April 2011



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Jan. 25th, 2011


Week 23 -- Thursday

Who: Sway, Trigger, & Smith
What: Meeting the BFF!
When: Afternoon
Where: Trading Post
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

Sway made her way to the trading post, hoping she actually had something worth trading. She mostly went because she wanted to get a feel for the place, get used to how things worked. She didn't expect it to be so busy, so buzzing with life. It was actually a relief. It reminded her of home for a moment, where everything was fast, loud, pushy, and everyone was trying to get the best for their dollar. She loved it.

Glancing around, she wondered if she could trade favors for favors. Maybe she could do errands or help out around another tribe in exchange for them teaching her some stuff that would make her more useful to her own. She was still worried that Hawk and Kestral would change their minds and kick her out on her ass for not being productive enough. She hadn't gotten that vibe from them, it was her own insecurity talking. She had been raised a rich kid, sure, but since her parents had never been around, she was mostly raised by people who taught her the importance of singing for your supper. That, and she wasn't used to not having something to do constantly. There was plenty of work around the tribe, but she didn't have the skills to help with everything. It was something she desperately wanted to change.

Sway was so lost in her thoughts as she looked through things people were offering for trade, she didn't even notice when she walked straight into a young man. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed immediately, then gave him a sheepish grin, "Usually I'm more graceful."

Dec. 30th, 2010


Week Twenty Two -- Wednesday

Who: Grim and Smith
Where: The river near the Trading Post
When: Early afternoon
Why: A bit of lunch by the river
Status: Complete!

Grim hadn't been in town for long. Despite the anxiety that was driving him forward in his search of his Hades, he had followed the plan and fallen back a little to come into town separately and discreetly as possible. He rode down along the edge of what was, unbeknown to him, Twin Feather territory. When he came to the river he rode east along its northern bank. He could hear the Trading Post before he could actually see it through the trees and he figured now was as good a time as any to sit down and have a bite to eat.

"Hungry, aren't you Eliot? Who am I kidding. You would eat until you burst if I would allow it, you naughty rat." He chuckled and tapped the small bird-like cage that hung at his hip and contained his pet black rat. He turned Death towards the river and dismounted, being careful not to let the scythe that hung at his back hurt his horse. He dug through the saddle bag for an apple and the last bit of bread that he'd stolen from the band of drifter's they'd accosted a week or so ago. With his goods in hand he tethered Death loosely to a tree branch. There was plenty of lush grass for her to graze on.

He untied Eliot's cage from his waist and sat it down on the grass of the river bank. The weather had grown warm and Grim was forced to remove his heavy riding cloak. He spread it on the ground and drew a fallen strap of his tank top back over his shoulder. "Lunch time Eliot." He plopped onto the riding cloak and took a bite out of the apple. He broke a smalled piece off with his teeth and pushed it between the bars of the rat's cage. "I hate the summer. I wish it would snow."
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Aug. 5th, 2010


Week 21- Friday Morning

Who: Smith and Open
Where: Trading Post
When: Week 21- Friday Morning
Why: Smith is looking for work and trading shiny things
Rating: TBD

Smith looked around him. This place was much more developed than some of the places he'd through over the last few years, and he found himself worried that there might be a blacksmith or a jeweller in the area that would make him surplus to requirements.

Smith tried to shrink his massive frame down, hoping that the cart and horses would draw enough attention and he wouldn't have to start yelling to bring any attention to his trade. He really wasn't good at that and he blushed crazily at any slightly unusual responses, which he barely understood.
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