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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021




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Posts Tagged: '-player:+chel'

Feb. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

I feel personally affronted that anyone would come into my town and release innocent Magical Creatures in a land to which they are neither native nor properly suited for. It's cruel, inhumane, and actions suited for Middle Age wizardry ...

Have no worries that each and every curupira and sasabonsam will be found and returned to their homeland. However, I do hope that law enforcement finds AND charges whomsoever is doing this to the fullest extent of the law. And if there isn't a law, I'm bloody happy to write one.

What would be just excellent would be if Quidditch teams and fans could just stop. Play your game and have done with it.

Jan. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

You heard it here first, Cuaditch.

"No, I will not work out today." is self-care and you cannot make me think otherwise. Instead, I'm going to the Magical Invention Convention and I am going to rock on with my bad self by marveling over robots that clean up my owl's nasty poo.

Jan. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Terry & Willow
WHEN: backdated to 5 December
WHERE: the Tree Lighting
WHAT: Terry notices someone watching them so he introduces himself.

'I chose you and you let me choose you.' )

Dec. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Terry & Rolf
WHEN: backdated to 29 November, I think? The night that the kids first arrived.
WHERE: Rolf's bedroom!
WHAT: Terry & Rolf talk about being dads and they say some Big Things.
WARNINGS: PG-13 for suggestiveness at the end.

'Meeting them is like … it's an affirmation that we're doing the right thing.' )

Dec. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Directly after the Harpies' last match
"No matter the score, we came out of this year with growth. That is a win to me."
Locker Room | PG
Read more... )

Dec. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Now that we've all been here for a moment (or two) and the surprises are mostly behind us, I thought we could use this post as an opportunity to gather information. In particular those of us who are here that you all know in the future. I have many questions ...
  • When are you from? What are some of the major timeline points?
  • How different is your when from here?
  • Do you have any advice for us to make your future happen? Or to to not happen?
  • Is there anything (AMA) about any of us you want to know?

  • We're a small town. We're honestly all up in each other's business. And as I had a fair amount of guilt because Grandmama would be disappointed I didn't light the menorah this year, I thought I'd reach out to you and get a conversation started.

    Dec. 11th, 2020



    (1) Hunter Warrington: F1

    WELL. I know I've been pretty quiet through all this ordeal, but I thought I'd let the shocks die down from all the "Anakin, I am your child".

    I'm Hunter. Cassius and Tracey, you're my parents. I am basically attuned to both the light and dark side of the Force.

    I am ... honestly in the need of a drive. I'm going to rent one in the nearest Muggle town and whip around the highlands a bit. Would anyone like to come with?

    Dec. 5th, 2020



    (2) Willow Dearborn: f2

    I can see this. They still don't know about me. It isn't NECESSARY for them to know.

    Are Terry Boot, Rolf Scamander, and Michael Corner together in this past?

    Nov. 30th, 2020



    (1) Willow Dearborn: F2

    Things I don't trust:
  • Floo Network
  • Ministry of Magic
  • Time Travel
  • Anything I'm seeing right now
  • Nov. 29th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    So far, I don't have surprise children. I can't tell (yet) if I'm sad or relieved. But that doesn't mean I'm not here to help.

    If anyone needs a place to crash, let me know. I've got extra space. And hopefully you've got a penchant for cooking.



    [No Subject]

  • ... so, hey, guess what
  • WE HAVE KIDS!!!!!
  • They're coming to the shelter to meet the orphan kneazles
  • and us, I guess.

  • [info]moderniste


    (1) Nora MacDougal-Jordan: F3

    I was on my way to (what I thought was) an important business meeting, but I was clearly mistaken. When the House of Nimue wants to license your new cape design for Spring 2053, you take the meeting.

    ... unless the Floo has different ideas. Hi there, Cuaditch. I'm Nora MacDougal-Jones. Yes, I'm pregnant. No, I will not design your maternity line. I have my own.

    Now, where's the best place for a decaf tea and a nap?

    Nov. 7th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    You were smart, Cuaditch, to leave this luscious hair alone. Weasley red is sacred and should never turn blue.

    (Though I might often wear green and gold ribbons to support the Harpies or a Union Jack jersey to support Team England!)

    Nov. 3rd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    About one month ago
    Read more... )

    Nov. 1st, 2020



    [No Subject]

    This post will NOT be about Quidditch. Feel free to be shocked!

    Last night, I had so much fun at the Halloween Ball. A few people asked me if I dressed as a sexy Babbity Rabbity but I want to set the record straight for everyone. I dressed as NIMUE. I felt powerful, mysterious, absolutely able to slay, and completely awesome! It was appropriate for Halloween. 👻

    I want to thank you for grabbing some food with me and cutting a rug on the dance floor. You made this brief Quidditch break so much fun. Today, I have serious sugar hangover! Um. Among other things.

