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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021




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Posts Tagged: 'c:+kaitlin+summerby'

Jan. 13th, 2021



January 13 | Graham Montague

So, if going through a door jumps into the future a couple minutes, does that mean if I keep walking through it I can skip to dinner time?

[His kids from all futures & his baby mamas]
Now that the holidays are over, it's been a whole two weeks since we've had a good party around here. What do you guys say for getting together Friday night? I don't feel like we've really been able to all get together properly, but it's still less pressure than Christmas or New Year's.

I've called in a favour with Pucey and have the top floor of the Gaunlet reserved for any of you who'd like to come. Music, drinks, whatever you want it to be. Just don't break anything or he'll hold it over my head forever.
[Cassius, Tracey, Gemma, Phillip and their kids]
If you guys want something to do Friday night, I may have coerced Pucey into giving us one of the spaces at the Gauntlet.

Come if you want, but I probably won't hold it against you if you don't.

Jan. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Seriously, Cuaditch????

I'm a bloody bobble-head!

Jan. 3rd, 2021



Marrick Davis-Summerby (Future 2)

So, yeah. This isn't normal.

[ooc: Marrick wasn't intro'd in December, so he's brand new this time. He is the son of Tracey Davis/Kaitlin Summerby from Future 2. He may also share dna with ~Uncle~ Graham. Born in 2022, comes from 2047 and is 25.]

Dec. 21st, 2020



rowan warrington :: future 3 :: 2050 (28)

Seems like I've arrived a little late. Better late than never, isn't that what they say?

kaitlin summerby & cassius warrington.
Hi, Mom and Dad.

Dec. 10th, 2020



10 Dec | Kaitlin Summerby

Anyone else have a wicked craving for ice cream?

Yes, I know it's December. Can't really explain it!

Dec. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

This year's advent calendar seems to be off to a good start.

Happy December, Cuaditch! Let's talk holiday plans. What are you most looking forward to during this holiday season?

Nov. 14th, 2020



14 November | Cassius Warrington


Good game Harpies.

guess we're moving on.

Oct. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Oof. Going to need a pint (or six) to take away the sting from that last Arrows's loss.

Good thing I've got the principal male role in the Nutcracker to distract me.

Oct. 14th, 2020



14 October - Charlie Montgomery



And yes Miles, I'm proud of you too, and everyone else who made the team, especially Gemma and Tracey!!!

Oct. 12th, 2020



October 12 | Graham Montague

A full moon on Halloween? On a Saturday?

This, my friends, is what we call a proper Halloween bash.

Oct. 10th, 2020



10 October

Well, hasn't this been an interesting week.

While I do enjoy riding a good motorbike, somehow trying to ride one that's for a ghost just hasn't been on my to-do list, well, at least not while living.

Elle and now Garrick? I knew about the second-

Anyone else we know about to be arrested?

šŸļø - A ghostly motorcycle gang shows up in town today, and they keep offering everyone lessons on how to ride a motorbike!

Oct. 2nd, 2020



open net | kaitlin summerby

Does anyone else hear those drums? No one in the office can I swear I'm not going mad

[šŸ„ - FIVE CHARACTERS can swear they hear a bass drum everywhere they go today.]

Sep. 28th, 2020



28 September Cassius Warrington

Miles? Did you drunkenly buy a koala again? They still aren't drop bears.

Back to Kenmare. Cheers.

šŸØ - ONE CHARACTER EACH finds a koala in their bathroom today. Don't worry, this little guy is very friendly.

Sep. 4th, 2020







Yes. The Snitch.

No. I did not do it.

Yes. I am running with it.

šŸ›„ļø - An unknown witch or wizard has transfigured Squealling Snitch into a boat? Yes. A large yacht, and it's not just any yacht, it's the love boat!

Sep. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Free bottles of wine in exchange for wearing my favorite boots? Don't mind if I do. Anyone feel like getting a group together and seeing how much wine we can get?

