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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021




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Posts Tagged: 'c:+gemma+montague'

Mar. 4th, 2021



04 March | Daphne Montague

There are days I wake up and set out to go to a coffee shop that doesn't even exist yet. It's so weird being in the past but so cool too. I kind of wonder how things will play out. I mean, I know who won this world cup in my timeline, but will that happen here? And no, I'm not telling you Dad!

I'm thinking of going to this wine thing at Frizzante tonight though. Anyone want to come?

Feb. 24th, 2021



24 February | Cassius Warrington

We don't have to wear messed up hats for the opening shit in a few days do we?

Feb. 17th, 2021



February 17 | Roger Davies

I've no clue what's been in the water lately, but between wankers releasing creatures and bludgers flying all over town, maybe we'll have a few normal days leading up to the Cup. World Cup weeks can be a bit mad as it is, but this has been something else.

Has anyone stopped by the country booths this week? I now know how to flirt properly in ten countries and counting.

[ooc: please assume this isn't the first time he's reached out; he'd contact team members regularly for news and check-ins]

I've been doing a lot of film-watching the last couple weeks, and I thought I could run some ideas for new plays by you guys. A mix of positions are involved in the thoughts I had and vary based on each national team and their players, so it's probably best to all get together in a group rather than separate chaser and beater meetings.

How about a team dinner to hash out things? We can talk shop for a while but also just hang out away from the pitch. Maybe Friday night?

Feb. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

I feel personally affronted that anyone would come into my town and release innocent Magical Creatures in a land to which they are neither native nor properly suited for. It's cruel, inhumane, and actions suited for Middle Age wizardry ...

Have no worries that each and every curupira and sasabonsam will be found and returned to their homeland. However, I do hope that law enforcement finds AND charges whomsoever is doing this to the fullest extent of the law. And if there isn't a law, I'm bloody happy to write one.

What would be just excellent would be if Quidditch teams and fans could just stop. Play your game and have done with it.

Feb. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Wild dreams the past few nights.

I really need to stop watching snacking so late at night.

In other news, I've got a new flat. You can find me in Ferry Flats #306 from now on.

Jan. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

You heard it here first, Cuaditch.

"No, I will not work out today." is self-care and you cannot make me think otherwise. Instead, I'm going to the Magical Invention Convention and I am going to rock on with my bad self by marveling over robots that clean up my owl's nasty poo.

Jan. 19th, 2021



january 17 :: theodore nott (BACKDATED)

task force.
Ever since January 11 I've been hearing a high pitched sound whenever I meet someone from our team. It doesn't happen with anyone else I meet and it seems I am the only one who's able to hear it.

I've been paying attention in the last few days and I could swear somewhere in that sound there's a word.

I thought I would share this information with you since it only happens around you. Be careful, just in case.

Jan. 17th, 2021



17 January | Lily Montgomery | Future One

It's a little weird seeing the outdated information on brooms and seeing things as if they are new when they are old school for us. It's really interesting and I guess from a historical view it is a first in a life time situation and shouldn't be taken for granted, but it's still really weird.

Jan. 7th, 2021



7 December | Gemma Montague

New year, really makes one wonder what Cuaditch will have in store for us this year.

Perry Derrick
Happy late birthday, mate. Does 30 feel any different?

Charlie Montgomery
So, hear me out before you say no, okay? I really think you should apply with me to the Department of Mysteries to be on their investigation team.

Dec. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

[after the announcement]

Well, happy birthday to me I guess. I'm glad they got the floo fixed, but I really am going to miss having my daughter around.

I'll be at the Snitch later, if anyone feels like joining me for a drink.

Dec. 21st, 2020



21 December | Gemma Montague

If you have no plans for tonight, I recommend finding a clear spot and take a look at the night sky! Tonight we'll see a rare sight, Saturn and Jupiter will align and what's extremely special about this is that it's been about is that it's been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment occurred at night. If you're religious, it's been nicknamed 'The Christmas Star'.

Call it what you'd like, but it's still going to be an amazing sight tonight. It's also pretty cool that it's on the Winter solstice.

Dec. 17th, 2020



17 December | Daphne Montague | Future Three

I know I mentioned once wondering what things were like before all of our parents got together, but that was more of a speculation, not a hey, let's go to the past kind of thing.

As far as I can tell most people are just coming out and saying hi to their parents, so hi!

