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Jan. 3rd, 2011


Week Twenty Two -- Thursday

Who: Grim, Mouse, Dusty and Grey later.
Where: Watershed Farm garden
When: Later Thursday night
Why: A boy has got to eat! (and feed his rat and horse of course!)
Rating: Possible scuffley violence maybe but nothing too bad?

Grim had gathered more information from the trading post as to the location of the farm. It was more or less due east along the river from where he'd met Smith. During the day he'd scoped it out from a good distance; well enough to locate the garden anyway. He found a place to tether his horse that was close enough to keep Death safe, but also close enough that he wouldn't have to run far to get back to her. He waited several hours after the sun had set. He wanted to be sure enough that most of the farm's people would be asleep.

It had been a while since he'd had a good meal. They'd been on the move and when they weren't settled with one of Christian's harems things were sometimes slim pickings. He could already taste fresh tomato juice as he slunk through the dark and slipped under the fence. He'd left Eliot with Death, and carried only his scythe in one hand and a bag in his other. The garden was surprisingly easy to infiltrate. He had been worried about dogs, but he was prepared to kill them if he had to. It crossed his mind that this whole thing was probably a bad idea, and that if Christian had been around he'd be hitting Grim upside the head. Yet, hunger had won out against his better judgement and in minutes he had filled his bag with tomatoes, cucumbers and other warm-weather veggies. Once he'd filled his bag he was just about to leave when he spied some watermelons at the other end of the garden. He crawled over and sat down after slinging his scythe and loaded bag over his shoulder. He found a smaller melon and sliced it open with the knife from his boot.

He wet his lips in anticipation and stabbed his knife into the remaining melon while he bit into the piece he'd cut off.
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May. 18th, 2010


Week Twenty One -- Saturday

Who: Members of the Wolves, the Carrion, and their guests.
Where: Outside at Watershed Farm
When: Saturday afternoon and into the evening
Why: The Wolves and Carrion are having a picnic

((OOC: Please put your characters name and the other characters they are tagging into the subject line of your post. If your character's post is open or a narrative, put that in the subject instead.))

The partnership between the Wolves and the Carrion was really an coincidental one. During the second war of Sundance, the Mountain Lions had claimed the city and forced the Carrion out of their home. The tribe had no choice but to seek out the Wolves for protection. There was no way they would have been able to stand up to the Mountain Lions alone, and the Wolves were more than happy to take in the extra helping hands. Their victory had been slow, and mostly due to the Jackals having wiped out the Mountain Lion leadership; however, the Wolve and Carrion still had a lot to be proud of.

Since peace once again settled over Sundance, the two tribes had made an alliance to share resources, protection, and help one another rebuild the city. They'd come a long way and since Grey's birthday was coming up a picnic had somehow come together. It wasn't really clear whose idea it had been, but eventually it turned out to be quite the event. Tables had been set up in one of the greener fields nearest the farm house and every member of the two tribes had pitched in in one way or another. There was plenty of food set out, organized games, pony rides, face painting, and more. Pluse, there was even music provided by the Wolves's very own Dusty Rhodes.

The alliance between the Wolves and Carrion was perhaps more of an advantage to the Carrion than it was to the Wolves, but having a genuinely united city was a tremendous step in the direction that Wolf and the other leaders wanted to head in.

Dec. 24th, 2009


Week Seventeen - Wednesday

Who: Kentucky and Dusty
When: Morning
Where: Dusty's room, the farm
What: Hangover time!
Rating: PG13 (for language)
Status: Incomplete/Open to anyone near by that wants to jump in

 In a strange place )

Dec. 17th, 2009


Week Seventeen - Tuesday

Who: Everyone
What: Towel Day Party
When: Tuesday Evening - After 9 pm
Where: The Trading Post
Rating: R for language and likely nudity

((OOC: In the subject line of each post please put the players involved. For example, "Wolf and Open" or "Wolf and Libby", etc. This helps minamize confusion in a group thread.))