Sep. 1st, 2020



September 1 | Graham Montague

Everyone be sure to wish Cassius a happy birthday and gift him with extra long bear hugs today. Happy birthday, mate.

We're going out tonight to celebrate and drunkenly toast to you. Pub crawl, y/y?

Aug. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

I didn't know foxes were so wise. I thought they were foxy and Wiley and stuff. Nah, they're really darn smart. Real smart! I think foxes deserve to be treated better! BE KIND TO THE FOXES!

Oh, and we're making this watermelon rain thing a fun thing at the pub, come try watermelon themed drinks.

šŸ‰ - It's raining today, but it's not raining well rain, it's raining watermelon seeds! Careful, some hit the ground and become full-sized watermelons. Ripe too, feel free to pick them!



25 August | Charlie Montgomery

I'm thinking watermelon margaritas.

- Oh, honestly.

- What's are furtherest away property from here?

šŸ‰ - It's raining today, but it's not raining well rain, it's raining watermelon seeds! Careful, some hit the ground and become full-sized watermelons. Ripe too, feel free to pick them!

Aug. 21st, 2020



21 Aug 2020 - Adrian Pucey

Private to Charlie Montgomery )

Announcement: Mark your calendars for 5 September 2020. The Grand Opening of TheGauntlet.wiz is going down. Quidditch players no excuses unless you die on your match earlier that day.

Aug. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

As fun as being stuck in a children's book is, if I miss the mead tasting, I think I'm going to end up very cross with your, Cuaditch strangeness!

Aug. 3rd, 2020



03 August | Garrick Summerby

Usually, a Sunday off means relaxing, perhaps get some shopping done or doing the wash. It does not include turning into a dog and decide chasing my own tail, going to the water and swimming and chasing balls was on my list. Needless to say, I was a tired pup.

Jul. 5th, 2020



5 July | Graham Montague

[shortly after this. *Assume or if unsure then check with Chele/Gemma pls!]

Group message sent to friends* and teammates of Gemma
Gemma was attacked this evening. It's not known who the attacker was, but she's spoken with the DMLE and was able to give a description. She's alright. Shaken, mostly, with some minor bruises and scrapes.

I'm bringing her back to stay at my flat for the night, but if anyone is able to go over to her flat to look after her two cats, I know she'd appreciate it.

And I'd appreciate a heads up if anyone hears any additional rumors of who the fuck attacked my sister tonight.



05 July | Malcolm Preece

How does a squid go into battle?

What's the best thing about Switzerland?
I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus.

Why aren't koalas actual bears?
They don't meet the koalafications.

What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?
Phillipe Phillope.

Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.

What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Same middle name.

What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between you and me, something smells.

šŸ¤£ - ONE CHARACTER EACH can't help but tell old jokes today.



05 July | Charlie Montgomery

These clouds have been fascinating.

I can't wait to see which one is next. There are so many possibilities. The magic behind it has got to be rather complicated which makes it even more impressive. But what do I know about that kind of thing right?

Alright, so I managed to trap some of the tangerine clouds today in a jar, and well, it doesn't seem to want to be trapped it keeps getting more and more intense, I took a sample from it and have gotten out some of the potions that are in it, but there is some really in-depth alchemy to it. I think there is a combo transfiguration-charms on it that's keeping it from breaking apart mixed with a new chemical.

Oh! I got it! It turned orange! Proper orange!

This is so much fun!!!

*** VERY few people know Charlie isn't just a dumb socialite and has a lab in her flat she shares with Tracey. I believe the list includes: Tracey Davis, Graham Montague, Phillip Montgomery, (I can't remember if Adrian or Miles know???), Gemma Montague(?). Ask if you think your character might know, it's probably unlikely unless really close to Charlie or

Also around NOON today the clouds seem to get inside ferry flats, she's sorry!

Jun. 25th, 2020



25 June | Garrick Summerby

I'm in town for the weekend and land in a Rainforest? I suppose after a week in Rub' al Khali it's a nice change.

I'd be careful on the north side of town I just saw an emerald tree boa.