    If you are one of Ginny's friends and at last night's Halloween Ball, she absolutely attempted to get you on the dance floor and ply you with drinks and sweets. She was in a glorious mood and wanted all to feel absolutely stunning.

    Oct. 25th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    While the whole town is abuzz with the delights? of World Cup season, I feel it my solemn duty to use the excitement to remind you all about the plights of those with whom we share this arcane and secret world: the Magical Creature. Today, I want to talk to you about the Golden Snidget.

    While, in many cases, several of you might know the Golden Snidget, I am convinced that several may have never heard of our avian friend before. The Golden Snidget is a perfectly round little golden-coloured bird with wings that can go in a nearly 360 degree circle. If the name and the description don't do it for you, I'll be more clear: this was the early snitch caught by Quidditch players. Though Madam Modesty Rabnott protested the use of the Golden Snidget (from the first released), it took many years to make progress. I give thanks to the memory of Bowman Wright for determining the most effective way to design and charm a Golden Snitch so that a Golden Snidget never again had to give up her life for the playing of the game.

    It wasn't until the bird received the ranking of XXX in order to protect it from would-be Quidditch purists that it could live mostly unmolested. Today, you can visit the Modesty Rabnott Golden Snidget Preserve in Somerset if you would like to see this fantastical little bird in the flesh. I would, furthermore, recommend that any betting in Cuaditch over the World cup or the World Cup teams would donate a portion of the proceeds to the continued protection of the Golden Snidget.

    Oct. 17th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    All the Americans and other Quidditch players are swarming into our small, quiet little town with my sports medicine clinic just sitting there waiting to be visited by those of you who wish to be in peak socio-physical condition for your various matches. Make an appointment now.

    Now that my self-indulgent plug is done, I feel like I should say that cooling temps, falling leaves, and extra blue skies make me want two things ...

    1. A dog
    2. Pumpkin everything

    ergo ...

    3. I am a cliche.

    Oct. 3rd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    At least I didn't get fouled every time I turned around this week. Good refs.

    Did anyone see what's getting built for the World Cup? And the Americans, of course, trying to real estate grab while they can.



    [No Subject]

    When it's your birthday and you have a craving but you're not in Mexico, you make yourself a (coffee) tres leches cake:

    cut for photo )

    Oct. 1st, 2020



    open journal | titus capper

    If anyone needs me, my plans seem to be a bit, er, up in the air today.

    Yes, I mean that literally.

    [OOC: Titus is stuck in a Hot Air Balloon with Terry & Hannah, wheeee!]

    Sep. 26th, 2020



    [No Subject]


    in a world where
    Greer MacDougal
    is the Scottish Team Captain!!!!

    Greer MacDougal, I am SO PROUD of your leadership, your consistency, and your pride in your country. You are an amazing Quidditch player, an inspirational woman, and the best girlfriend in the WORLD. I know you are going to kick arse and take names all down the pitch just like we've been doing all year.

    If you're excited for Greer, leave her a message (or flowers, or cookies, or protein potions) on this entry.

    Sep. 9th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    BYE week? Thanks, I hate it. I can never tell if I want to run a marathon or start a pub brawl. And I'm too superstitious to toss a coin. So, it's kind of dependent upon the mood that strikes me in the particularly moment. (You've been warned? LOL.)

    I'm going to start a petition. Greer MacDougal for the all-star game. Who is with me?

    Sep. 2nd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Tell me everything you know about Terry Boot.

    *Feel free to assume; this sunshine boi loves everyone.



    [No Subject]

    2 september
    terry boot + rolf scamander
    a first meeting
    g | complete

    'Or am I the target today?' )

    Aug. 27th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    WHO Otto Scamander & Poppy Scrimgeour • WHERE Outside Cuaditch Healers & the Cat's Apothecary • WHEN sometime in June
    Poppy & Otto run into each other after she moves to town. WARNINGS N/A
    You should see my garden. Read more... )

    Aug. 23rd, 2020



    Mid-April | Em & Rolf

    Rolf Scamander
    Emilia Spinnet
    WHO Rolf & Emilia • WHERE Espresso • WHEN Mid-April
    Friends running into each other in line for coffee WARNINGS None
    Put her order on my tab, won’t you? Read more... )

    Aug. 14th, 2020



    17 June - rolf scamander & hendrix goshawk

    r. scamander & h. goshawk
    17 June - Café
    "Who doesn’t like apples?"

    WARNINGS - NONE 🌊 - EIGHT CHARACTERS get pulled off of the street today to take part in an ocean lesson. This lesson includes being thrust into a bubble and thrown into the ocean.
    read Read more... )

    Aug. 8th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Why is our quaint little town overrun with Americans? Not that I mind them, but they're all attempting to sell us things and that seems odd. I am not interested in a XXXL Billabong shirt from 1998. With stains. I have my own, thank you very much.

