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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021




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Posts Tagged: 'c:+tracey+davis'

Feb. 24th, 2021



24 February | Cassius Warrington

We don't have to wear messed up hats for the opening shit in a few days do we?

Jan. 3rd, 2021



Marrick Davis-Summerby (Future 2)

So, yeah. This isn't normal.

[ooc: Marrick wasn't intro'd in December, so he's brand new this time. He is the son of Tracey Davis/Kaitlin Summerby from Future 2. He may also share dna with ~Uncle~ Graham. Born in 2022, comes from 2047 and is 25.]

Dec. 11th, 2020



(1) Hunter Warrington: F1

WELL. I know I've been pretty quiet through all this ordeal, but I thought I'd let the shocks die down from all the "Anakin, I am your child".

I'm Hunter. Cassius and Tracey, you're my parents. I am basically attuned to both the light and dark side of the Force.

I am ... honestly in the need of a drive. I'm going to rent one in the nearest Muggle town and whip around the highlands a bit. Would anyone like to come with?

Dec. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

How is everyone explaining this to their families? Like, the family that doesn't live here? Are you telling them or are you going to keep it to yourself? I'm not sure if I should tell my mum about this or not, but Christmas is coming up and I can't think of any good excuses to not see her for it. But I also don't want to spend Christmas away from Ronan and Alma and Wi so... I suppose the answer is 'tell Mum'?

Nov. 30th, 2020



Bertie Montgomery - F1 (2047)

This is sort of brilliant! Bloody weird, but brilliant.

Bertie Montgomery, hello! I don't suppose anyone has seen my sisters about? Or our parents?

Nov. 29th, 2020



Elinor Warrington - Future One

What in the actual Godric Gryffindor's balls is going on???

This is not Islington. Why am I not in Islington??

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

It's always such a strange feeling when we reach the end of a season. I am looking forward to the match on Friday, but it'll be bittersweet knowing it's the last. The championship match is going to be an exciting one, that's for sure.

Also, a completely hypothetical question... is it too soon to set up for Christmas? Yes? No?

Charlie Montgomery

And then after Saturday???

Nov. 14th, 2020



14 November | Cassius Warrington


Good game Harpies.

guess we're moving on.

Oct. 8th, 2020



10/8 | Kaitlin Summerby


in case anyone is wondering, no, I don't want to talk about it


I'm getting a drink. don't
[*feel free to assume; Bole strikeouts are not readable, but the un-bolded one can be made out]

Sep. 28th, 2020



28 September | Erin Troy


First, welcome back Cassius, it's good to have you with us again.

Tracey, welcome to Kenmare! I know there is a lot to learn coming over here, and if there is anything that you need please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thursday evening we'll be hosting a small party for the team, friends and family. Please feel free to invite anyone you'd like, details are to come. It'll be a welcome party to Kenmare.

I'm sure you all want to focus on the match against the Tutshill Tornados on Wednesday before taking the time to celebrate.

Yup, party on Thursday, it'll be a 'small' get together.

What are you doing Thursday night?



28 September Cassius Warrington

Miles? Did you drunkenly buy a koala again? They still aren't drop bears.

Back to Kenmare. Cheers.

🐨 - ONE CHARACTER EACH finds a koala in their bathroom today. Don't worry, this little guy is very friendly.

Sep. 11th, 2020



09 August - Cassius & Tracey

Cassius Warrington & Tracey davis
09 August - Wonderland
"Can't we just tap our feet together and wish we could go home?"
“Wrong Muggle movie,”

WARNINGS - Mention of drugs, some cursing. 📖 - TWO CHARACTERS EACH find themselves stuck in a book today and must work together to get out!
read Read more... )

Sep. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

BYE week? Thanks, I hate it. I can never tell if I want to run a marathon or start a pub brawl. And I'm too superstitious to toss a coin. So, it's kind of dependent upon the mood that strikes me in the particularly moment. (You've been warned? LOL.)

I'm going to start a petition. Greer MacDougal for the all-star game. Who is with me?

Sep. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Free bottles of wine in exchange for wearing my favorite boots? Don't mind if I do. Anyone feel like getting a group together and seeing how much wine we can get?