šŸŒ³ - What is happening??? Well, Cuaditch Town looks like it's turned into a Rainforest, it lasts three days. Careful, there are wild animals everywhere!

Jun. 21st, 2020



18 June | Kaitlin & Graham

Kaitlin Summerby & Graham Montague
18th June 2020 | Seashell Plot
open to anyone she knows
RATING TBD | Likely no warnings
Read more... )



June 21 | Roger Davies

I was thinking of heading to the coast for the day if anyone wants to have some fun. Kayaking, checking out some caves, swimming in freezing water. Anyone in?

Texts to Lavender Brown
9:06 - Enjoying France, Ms. Brown?

Texts to Sam Chambers
9:10 - Great match and win yesterday.
9:11 - Sucks it was the Falcons of all teams, but no matter where you are, I know you'll do great.



June 20 | Tracey Davis

At this rate, by the end of the season rumours will be swirling that I'm dating or canoodling half the league. Sorry, Rune; I needed comfort after not winning you at the auction.

šŸ˜˜ Lucian

Texts to Charlie after the Falcons' match
15:34 - I texted Cory Ford to congratulate him on a good match today
15:35 - And you'll never guess who he said was in Puddlemere's locker room before and after the match

Jun. 20th, 2020



june 20 :: lucian bole (pre match)

A fan just stopped me before the match and asked me what would my life be like if it were perfect. Got me thinking, not going to lie. I couldn't answer him right there but I guess I could do it here, now that I have a couple of minutes before the match.

I think my life is perfect the way it is right now. I wouldn't change anything. I mean, I have everything I could ever want or need, I do what I love, I have awesome friends... What else could I want? Maybe a bigger closet, but that can be arranged.

If you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like? ]

Jun. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm almost disappointed I didn't make the news.

It was an entertaining read, at any rate.

Jun. 2nd, 2020



June 2 | Tracey Davis

I mean, Rune is a good-looking bloke. A girl could do worse.

I'll never think of Twister the same again.

Also, bloody thankful for an afternoon practice time yesterday.



[No Subject]

Congrats to anyone getting laid, regardless of whether the tabloids guest it right or not.

Also, personally, Iā€™d go for a party twin first, then the non-party twin.



june 2 :: rory corner

Spent three hours sneezing rainbows... That's new.

[ PLOT :: šŸØ - Samples of different kinds of ice cream are all over Cuaditch today. Careful though, ONE CHARACTER EACH ends up trying a rather strange one that causes them to sneeze rainbows for three hours. ]

Jun. 1st, 2020



june 1 :: leo spinnet

Let's play truth or dare! Who wants to play??? Anyone?

[ PLOT :: šŸ•“ - ONE CHARACTER EACH feels the need to challenge people to truth or dare, but they will only pick dares. ]

May. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Heard a rumor it's half off ale at the Squealing Snitch tonight. Good excuse for a night at the pub, yeah?

May. 14th, 2020



May 14 | Roger Davies

Well, we didn't lose. I'm game for another bye week.

May. 2nd, 2020



after the quidditch matches

Happy opening day to the best time of the year: Quidditch season!

No slacking off this week just because the Bats played like dragon shit and got lucky. Meet at my place for breakfast tomorrow. We'll have food, and we'll go over today's matches and strategy for our season.

Apr. 30th, 2020



30 April :: Morning :: Public

You know, as much as I do like Ritchie, I didn't especially want to spend my day zipped to him. Literally.

Merlin's balls, I sincerely hope it only lasts the day.

PLOT: šŸ’” - TWO CHARACTERS EACH find that their outerwear has decided to zip up with someone else's outerwear! (Kaitlin is paired with Ritchie)

Apr. 29th, 2020



april 29 :: georgie bletchley

Poor horses around town, someone should give them singing lessons for free since they're giving free rides.

[ PLOT :: šŸ“ - Horses come through town today offering up rides around if they can sing you a song, the singing really isn't that good. ]

Apr. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

owl to kaitlin summerby )