Who all is here? Is Rowan her-

Dec. 8th, 2020



december 8 :: leo spinnet

I may have eaten my way out of a gingerbread house yesterday. Hansel and Gretel should've done the same. Just sayin'.

Also, where are my amazing future nieces and nephews? Who wants to join me, the most awesometastic uncle ever (sorry, Rocco, I'm just stating the facts), in an evening of pizza and Mario Kart? I'll throw a gingerbread house making contest in there for the holiday spirit and all that fun!

Nov. 30th, 2020



Bertie Montgomery - F1 (2047)

This is sort of brilliant! Bloody weird, but brilliant.

Bertie Montgomery, hello! I don't suppose anyone has seen my sisters about? Or our parents?

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

It's always such a strange feeling when we reach the end of a season. I am looking forward to the match on Friday, but it'll be bittersweet knowing it's the last. The championship match is going to be an exciting one, that's for sure.

Also, a completely hypothetical question... is it too soon to set up for Christmas? Yes? No?

Charlie Montgomery

And then after Saturday???

Nov. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Sometimes you've just got to get up in the clouds.

cut for photo )
If you could go anywhere on the planet right now, where would you go?

Nov. 14th, 2020



14 November | Cassius Warrington


Good game Harpies.

guess we're moving on.

Nov. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Lot of fouls today. What was it, 140?

Oh, my mistake. 141.

Nov. 2nd, 2020



2 November | Gemma Montague

I know everyone is still talking about the Halloween ball, but did anyone happen to see the moon that night? It was an indescribable sight. Fun fact, a full moon such as this on Halloween won't occur in Ireland and the UK until 2039.

Just in case you missed it, I took a picture!

not an ic cut )

Nov. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

This post will NOT be about Quidditch. Feel free to be shocked!

Last night, I had so much fun at the Halloween Ball. A few people asked me if I dressed as a sexy Babbity Rabbity but I want to set the record straight for everyone. I dressed as NIMUE. I felt powerful, mysterious, absolutely able to slay, and completely awesome! It was appropriate for Halloween. 👻

I want to thank you for grabbing some food with me and cutting a rug on the dance floor. You made this brief Quidditch break so much fun. Today, I have serious sugar hangover! Um. Among other things.

If you are one of Ginny's friends and at last night's Halloween Ball, she absolutely attempted to get you on the dance floor and ply you with drinks and sweets. She was in a glorious mood and wanted all to feel absolutely stunning.

Oct. 28th, 2020



October 28 | Phillip Montgomery

That's a rather unusual way for your team to win a match, but I'll gladly take any win for Portree that comes to us.

Looking forward to the start of the playoffs over the next couple of weeks. Would anyone want to start a pool for your tournament brackets?

Oct. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Gemma M. & Charlie M.
25th September 2020
RATING PG| Two friends chatting and getting ready for a spa day!

Read more... )



october 27 :: leo spinnet

I know everyone is excited about the World Cup and all, but can we please talk about the fact that Halloween is THIS SATURDAY?!! Favorite holiday in the whole entire world! I wish it lasted a whole month.

Oct. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

While the whole town is abuzz with the delights? of World Cup season, I feel it my solemn duty to use the excitement to remind you all about the plights of those with whom we share this arcane and secret world: the Magical Creature. Today, I want to talk to you about the Golden Snidget.

While, in many cases, several of you might know the Golden Snidget, I am convinced that several may have never heard of our avian friend before. The Golden Snidget is a perfectly round little golden-coloured bird with wings that can go in a nearly 360 degree circle. If the name and the description don't do it for you, I'll be more clear: this was the early snitch caught by Quidditch players. Though Madam Modesty Rabnott protested the use of the Golden Snidget (from the first released), it took many years to make progress. I give thanks to the memory of Bowman Wright for determining the most effective way to design and charm a Golden Snitch so that a Golden Snidget never again had to give up her life for the playing of the game.

It wasn't until the bird received the ranking of XXX in order to protect it from would-be Quidditch purists that it could live mostly unmolested. Today, you can visit the Modesty Rabnott Golden Snidget Preserve in Somerset if you would like to see this fantastical little bird in the flesh. I would, furthermore, recommend that any betting in Cuaditch over the World cup or the World Cup teams would donate a portion of the proceeds to the continued protection of the Golden Snidget.

Oct. 20th, 2020



late-afternoon – 20th october

I know people say black cats are bad luck, but I can't feel like this one had brought me good luck today. It's been a really good day and I came home to find a dress I've been eying waiting for me in my room.

not filtered;cut for image )

I'm not sure if this guy has a proper home, but if I can't find where he belongs, I might just have to keep him!

