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Feb. 6th, 2011


Saving for thread of catching the accompliace!

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Week 23 Wednesday

Who: Black Cat and Open
Where: Banks of the Belle Fourche
When: Week 23 Wednesday
Why: Just messing about by the river

With Wren back at the Wolves for a little while, Black Cat was taking a rest from the boat, having cleaned and tidied, to get outside and quit being domesticated. It disturbed him how easily he settled into it. He'd always been a clean and tidy person. He'd done the last part of his growing up sofa surfing to avoid sleeping on the streets and had learned that if you trashed the place you never got re invited and it seemed to suit Wren that he was anyway, and living in such a tiny space as a house boat with another person, and at some points in the last few weeks two others meant that it was better to be that way.

Now, he sat out in the sun, strumming random chords on his guitar, eyes half open as he relaxed in the sun. He was so content at the moment. His life seemed to be coming back together properly, for the first time since long before the virus. He had a roof over his head, that nominally enough belonged to him, he was happy, safe in a suitably hedonistic tribe and in love with someone that loved him. Life was good.


Week Twenty Two -- Thursday

Who: Pan and Kahea
Where: Pan's boat
When: Thursday afternoon
Why: They need to talk

Pan hadn't left his boat much since the 4th of July party and the night he'd spent with Swift. His time with Swift had been wonderful,but the morning after had left him feeling more vulnerable and ashamed than he had in a while. Most of the time he kept himself in a drug-induced stupor and slept most of the day away. However, he was quickly running out of supplies and didn't trust himself to be blazed out of his mind while trying to keep track of his goods at the Trading Post.

When he woke up that morning he ate the last scraps of food that he had and tried to keep it down with almost a gallon of water. As the afternoon rolled around he managed to put on a pair of shorts and crawl outside to lay in the sun. He had a pounding headache and his body was sore, but the warmth felt good and lulled him into a daydream as he laid upon the deck with one of his hands hanging over the edge.
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Jan. 7th, 2011


Week 22 Sunday

Who: Kahea and Jed
Where: Jed's boat
When: Week 22 Sunday
Why: Kahea has to tell him what happened to Pan, or at least what she thinks happened
Status: In progress//closed
Rating: PG-PG-13 depending on language

She had barely slept at all. )
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Dec. 18th, 2010


Week Twenty Two -- Monday -- 4th of July Party

Who: Everyone who wants to attend!
Where: The Trading Post
When: Monday evening and throughout most of the night!
Why: Some people just need a reason to party...
((OOC: Please put your characters name and the names of other characters they are tagging into the subject line of your post. If your character's post is open or a narrative, put that in the subject instead.))

Although the United States no longer exists in the way that the survivors knew it to before, there are still some people who use the national holiday as an excuse for celebration. The holiday has mutated into a kind of celebration of survival and perseverance rather than one of national freedom. This party at the trading post is a kind of organic event where one person dresses up and starts drinking and more people inevitably join them. With the number of drifters, travelers and traders in town this time of year there is no shortage of participants. The nearby Belle Fourche offers a cool relief from the heat of the day and many people can be found swimming there during this party.

The citizens of Sundance aren't as likely to join in the fun, unless they're a River Runner, but a few make it over to the Trading Post for some relief from their chores. With the right goods, or other offers, it's always possible to find some drugs or alcohol. This party tends to be more adult-themed than other parties at the trading post, so prudes usually don't enjoy themselves.

Aug. 13th, 2010


Week 21 Wednesday

Who: Allen, Kahea, Kekoa
What:Allen picking on his favorite runner, and Kekoa coming into Sundance.
When: just afternoon
Where: Trading Post
Rating: PG-13

Allen had had a wonderful morning with Kentucky and was so pleased with their current status. As he walked by he saw the trading post and thought he'd stop in to see what was new. This places was always full of traders and towns people selling there crafts and trades. He had been here a few times to sell the excess crops from the garden.

While walking through the post he recognized a familiar river runner, specifically the one he just loved to piss off. Allen knew he had to watch himself around her and it would be reported back to Ken or he'd have a knife to his throat. Lets go say Hi Allen began to approach Kahea's booth knowing all to well his smart-alackness would tick her off.

Allen withdrew his hatchet spinning it in his hand then throwing it into the ground by his right foot, placing his hands on her booth. "Well isn't it my favorite Runner. I know you think I'm a cocky little shit but at least I have respect enough for you to disarm myself in your presence." Allen giving a small half bow from the waist, smiling at her. "How are you doing today Kahea?"
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Jun. 7th, 2010


Week 21 Saturday

Who: Kahea, Black Cat, and Pan later
Where: Pan's boat house, then Cat's.
When: Late afternoon Saturday Week 21
What: Kahea hasn't seen Pan in while and goes to check up on him, Cat fills her in
Status: COMPLETE// Closed
Rating: PG? PG-13?