    Saw today's matches. You Quidditch players better consider an ice bath or two.

    Jul. 1st, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Did anyone see the fluffy yellow pigs today? They might look like puffs of cotton candy, but in reality they are actually an ancient species of wild boar that dates beyond the Roman occupation of Britain. Typically they hide in the bogs in the north of England (not the best place for them as bogs aren't typically ever that shade of spring-like yellow!) and pop out at random. They scare Muggles and many a ghost story has been spun about them.

    But I hope you followed them. Because they're not at all ghost-story worthy. They give delightful dinner parties. I had roast eggplant with pecans, asparagus, with marinara and seltzer water!

    Jun. 30th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Friendly PSA from your neighborhood sports medicine Healer: if you've never ridden a skateboard, it isn't the day to start with one that pops in from nowhere and is right mouthy. Something tells me someone might be filming you from behind a bush.

    If someone is mechanically inclined, perhaps it might be a good time to set up a half-pipe in one of the parks. I know that's more or less a Muggle thing, but I saw it many times when I was in the US. It will be better than scraping your knees because the skateboard doesn't like a cobblestone or two.

    Jun. 17th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    back in 2016...
    Ginny breaks up with Harry and doesn't know where else to go in the aftermath.
    Greer's flat | PG
    Read more... )

    Jun. 13th, 2020



    13 June 2020 - Text messages

    Text To Lavender Brown
    8:14am - Oh dear god that monkey yesterday got in my head!!!

    8:14am - I just had a nightmare sex dream about Malcolm. Fucking. Preece.

    8:14am - HELP ME!!!!!!

    Text to Seamus Finnigan
    8:16am - I need a strong memory remover. ASAP. Thoughts?

    Text to Poppy Scrimgeour
    8:20am - Do you know of any obliviators/healers who can remove specific thoughts from a person's head?

    8:20am - Asking for a friend.

    Added at 9:26am )

    Jun. 12th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I love all animals, I really do. But this stuffed monkey is playing really quite ugly. Here's a smattering of what he said whilst I took my daily walk to the office:
  • "If you'd stop nerding out about servals, you might attract someone. No one wants a man with cat hair all over their shirt."
  • "Consider the unkempt hair on your face. It tells people you don't care about your appearance. If you don't care about your appearance, how can you hope to attract someone to you? Care about yourself first."
  • "Your grandfather understood more about toxic masculinity and how to combat it than you ever will, no one will want to date you because you're an insipid author."

  • Really didn't need all of that truth hitting me so hard today! And from a monkey made of cotton bloody stuffing, too.

    Jun. 5th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Since today we were supposed to buy our best friends a gift, I decided that bees are my best friend. I spent the afternoon planting a pollinator-friendly garden in Twirl Park.

    You're welcome to help water the garden. I figured if we gave the bees a gift, they'd give us the gift of themselves.

    Jun. 2nd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Lisa Turpin, I'm giving you box seats to the next Harpies game.

    May. 30th, 2020



    Late April; Lavender Brown & Ginny Weasley

    late april
    Lavender Brown & Ginny Weasley characters Coffee Shop; Cuaditch Town, Scotland location Low RATING
    "If the shots are strong and the pizza is good, how could I turn that kind of invitation?"

    ... )

    May. 27th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Damn, we're good. 🎉

    We're not just a team, we're a family. And that's why our victories come to us. It's also why they mean so much. In light of that, I think it's important that I tell you something. Greer and I have agreed to start dating. We would rather tell you now than have you start guessing or feeling like you've been kept unawares. This isn't going to adversely impact the team in any way.

    We're very happy. How about you all come to our house tonight for a toast to the game and a toast to our family? There's Scotch, wine, beer, and seltzer ... 😆

    May. 15th, 2020



    May 15 - Squealing Snitch


    May. 14th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Well, we won. And we won spectacularly. There's no denying that. So, I want you all to know that I love every single athlete on my team. They bring their best, they play for keeps, and they do not relent. We're some bloody majestic goddesses.

    And you know who else thinks so? The unicorn that pranced straight up to me and gave me roses. It seems like yes, I am a delight. 😇

    Apr. 20th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Let's all be honest and know that there are no true hangover remedies other than abstaining completely; who wants to do that when there are people like you, though. I'm on my 5th cup of ginger tea and I'm finally feeling a bit more alive than a wadded up piece of sticky parchment.

    I just wanted it out there in the world: I said a lot of things last night to a lot of people. None of what I said was false. (You're all very, incomprehensibly beautiful people.) I would have probably chosen to be a little more honourable about it.

    So, I suppose I won't apologize. I'll simply promise to do better next time.