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Aug. 4th, 2010


Week 21 -- Saturday

WHO: Jewel and Kid
WHAT: A date
WHERE: Beginning at Jewel's house-boat and then...it's a mystery
WHEN: Sunset and beyond
STATUS: Incomplete

She could scarcely believe this was happening )
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Jul. 16th, 2010


Week Twenty-One -- Wednesday Night

who. Josey & a mystery man (Kid).
what. Josey goes out to clear her head.
when. Late evening.
where. Near Runner territory.
rating. PG.
status. Complete//Closed

A la nanita nana... )
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Jul. 14th, 2010


Week Twenty-One -- Friday

who. Kid & Gent.
what. Kid's wandering the riverside.
when. Mid-afternoon.
where. Along the Belle Fourche, near Gent's boat.
rating. PG.
status. Incomplete//Open to those nearby.

There was a lightness is Kid's steps as he took a stroll down the river, searching for the perfect spot to take his date the following night. Of course, it had to be perfect, because such a lady like Jewel deserved no less. Especially after that dinner the other night. Though he knew he should have started searching since Jewel agreed to the date Tuesday night, the couple of days following had Kid a bit preoccupied. There was that strange occurence on Wednesday that had his sister on his mind until the following day when he came upon Little Man. So he was a bit behind on making the plans for his outing tomorrow night with Jewel. The summer sun was beating down on him, and there seemed to be no breeze. Kid had been out searching since the late morning, noting a few locations here and there, but always keeping his eyes out for something better. But right now, he needed a rest.

He stopped beside the river, sitting down on the dirt and pulling off his boots and socks. He could use a little cooling off by the water. As he rolled up his jeans to his knees, Kid dipped his feet in the water and wished he had brought a cantine or some sort of drink container to drink from. He looked around at the area, hoping to find the spot he was searching for soon, when his eyes fell upon a riverboat a little down the way. It looked a bit old, but rather taken care of, so someone had to be living in it. Possibly another River Runner, since he was still in their territory. He had not met all of the tribe yet. He knew Lady, Tramp, and Jack, and he had a run-in with Kahea some time before, and then of course there was Jewel. But he was sure he did not know the owner of this boat. 'Well what could be the harm in introducing myself?' he thought to himself as he rose to his feet, picking up the boots beside him and walking barefoot.
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Jul. 13th, 2010


Week 21 - Thursday

Who: Little Man, Kid, and Open
What: Out and about
When: Thursday afternoon
Where Outside, on the line of Wolf Territory and the Belle Fourche
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG (Kids are around)

 Just around the river bend )

Jul. 5th, 2010


Week 21 -- Tuesday

WHO: Jewel and Kid
WHAT: A surprise visit around dinnertime
WHERE: Jewel's houseboat
WHEN: Tuesday evening
RATING: Low, I'm sure
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

Dinner for one and whoever stops by )
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May. 29th, 2010


Week 20 -- Saturday

WHO: Lady, Kid and now Tramp (and Jack!)
WHAT: He's coming by for something to eat
WHERE: The motor home, River Runner turf
WHEN: Early evening on Saturday
RATING: Not high, I'm sure
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

A quiet night at home )
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May. 16th, 2010


Week Twenty -- Saturday

who. Kid and Kentucky.
what. Kid's searching for his muse; a curious Kentucky wanders by.
when. Early Saturday afternoon.
where. Along the river, River Runner territory.
rating. PG.
status. In progress.

His muse had been playing this game of hide and seek for a long time now... )