Worry was a Killer )

May. 24th, 2010


Week 20- Tuesday Morning

Who: Kahea and Jed
Where: Belle Fourche River
When: Week 20 Tuesday Morning
What: Kahea goes out for an early morning swim and runs into her fearless tribe leader
Rating: PG? PG-13 knowing their language
Status: In Progress//closed

Gotta love summertime )
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May. 18th, 2010


Week Twenty One -- Saturday

Who: Members of the Wolves, the Carrion, and their guests.
Where: Outside at Watershed Farm
When: Saturday afternoon and into the evening
Why: The Wolves and Carrion are having a picnic

((OOC: Please put your characters name and the other characters they are tagging into the subject line of your post. If your character's post is open or a narrative, put that in the subject instead.))

The partnership between the Wolves and the Carrion was really an coincidental one. During the second war of Sundance, the Mountain Lions had claimed the city and forced the Carrion out of their home. The tribe had no choice but to seek out the Wolves for protection. There was no way they would have been able to stand up to the Mountain Lions alone, and the Wolves were more than happy to take in the extra helping hands. Their victory had been slow, and mostly due to the Jackals having wiped out the Mountain Lion leadership; however, the Wolve and Carrion still had a lot to be proud of.

Since peace once again settled over Sundance, the two tribes had made an alliance to share resources, protection, and help one another rebuild the city. They'd come a long way and since Grey's birthday was coming up a picnic had somehow come together. It wasn't really clear whose idea it had been, but eventually it turned out to be quite the event. Tables had been set up in one of the greener fields nearest the farm house and every member of the two tribes had pitched in in one way or another. There was plenty of food set out, organized games, pony rides, face painting, and more. Pluse, there was even music provided by the Wolves's very own Dusty Rhodes.

The alliance between the Wolves and Carrion was perhaps more of an advantage to the Carrion than it was to the Wolves, but having a genuinely united city was a tremendous step in the direction that Wolf and the other leaders wanted to head in.

May. 16th, 2010


Week Twenty -- Saturday

who. Kid and Kentucky.
what. Kid's searching for his muse; a curious Kentucky wanders by.
when. Early Saturday afternoon.
where. Along the river, River Runner territory.
rating. PG.
status. In progress.

His muse had been playing this game of hide and seek for a long time now... )

May. 13th, 2010


Week Nineteen -- Saturday

Who: Pan and Kahea
Where: The dock near Pan's boat
When: Early evening, Saturday
Why: Pan may be in trouble.

Pan sat quietly on the dock, his legs dangling over the edge so that they were submersed up to his ankles. He'd returned a few hours ago from the Outskirts. When he'd reached his boat he didn't even go inside, he just sat down on the dock. He'd been sitting there almost three hours, just staring into the water and occasionally looking up to the sky.

Something strange had happened with his last client, and it had really scared him. He sat there replaying all of the encounters he'd had with that man over in his mind. He'd had some weird, perhaps even midly obsessive drifters in his time, but this guy took the cake. In the beginning he'd seemed fine, even kind, but things had gotten progressivley stranger. To the point where he'd taken up all of Pan's time at the Outskirts and even paid him to stay the whole night there with him.

Nemo )
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Mar. 19th, 2010


Week 18 Sunday afternoon

Who: Kahea, Hazard, Kentucky
Where: The Trading Post
When: Week 18 Sunday afternoon
What: Hazard is taking Kentucky to meet with Kahea, so the two can catch up
Status: In progress//Closed
Rating: PG

After her encounter that morning with Gabe, Kahea had almost forgotten about her planned meeting with Kentucky and Dark Flash. What an odd name, but hey, he was just a boy after all. A pretty rude one at that. It had been like pulling teeth to get him to agree to this meeting, but Kahea stood her ground, not taking no, or 'go back to your tree' for an answer from the sarcastic teen. She needed to see Kentucky, talk to her, make sure she was alright.Kahea couldn't help it, it was just in her nature )

Mar. 18th, 2010


Week Nineteen -- Sunday

who. Trixie & open.
what. Looking for Sundance, hoping to meet someone.
when. Early sunset.
where. Edge of Twin Feather territory, near the river.
rating. TBD.
status. Open.

Feb. 25th, 2010


Week 18 Wednesday

Who: Kahea, Belle and OPEN
Where: Belle Fourche
When: Week 18 Wednesday Morning (her b-day)
What: It's Kahea's birthday, but no one knows about it, and she's miserable.
Status: In progress// OPEN
Rating: PG?