🙀 - ONE CHARCTER EACH sees a black cat everywhere you do, while it might be surprising, it's actually good luck! When you get home you'll find something you've always wanted.

Oct. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

This is a little late, but don't forget that Mercury is in retrograde until 3 November.

I know it gets a bad reputation but this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Mercury retrograde can be very revealing and can be a time of great change if we move with intention. You just have to be cautious. Now is not a time to sign contracts - take some time to read them over carefully if you have to, review existing contracts instead, but don't rush into anything. Now's the time to comparison shop and be flexible, to pause for reflection and tie up loose ends.

Mercury is known as the planet of communication, but since it'll spend most of its time in Scorpio, you might feel a little more on edge and secretive, a little more defensive. Scorpio, at its worst, can make us paranoid, obsessive, distrustful, jealous. At its best, highly intuitive, loyal, sensual. Scorpio isn't afraid of new starts and of taking risk, so this is the perfect opportunity to let go of old communication methods that weren't working and to try something new. Finding a mindfulness practice that works for you will help keep you grounded.

Since this is a time to re-examine the past, don't be surprised if you run into an old flame - but be cautious. This isn't because they were the one who got away; this is more about closure. (I don't recommend re-examining past relationships during this time, honestly, even if you are feeling more sentimental. Or horny.)

... this was all probably more than anyone wanted to know. Sorry.

Oct. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Damn proud of all of you.



14 October - Charlie Montgomery



And yes Miles, I'm proud of you too, and everyone else who made the team, especially Gemma and Tracey!!!

Oct. 12th, 2020



October 12 | Graham Montague

A full moon on Halloween? On a Saturday?

This, my friends, is what we call a proper Halloween bash.

Oct. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Very cool, Cuaditch. Love the blast from the past!

[PLOT: 🥁 - Around 10am this morning festival tents appear all over Queerditch Park, and phantom bands from throughout history appear playing in the different tents... That's where all that drum music was coming from.]

Oct. 8th, 2020



10/8 | Kaitlin Summerby


in case anyone is wondering, no, I don't want to talk about it


I'm getting a drink. don't
[*feel free to assume; Bole strikeouts are not readable, but the un-bolded one can be made out]

Sep. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

posted to greer's wizgram )

Sep. 28th, 2020



28 September Cassius Warrington

Miles? Did you drunkenly buy a koala again? They still aren't drop bears.

Back to Kenmare. Cheers.

🐨 - ONE CHARACTER EACH finds a koala in their bathroom today. Don't worry, this little guy is very friendly.

Sep. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]


in a world where
Greer MacDougal
is the Scottish Team Captain!!!!

Greer MacDougal, I am SO PROUD of your leadership, your consistency, and your pride in your country. You are an amazing Quidditch player, an inspirational woman, and the best girlfriend in the WORLD. I know you are going to kick arse and take names all down the pitch just like we've been doing all year.

If you're excited for Greer, leave her a message (or flowers, or cookies, or protein potions) on this entry.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



23 September | Gemma Montague

Voice Text - Language is slightly slurred.

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?

I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

If you don't like riddles, here's a joke!

How do astronomers organize a party?



ooc: friends would know that riddles are common for her when she's been drinking.

Sep. 13th, 2020



text messages

Perry Derrick
✉️ Hey. I know there's probably a lot going on right now, but I just want to make sure that you're okay.

Leo Spinnet
✉️ Hey.
✉️ I'm sorry, Leo. If you need anything, let me know, okay?

Sep. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Well, today was a strange day for Quidditch, wasn't it?

No complaints here, of course. A win's a win.

Sep. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

The lack of gravity yesterday was something. Actually, kind of fun, but I think I'm glad it's not like that every day.

Sep. 6th, 2020




I'm kidnapping Leo in twenty minutes.

Be ready to surprise him for his birthday.


Kidnapping Leo now. Be ready!

Alicia's decided last minute to kidnap Leo and host a last minute surprise party for him for his 25th birthday just outside her house with flatmates, please assume she warned everyone!!!!

Sep. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

LEE + FRIENDS (Rolf, Gemma, Perry, Teresa, Parvati, Alicia, Loukas, Katie, Lucian, Hannah, feel free to assume others!)
Put on your best boots, we're going out tonight!