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Feb. 18th, 2008


Week Three -- Sunday to Saturday

Week Three-- Sunday to Saturday

Month: Second week in November, Sunday to Saturday
Year: 2020


It turns out that the rumors were indeed true. The Mountain Lions have officially announced their latest endeavor: cage fighting. Some of their more mechanically inclined members managed to construct a large chain-link cage. The cage has been set up in one of the largest warehouses at the Vance Copper Mine. The first fight will be held on Saturday at sundown. The winner of each fight gets a small box of canned food and various supplies. If you’re the gambling sort you may want to stop by on opening night and make a wager on one of the fighters. The two drifters who were reported missing last week have been found. No one is certain what happened to them over the last week, but it is known that they will be the first two fighters on the stage Saturday night. If you have no way of getting there, hitch a ride on one of the horse caravans that will shuttle people back and forth from the most north eastern corner of the Wolves’ territory. The River Runners will also be shuttling people back and forth as far as that river will go. The River Runners will be leaving from the Trading Post dock.

If you’re a lover and not a fighter you might want to skip the cage fighting and attend the fishing contest instead. It’s going to be held at the main dock near the Trading Post. There’s no real host though it was a couple of Twin Feathers that came up with the idea. All tribes are welcome and anyone can enter. The person who catches the largest fish will get to keep all of the fish entered into the contest.

The spell of warmer weather sweeping the area has left the Trading Post a busy place. Even after the bazaar a lot of traders are still holding camp. They have all sorts of goods that one might need to help get through the tough winter ahead.

Week Events:

Tuesday: A fishing contest is being held at the dock near the Trading Post. Winner gets to keep all of the fish entered into the contest.

Saturday: First official cage fight held in the largest warehouse of the Vance Mine. Starts at Sundown. This event is hosted by the Mountain Lions and all are welcome to attend, and fight. Winners get a box of canned foods, and there will be a lot of betting going on for spectators to participate in.

Citizen Birthdays:

Week Weather:
Sunday : Clear and sunny again with comfortable temperatures. High: 73 degrees F Low: 70 degrees F
Monday: Clear with a light breeze. High: 71 degrees F Low: 69 degrees F
Tuesday: Sparse clouds and warm winds reaching up to 20mph. High: 73 degrees F Low: 71 degrees F
Wednesday: Continued wind and warmer weather. High: 74 degrees F Low: 72 degrees F
Thursday: Slightly overcast with stronger winds than usual. High: 72 degrees F Low: 70 degrees F
Friday: Overcast and breezy. High: 70 degrees F Low: 69 degrees F
Saturday: Overcast and calm. High: 70 degrees F Low: 68 degrees F