Birthday Blues )
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Week Eighteen - Sunday

Who: Gabriel & Kahea
What: Buying supplies
Where: The Trading Post
When: Sunday Morning
Rating: PG

When Gabriel had woken up in the morning, he had tried to go back to sleep. It had barely been dawn and his wife had snuggled up against him, something that usually made him want to crawl back in deeper, but he found himself wide awake. So instead of just lying there he had gotten up and started doing odds and ends. First it had been washing some of their dirty laundry in a basin of rain water and hanging them over the balcony to dry, then he had swept the floor to which he had received a groan from his sleeping wife. The pillow hadn't come at his head until he had started fixing the chair. Laughing under his breath he had been tempted to continue fixing it, but instead he had decided to save himself a bruise or two and instead took off with some random small trade-ables to the Trading Post.

It was a brisk morning and on the long walk by himself he was glad be had pulled on a sweater before he left. It was late May, but the night and mornings were still cool, especially after the on and off rain they had over the last few weeks.

When he arrived at the trading posts he was honestly surprised at how busy it was. They had not lived in Sundance very long, but he was always surprise by this city. Everyone seemed to work hard and not complain about doing so, it was nice to see. Especially after some of the towns and villages he had seen where people just seemed to be fading away and letting themselves do so. It was a scary world out there, and he thanked god everyday that after all of the Drama of their past that they had found this little slice of heaven.

Looking around the market, his eyes found a small produce stand and he walked over, eyeing their goods with a still empty stomach. He figured he's make breakfast when he got come and some fresh produce would be a nice treat.
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Feb. 15th, 2010


Week 17- Wednesday Afternoon

Who: Tramp, Jack, Gent, and Kahea
Where: Gent's Riverboat, Runner Territory
When: Week 17, Wednesday Afternoon
What: Fixing Gent's boat and meeting the newbie
Status: In Progress// G

Hi-ho! Hi-ho! )
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Jan. 28th, 2010


Week 17- Wednesday Night

Who: Mac, Kahea, and Open
Where: Jackal Lodge then Runner Territory
When: Week 17 Wednesday Night, late
What: Mac needs time away from the lodge and decides to take a walk around Sundance
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress// OPEN to Runners

Departure )
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Jan. 25th, 2010


Week 17 Wednesday

Who: Kahea, Pan, and Six
Where: Pan's and Six's boat house
When: Week 17- Wednesday morning
What: Kahea's waking up after the wild and crazy party night and she's a bit hung over...
Rating PG nothing too bad
Status In Progress//Closed

Headache Time! )
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Jan. 20th, 2010


Week 17 - Friday

Who: Hazard and Sly (With Kahea)
When: early evening
Where: the Hospital and then out and about.
What: Spy mission / intelligence reports!
Rating: PG?
Status: In progress.

Spies like us. )
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Dec. 28th, 2009


Week 16- Tuesday

Who: Kahea and Saint
When: Week 16- Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Rundown church, (by Gem's bank)
What: Kahea takes a walk around Sundance and comes across the church, Saint and her then proceed to have an interesting conversation regarding faith.
Rating: Try and keep it PG, they are in a church and even Kahea would respect that

Questioning of Faith )
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Week 16 Monday

Who: Kahea and Jed
When: Week 16 Monday Mid-morning
Where: Jed's river boat
What: She's going up to discuss her place among the tribe and try and prove herself to Jed
Rating: G- PG (They both are a bit stubborn but both have to bend on things)

And it begins )
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Dec. 17th, 2009


Week Seventeen - Tuesday

Who: Everyone
What: Towel Day Party
When: Tuesday Evening - After 9 pm
Where: The Trading Post
Rating: R for language and likely nudity

((OOC: In the subject line of each post please put the players involved. For example, "Wolf and Open" or "Wolf and Libby", etc. This helps minamize confusion in a group thread.))

Come Join The Party )

Oct. 11th, 2009


Week Fifteen - Tuesday

Who: Kahea and Sentinel and maybe Jinx and Jax later?
What: Kahea wakes up after the "incident" and has no idea where she is
When: Late morning, sometime after the attack
Where: Jackal's Lodges; Sentinel's room
Rating: Pg-13 for language: Kahea's going to be a bit upset about the whole thing
Status: In Progress

Waking up in unknown territory )

Sep. 21st, 2009


Week Fifteen - Tuesday

Who: Jinx, Kahea, Sentinel, and a few more
What: Jinxy goes for a stroll
When: Tuesday morning
Where: The Lodge, then out in a meadow
Rating: R for Violence

Today had started out like any other day; a nice big breakfast, a walk around the Lodge, a visit to the library, but then Sentinel had been called to speak to Jax. Jinx wasn't exactly please when their trip into the city had been spoilt, but it was Jax, and he was allowed to ruin their plans. He was allowed to, because if for no other reason, he had been the reason they had lived in the proverbial luxury they had since the virus. Things had been rocky once in awhile, but overall life had been easy for the siblings. So when Jax had called, Jinx had bit her lip and hadn't complained.