Come Join The Party )

Mar. 7th, 2009


Week Thirteen - Saturday - St. Patrick's Day/Spring Party

***OOC: Be sure to label the subject line of every post with either "Open" or the names of the chars that are involved in a particular thread! This will help eliminate confusion and let you know what threads are up for grabs!***
Who: Anyone and everyone who’s in Sundance at the time!
What: St. Patrick’s Day/Spring party!
Where: The Trading Post
When: Saturday
Why: Because it’s fun!

In the warmer months the Trading Post is almost always busy, full of drifters and members from every tribe who come there to barter, socialize, and a whole host of other things. It’s generally a peaceful place since it exists in neutral territory and everyone who comes there seems to have an understanding of an unspoken truce. The Trading Post is a large park the sits on the banks of the Belle Fourche river. There are picnic tables, a delapidated swingset and monkey bars, old grills, and of course trader stands. There’s also a dock there, but it is understood to belong to the River Runners, as it’s where they are docked most of the year and those wishing to use it usually have to give the RR a token of some kind, or at least ask nicely.

The St. Patrick’s Day/ Spring party was not planned or hosted by any tribe. The whole things seemed to have come about on its own, first as a rumor and then with complete strangers and tribe members alike planning for it. Saturday morning the place was busy with people decorating in any way that they could. The place was strung with streamers of all different colors, some torn and ratty. There were candles, and lanterns strung about and a few different musicians set up throughout the park. By the time the sun set the park was teaming with people, more people than it had seen in years. Between the boos and the open admission there was no telling what the night would hold.

Feb. 19th, 2009


Week 13: Thursday

Who: English and Dusty
When: Thursday at sunset
Where: Boarder of Farm Territory
What: Coyote population control
Rating: Dead Coyotes and English's mouth lets say PG-13 at least

English could thing of any number of things she would rather be doing at the moment. She had set the trap though so now she was waiting. She had seen it just the other night. A pack of coyotes were getting a bit too close to home for her liking and it being her duty to keep the Farm safe set out to thin the pack a bit. She had dropped a deer earlier in the day and while she hated to let it sit there it was bait. She would clean it up later and take it back home.

English sat crouched down wend from the deer and she heard them long before she saw them. English was good with a gun, years of practice and the like had given her that and she took aim and before the pack of four could even tear into the deer she had dropped two of them and the other two where on the run. Another of them fell but the fourth was well out of range and well out of site. She knew it wouldn't be back near the farm any longer. She stood and marched the several yards further down wind to grab her horse and lit her lantern as she headed up to dress the deer and pack it up on to her horse before she cleaned up the coyotes.

Coyotes close to the farm was a bad thing. They had long ago become used to humans so didn't fear their scent and what was worse the farm had far too many small kids running around. A kid to a nonhuman fearing coyote was just as good as dinner.
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Feb. 17th, 2009


Week Thirteen: Thursday

Who: Dusty and Gemini
What: Dusty's out getting to know the area, and hoping to make some allies
When: Afternoon
Where: The Wolves Territory
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Dusty had not been pleased with the way things had turned out the past week when he had stopped a fight between Grey and Wolf. He had mentally kicked himself when he found out that the man he had tried politely to tell off had actually been the other leader of the Wolves. And that very guy most likely never wanted to cross paths with Dusty again. So, thankful that the rain had finally let up, Dusty went out for a ride in the area that he understood to be the rest of his new tribe's territory with the intention of making new friends and allies as opposed to more, unintentional, enemies.

After getting the majority of his chores done, he saddled up Moo and packed a light lunch into one of his saddlebags. He took the main road into the city, and silently prayed he did not run into Wolf again. Dusty really had no desire to get into a potential altercation with the man, but would rather prove he was a decent fellow and would respect his wishes by staying out of his business. Though one had to admit that is was difficult to stay out of a fellow tribe member's business, especially when their businesses seem to coincide from time to time just because they happen to share the same environment.

