotch, the kids and (OPEN)
What: Arriving
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Trading Post
Rating: PG? (for now at least)
Status: In Progress/Open

Arriving )