Before Sentinel had gone to speak to Jax, he had set Jinx up with a new book outside of the office, and had told her it would just be a couple of minutes and to stay where she was. The book Sentinel had given her was Arthur Edward Waite's "The Book Of Black Magic And Of Pacts including the Rites and Mysteries of Goetic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy". Usually Jinx would have been charmed by the Victorian writing style,maybe even engrossed in just how wordy an author could make an easy statement, but well she was waiting for Sentinel, Jinx found herself annoyed by it all and inpatient for it to get into the meat. So setting the book aside, she left her seat.

Originally she thought, she would just get another book, but as she entered the library, she saw how beautiful of a day it had become outside. So instead of racking through the piers of books, she ventured through the glass doors of the library and out into the day.

Slowly she drifted through the gardens and through a roughly maintained hedge. After wandering about tens minutes, she found herself in an open field that was more like a meadow. It was curious to her how much the view in front of her reminded her of imagery in many poems and stories, and she wondered if they to had visited this field. That of course was absurd, but it was an interesting thought.

Laying down amongst the long grass, she started reciting an old poem she knew by heart,

Song of the Flower XXIII by Khalil Gibran )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Week Fifteen - Sunday

Who: Cricket, Kahea, and Gent
What: Cricket wants to meet pretty dancer girl
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Gent's boat
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Read more... )

Sep. 4th, 2009


Week Fifteen-Friday Evening

Who:Kahea and Grey
Where:Wolf Farm House
When:Early Friday Evening
What:It's been raining off and on all day, making Kahea aggitated. She hates cold.
Rating:PG-13 for Kahea's language when she get's ranting

She's cold and wet and mad )
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Aug. 31st, 2009


Week Fifteen-Monday morning

Who: Kahea and Gent
Where: Gent's boat/forest heading into town
When: Early Monday morning
What: Gent wants to escort Kahea into town but Kahea is stubborn

Detremined To Go Alone )
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Aug. 20th, 2009


Week Fourteen-Saturday Night

Who: Kahea and whoever pays attention
Where: Gent's river boat on the Belle Fourche
When: Late Saturday Night/Early Sunday Morning
What: Kahea can't sleep; decides to have a late night dance
Rating G--dance is for all audiences! ^.^
Status In Progress
”Continue” )

Jul. 19th, 2009


Saturday: Mid afternoonish, Week Fourteen.

Who: OPEN to ANYONE to hears her screams just tumble on in!
What: Kahea comes across Belle Fourche and a little trouble....
When: Saturday Week Fourteen
Where: Belle Fourche River and MOVED to Gent's River Boat.
Rating: PG-13 for Language and situation

Kahea shifted the sacks on her back. Even though the sun wasn’t as hot as Texas or California, it still made her sweat, making her load just a little bit more uncomfortable at times. Anela was running in between her feet again, and almost caused her to trip a few times. “Anela, enough! I know you’re hungry, but we can’t eat now, we have to wait at least until sundown. Save food, remember?” Anela looked up at her with her emerald green eyes and mewed. Kahea stuck her tongue out at her and kept walking. She fought the urge to pop an ear bud into one ear and listen to her iPod, but she needed to conserve the power as much as possible. Instead she lost herself in thought, trying to remember what she had been told at her last two “city” stops. The first one, a source told her that there had been no military forces coming through that town ever. But they had heard a rumor of a unit of some sort up in Wyoming somewhere. “Oh, where am I now?” she had asked the man. “What remains of Salt Lake City, Utah.” How she came to Utah in the first place, she had no idea. Her initial direction was north, to Washington, but little by little she strayed east and was somehow lucky enough to come across some viable information about her brother. Her sense of direction sucked, and she knew it, so from then on she took better care to pay attention to the direction of the sun and head directly the way she was told to go to find the next town who had rumored to have a “run-in” with a military unit of some kind. In that town, what remained of Casper, Wyoming, she asked questions again about possible military forces and described her brother’s features. This is where she had received her first inch of real hope in years of wandering and looking. They told her about a small unit of about four men who came through and stayed a few days in the town and also tried to “recruit” some of the men in town to join them for some kind of an uprising against something or someone. They didn’t get anyone to go with them but Kahea was told that the man fitting her description carried with him a picture that he was always looking at. That’s when Kahea got brave and took out her iPod to show them the picture of her brother so that she could be 100% sure it was him. The people in the small building, used to be hospital, all nodded in agreement that one of those men was her brother. “Where had they come from?" She asked. If she could retrace his steps, she just might discover where he was going. “I think they came down from Sundance,” spoke up one young woman. “I think I overheard one of them saying something about Sundance.” “Where is that?”

Now she was headed to Sundance. And hopefully she was in the right direction. continue )
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