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Feb. 26th, 2009


Week Thirteen: Friday
Who: Flash (Open to anyone)
What: Exploring/picture taking
When: Early afternoon
Where: Northwest edge of Carrion Territory
Rating: PG-13
Life contained to the hospital and sewers was beginning to suffocate Flash. She needed air and sunlight and most of all space. She needed room to stretch out and feel human again. Humming softly to herself, she grabbed a light sweater and paused at the door. Looking back into the room she debated grabbing her camera as well. Her brows furrowed and she bit her lower lip. She had three rolls of film left over, and film was basically nonexistent these days. She thought back, remembering all of the times she had wished she had had her camera on her. Almost two years here, and she had yet to take any pictures of the landscape. Sighing, she walked back and grabbed the medium-sized carrying case and slipped the strap over her head so that the strap lay diagonally across her body, the bag resting at her hip. She slipped her sweater on over top of that and headed for the sewers.

Flash slipped through the dimly lit sewer, aware of the traps set within. Deftly skirting around corners, she was careful not to set anything off. No matter how many times she had traversed the passageways, she was always on her guard in the sewers. One last turn and she saw light at the end of the tunnel. She exited through a large drainage pipe on the very edge of town, as close to nature as she was willing to go alone. She climbed up the embankment to the side of the pipe, holding onto overgrown brush and saplings as not to loose her footing. Finally reaching the crest, Flash stood and stretched. Taking a deep breath she surveyed the landscape. Mountains rose in the distance on either side of her, the deep tones of the earth a striking contrast to the grayish sky. The sun peeked out now and again as the clouds rolled overhead.

Smiling to herself, Flash set out towards the north. Civilization, or what was left of it, lay to the east. She turned her back to Sundance and opened her bag, taking out her camera, her last link to her past life. She prepped her camera, her hands running through all the familiar motions. She raised the camera to her face and peered out of it, and captured her first scene. Flash lowered the camera and moved on, eyes sweeping the landscape. She had decided on using only one roll today; it was going to be hard to stick to that decision.
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Feb. 13th, 2009


Week Thirteen -- Wednesday

Who: Blaze and Open to all Carrion
What: Blaze tries to orchestrate a clean up of their territory
When: Wednesday
Where: Outside the front of the post office, a block from the hospital

Blaze had thrown himself into a myriad of projects for the tribe in an attempt to forget the truth that he’d discovered in Junk’s desk drawer last Saturday. Despite his need to forget the letter had been transferred to the pocket of whatever pants he was wearing. Even now, as he sat on the steps of the post office it was there in his right pocket. He’d told everyone, except for Sensei, to meet him out front where he’d spent the majority of the morning gathering old trashcans, buckets, anything he could find and lining them up on the stairs.

He hadn’t told Sensei about the project because he was sure that there would be some sort of objection on his part. Blaze was hoping to have a good deal of the work done before Sensei realized that everyone was outside, so that Sensei could see for his own eyes the good that it would do for the tribe. His relationship with Sensei had been going well, and was to Blaze’s knowledge, still a secret to the rest of the tribe. If anything, his discovery of the letter had bettered his romantic relationship with Sensei in whose arms he sought refuge from the newly resurrected demons of the past.

Blaze waited until a decent amount of the tribe had shown up. “All right everyone,” He stood up and slapped the bottom of one of the cans to get everyone’s attention. “Just because we live in secret doesn’t mean we have to live like animals. Some of the other tribes around here seem to look at the south as an open dump and I personally don’t want to live in a dump. There’s trash everywhere, and while I know it’s unrealistic to clean up our entire section of the city we can at least clean up the hospital and our main block.” There were a few groans. “Hey, it won’t be so bad and you never know what you might find.”

He grabbed a bucket and walked down a few steps to hand it to a smaller tribe member. “Littler kids pair up with someone older all right? Everyone grab a bucket or whatever and do what you can. We’ll shut it all up in a house south of here so it’s at least in one place and not blowing all over.”
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