Sep. 1st, 2020



Owl to Cassius Warrington

Owl to Cassius )

Aug. 25th, 2020



25 August | Charlie Montgomery

I'm thinking watermelon margaritas.

- Oh, honestly.

- What's are furtherest away property from here?

🍉 - It's raining today, but it's not raining well rain, it's raining watermelon seeds! Careful, some hit the ground and become full-sized watermelons. Ripe too, feel free to pick them!

Aug. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Did anyone else get some advice from a fox today?

We're into the back half of the season now and I'm proud as hell of all of you. I know I say that all the time, but it's worth repeating. And it's not just your performances on the pitch. The integrity you all show on and off the pitch makes me proud to be one of you, and whatever happens here on out, that's a powerful thing to have.

I hope you're doing well. I know it's been a complicated few weeks.

For what it's worth, any team would be lucky to have you.

Aug. 22nd, 2020



Log: Tracey & Miles

Who: Tracey and Miles
What: Running into each other and a ~chat
When: August 10, mid-morning
Where: Waterfront Park

It looks like we both had the same idea today )

Aug. 21st, 2020



August 21 | Tracey Davis

Note to self: be careful accepting challenges from Terry Boot.

I'm on bye this weekend. Let's go some place full of sun, sand, and attractive blokes. Preferably somewhere out of the way and low key.

Hey there, friend. What have you been up to lately?



21 Aug 2020 - Adrian Pucey

Private to Charlie Montgomery )

Announcement: Mark your calendars for 5 September 2020. The Grand Opening of TheGauntlet.wiz is going down. Quidditch players no excuses unless you die on your match earlier that day.

Aug. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have a challenge for anyone interested:

How many ice cream sandwiches can you eat in a day? 🤔

Aug. 8th, 2020



6 August 2020 (backdated)

TO: All Falcons & Wigtown Players
FROM: Daphne Greengrass
Note: 4 of these were sent to Cassius Warrington per request. Everyone else got 1 each.

Owl to Falmouth & Wigtown Players )

Aug. 7th, 2020



august 5 :: lucian bole - after the match (BACKDATED)

That was too much even for me.

You okay, Trace?

Aug. 5th, 2020



05 August | Cassius Warrington - Post Match

No Comment. Stop asking.

Some match. If you want to talk about it, well, you know.

I'm getting smashed.



Narrative: August 5 | Tracey Davis

Who: Tracey Davis
When: Wednesday, during the Falcons v Wasps match
Where: Quidditch pitch
What: She's had enough

Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart We rip the start, the colors disappear I never watch the stars there's so much down here So I just try to keep up with them Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart )

Aug. 3rd, 2020



03 August | Garrick Summerby

Usually, a Sunday off means relaxing, perhaps get some shopping done or doing the wash. It does not include turning into a dog and decide chasing my own tail, going to the water and swimming and chasing balls was on my list. Needless to say, I was a tired pup.

Jul. 25th, 2020



25 July | Alicia Spinnet | Right after the match

Well, that was an interesting match. I'll always take the win. Fantastic catch by George.

Do me a favour yeah? Keep me away from the lot of the Falcons for a week or so.

Nice punch.

Healers want me to rest my shoulder tomorrow and Monday. They say it's just fine and will be but you know how they are, extra careful.

Jul. 19th, 2020



july 19 :: lucian bole

353 fouls... Did we break a record again yesterday?

Jul. 16th, 2020



16 July | Tracey Davis

As much as I enjoyed the company, missing practice because you're stuck in a hammock for a couple of hours isn't the way anyone hopes to start the day. At least I had a teammate there to help back me up with an alibi.

It's doubtful anyone will see be lounging around in a nice hammock anytime in the near future. Thanks for the company and quality teammate time, Lucian.

Jul. 7th, 2020



7 July | Gemma Montague

Filtered to Charlie Montgomery & Tracey Davis
Thanks for looking after Merlin & Newton. I appreciate the help.

Filtered to Friends
Thoughts on bringing back the dark lipstick?