With a mental shrug, Dusty continued on his way. If he did run into Wolf, all he could do was apologize and hope the man would have a better temper today to understand the situation Dusty had been put in at the time.
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Jan. 19th, 2009


Week Twelve: Wednesday

Who: Dusty and Grey
What: Looking for a place to stay for a while
When: Afternoon
Where: Wolves' Farm
Rating: TBD

Ryder had been kind enough to show Dusty the way to the Wolves' farm, and this morning, Dusty prepared to make contact with the farm leader. He hoped to get an idea of what kind of people resided here, and, if he was lucky, take the first steps in establishing a new home here. With his greatly diminished herd following him, he rode toward the farm house. It seemed like a decent bit of land, well kept for the most part. He dismounted Moo and wrapped the reins around a fence post before patting the horse's neck for reassurance. "I won't be long, buddy. Just stay put for a bit."

He casually wandered up the pathway to the house, taking in the sights. It wasn't all that different from his home back in Texas, which at once comforted and depressed him. His own house had not felt the same since the virus. He had tried to carry on like normal, keep things running, but the house felt cold and empty, and was far too quiet. He needed to leave and move on for his own sanity, not just for practicality.

Finally at the doorway, Dusty knocked and waited for a reply.
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Jan. 13th, 2009


Week Twelve Thursday

Who: Wolf and Grey
Where: The farm
When: Thursday mid to late morning
Why: Wolf can’t wait any longer to tell Grey exactly how he feels…

Wolf had waited long enough to visit the farm this season. It wasn’t like him to wait so long to visit, as during the right season he was there every few days to work and speak with Grey. Grey and Wolf… those that knew them wouldn’t have neccesarily called them friends. They maintained a more business like relationship, each doing what the other didn’t want to in an effort to maintain what was important to them both. For Grey, it was the farm and the life he’d always known there, and for Wolf it was to protect Libby and Nova, to give them a chance at a better future. Their relationship had been on stable ground until their personal lives had violently colided through Nova and Grey’s relationship. Now Wolf hated the man that he once had so much trust in, and it was time to let him know it.

Wolf got up at dawn, before most of the city Wolves were awake. He saddled his horse and rode south of the city to the open fields east of the farm. He ran his horse until it was drenched and panting beneath him, and he felt that at least part of his own temper was in check. He plodded slowly to the farm dismounting as he came into the first cultivated field. People smiled and waved at him, calling greetings and joking with him. He tried to offer him what smile he could muster, but his heart was set on letting Grey have a piece of his mind. He caught Jan, a younger stable hand by the arm as he was leaving the barn.

“Oh, hi Wolf, wow your horse looks tired…”

“Yeah, I know, listen. Could you go get Grey and tell him to come to the barn?” Wolf smiled at the boy.

“Sure. I’ll go find him.” Jan smiled and ran off towards the house.

Wolf smiled back, feeling his stomach turn at the thought of seeing Grey after so long. He left his horse outside the back of the barn and walked inside. The barn was an older one and so sunlight streamed in in duty beams from the slats in the roof. Wolf crossed his arms over his chest and waited in the closed barn for Grey.
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Nov. 30th, 2008


Week Eleven - Saturday

Who: Dusty and Ryder
What: Found some horses
When: Afternoonish
Where: Just south of Devils Tower
Rating: PG-13 (Dusty's got a bit of a potty mouth)
Status: Incomplete

It had been a hard winter for a lot of people this year, especially with the world having gone all crazy since the virus broke out. But who could blame anybody for their reactions? Everyone had lost at least one person they loved, and that would be enough to knock anyone off their rocker. Dusty had lost his mama, daddy, his two sisters, and his beautiful wife of two years thanks to that damn Ans Virus. Who would've thunk that a bunch of plastic phonies out on the West Coast would bring about the end of humanity? Well, half of it anyway.

With no women or children to have to be polite around, Dusty spit at the ground. )
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