Filtered to Graham
Mum's driving me crazy. Can't you tell her you're dating someone so she'll back off for a day?

Jul. 5th, 2020



5 July | Graham Montague

[shortly after this. *Assume or if unsure then check with Chele/Gemma pls!]

Group message sent to friends* and teammates of Gemma
Gemma was attacked this evening. It's not known who the attacker was, but she's spoken with the DMLE and was able to give a description. She's alright. Shaken, mostly, with some minor bruises and scrapes.

I'm bringing her back to stay at my flat for the night, but if anyone is able to go over to her flat to look after her two cats, I know she'd appreciate it.

And I'd appreciate a heads up if anyone hears any additional rumors of who the fuck attacked my sister tonight.



05 July | Charlie Montgomery

These clouds have been fascinating.

I can't wait to see which one is next. There are so many possibilities. The magic behind it has got to be rather complicated which makes it even more impressive. But what do I know about that kind of thing right?

Alright, so I managed to trap some of the tangerine clouds today in a jar, and well, it doesn't seem to want to be trapped it keeps getting more and more intense, I took a sample from it and have gotten out some of the potions that are in it, but there is some really in-depth alchemy to it. I think there is a combo transfiguration-charms on it that's keeping it from breaking apart mixed with a new chemical.

Oh! I got it! It turned orange! Proper orange!

This is so much fun!!!

*** VERY few people know Charlie isn't just a dumb socialite and has a lab in her flat she shares with Tracey. I believe the list includes: Tracey Davis, Graham Montague, Phillip Montgomery, (I can't remember if Adrian or Miles know???), Gemma Montague(?). Ask if you think your character might know, it's probably unlikely unless really close to Charlie or

Also around NOON today the clouds seem to get inside ferry flats, she's sorry!

Jun. 25th, 2020



25 June | Garrick Summerby

I'm in town for the weekend and land in a Rainforest? I suppose after a week in Rub' al Khali it's a nice change.

I'd be careful on the north side of town I just saw an emerald tree boa.

🌳 - What is happening??? Well, Cuaditch Town looks like it's turned into a Rainforest, it lasts three days. Careful, there are wild animals everywhere!

Jun. 22nd, 2020



22 June | Cassius Warrington

Thanks for the years Kenmare.

Happy to join the Falcons.

Let's kick some arse.



june 22 :: lucian bole

I'm sad to see Welch go. I hope she finds her place with the Kestrels.

Welcome to the team, Warrington.

Jun. 21st, 2020



June 20 | Tracey Davis

At this rate, by the end of the season rumours will be swirling that I'm dating or canoodling half the league. Sorry, Rune; I needed comfort after not winning you at the auction.

😘 Lucian

Texts to Charlie after the Falcons' match
15:34 - I texted Cory Ford to congratulate him on a good match today
15:35 - And you'll never guess who he said was in Puddlemere's locker room before and after the match

Jun. 15th, 2020



15 June | Cassius Warrington

Some news.

Good luck with the Pies

Good luck mate, tough break.

Jun. 2nd, 2020



June 2 | Tracey Davis

I mean, Rune is a good-looking bloke. A girl could do worse.

I'll never think of Twister the same again.

Also, bloody thankful for an afternoon practice time yesterday.

May. 31st, 2020



31 May | Charlie Montgomery

Favourite weird pizza toppings? Go! It's important.


I'm ordering way too much food tonight and staying in. You are all welcome to come over and share in said food!

Tracey, we might have people over for dinner!

🚰 - Someone dumped Veritaserum in the towns water. It's a rather strong dose. If you drank anything with town water in it, you find yourself unable to speak anything but the truth. It lasts for 72 hours until the water supply is cleaned out properly. The DMLE is after the person who did it.



31 May | Cassius Warrington

Well, that was interesting.

Avoid crowded places, people have gone mental today.

🚰 - Someone dumped Veritaserum in the towns water. It's a rather strong dose. If you drank anything with town water in it, you find yourself unable to speak anything but the truth. It lasts for 72 hours until the water supply is cleaned out properly. The DMLE is after the person who did it.

He hasn't had any... yet?