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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021




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Posts Tagged: 'c:+gemma+montague'

Sep. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Free bottles of wine in exchange for wearing my favorite boots? Don't mind if I do. Anyone feel like getting a group together and seeing how much wine we can get?

Sep. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Tell me everything you know about Terry Boot.

*Feel free to assume; this sunshine boi loves everyone.

Sep. 1st, 2020



owl to cassius warrington

Birthday Owl )



September 1 | Graham Montague

Everyone be sure to wish Cassius a happy birthday and gift him with extra long bear hugs today. Happy birthday, mate.

We're going out tonight to celebrate and drunkenly toast to you. Pub crawl, y/y?

Aug. 27th, 2020



27 August | Perry Derrick

Taking the day off.

Everything is nuts.

🥜 - No matter what ONE CHARACTER EACH grabs today it turns into a handful of nuts.

Aug. 25th, 2020



25 August | Charlie Montgomery

I'm thinking watermelon margaritas.

- Oh, honestly.

- What's are furtherest away property from here?

🍉 - It's raining today, but it's not raining well rain, it's raining watermelon seeds! Careful, some hit the ground and become full-sized watermelons. Ripe too, feel free to pick them!

Aug. 21st, 2020



21 Aug 2020 - Adrian Pucey

Private to Charlie Montgomery )

Announcement: Mark your calendars for 5 September 2020. The Grand Opening of TheGauntlet.wiz is going down. Quidditch players no excuses unless you die on your match earlier that day.

Aug. 13th, 2020



august 13 :: leo spinnet

I heard they were making S'Mores in Twirl Park. Who wants to join me getting into a food coma by S'Mores?

[ PLOT :: 🍫 - Stop by Twirl park for some S'Mores!

Aug. 3rd, 2020



august 3 :: rory corner

Is it weird that being a dog for 24h has made me want to have a dog?

[ PLOT 02 AUGUST :: 🐕 - ONE CHARACTER EACH turns into a dog for 24 hours. ]

Jul. 27th, 2020



27 July 2020 - Wiztogram Post

Wiztogram Post )

Jul. 19th, 2020



july 19 :: leo spinnet

Sundays are so boring. And a constant reminder that tomorrow is Monday again. Ugh.

Jul. 16th, 2020



16 July | Tracey Davis

As much as I enjoyed the company, missing practice because you're stuck in a hammock for a couple of hours isn't the way anyone hopes to start the day. At least I had a teammate there to help back me up with an alibi.

It's doubtful anyone will see be lounging around in a nice hammock anytime in the near future. Thanks for the company and quality teammate time, Lucian.

Jul. 7th, 2020



7 July | Gemma Montague

Filtered to Charlie Montgomery & Tracey Davis
Thanks for looking after Merlin & Newton. I appreciate the help.

Filtered to Friends
Thoughts on bringing back the dark lipstick?

Filtered to Graham
Mum's driving me crazy. Can't you tell her you're dating someone so she'll back off for a day?

Jul. 5th, 2020



phone conversation: gemma & graham (late evening)

After questioning, a Healer bandaged her up then gave her some privacy to make a call. Gemma sucked in a breath as she hit Graham's contact information.




narrative: gemma vs the bashing bandit

Gemma Montague
5th July 2020 | Bashing Bandit Plot
RATING PG-13 | Warning of some violence.

Read more... )



05 July | Charlie Montgomery

These clouds have been fascinating.

I can't wait to see which one is next. There are so many possibilities. The magic behind it has got to be rather complicated which makes it even more impressive. But what do I know about that kind of thing right?

Alright, so I managed to trap some of the tangerine clouds today in a jar, and well, it doesn't seem to want to be trapped it keeps getting more and more intense, I took a sample from it and have gotten out some of the potions that are in it, but there is some really in-depth alchemy to it. I think there is a combo transfiguration-charms on it that's keeping it from breaking apart mixed with a new chemical.

Oh! I got it! It turned orange! Proper orange!

This is so much fun!!!

*** VERY few people know Charlie isn't just a dumb socialite and has a lab in her flat she shares with Tracey. I believe the list includes: Tracey Davis, Graham Montague, Phillip Montgomery, (I can't remember if Adrian or Miles know???), Gemma Montague(?). Ask if you think your character might know, it's probably unlikely unless really close to Charlie or

Also around NOON today the clouds seem to get inside ferry flats, she's sorry!



july 5 :: georgie bletchley

Yesterday was pretty awesome, not going to lie. Winning the match, turning 24 and throwing an awesome party... The hangover is definitely worth it!

Thanks to everyone who came!

[ OOC :: Let's pretend Georgie threw an awesome party for all her friends that lasted for hours and hours and it was amazing. Feel free to assume your character was there!]

Jul. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Did anyone see the fluffy yellow pigs today? They might look like puffs of cotton candy, but in reality they are actually an ancient species of wild boar that dates beyond the Roman occupation of Britain. Typically they hide in the bogs in the north of England (not the best place for them as bogs aren't typically ever that shade of spring-like yellow!) and pop out at random. They scare Muggles and many a ghost story has been spun about them.

But I hope you followed them. Because they're not at all ghost-story worthy. They give delightful dinner parties. I had roast eggplant with pecans, asparagus, with marinara and seltzer water!

Jun. 22nd, 2020



22 June | Cassius Warrington

Thanks for the years Kenmare.

Happy to join the Falcons.

Let's kick some arse.

Jun. 21st, 2020



June 20 | Tracey Davis

At this rate, by the end of the season rumours will be swirling that I'm dating or canoodling half the league. Sorry, Rune; I needed comfort after not winning you at the auction.

😘 Lucian

Texts to Charlie after the Falcons' match
15:34 - I texted Cory Ford to congratulate him on a good match today
15:35 - And you'll never guess who he said was in Puddlemere's locker room before and after the match

Jun. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey everyone! Your friendly Dungeon Master here. We should figure out a good time to meet up! The first meeting would be mostly finalizing character creation (especially for those who haven't played before) and game mechanics, so it isn't really necessary if you already know what you want to do/know how to play. But it would be good to get together and work out backstories between your characters and all that.

We'll be in the Forgotten Realms, which is pretty much the standard, fantasy setting. Do people know what sort of character they want to play yet? Or do you need help creating something?
[ooc: there's still room if anyone else wants to join! just comment on the other post so I know!]

Jun. 18th, 2020



june 18 :: leo spinnet

Finally got done with Animal Crossing! Dude, getting Totake to play in my island was more difficult than I thought! It may have not helped that my island is pretty shitty, just saying.

How are you doing? And don't give me that "I'm fine" shit.

Pizza and Mario Kart? It's been a while.

Jun. 17th, 2020



june 17 :: georgie bletchley

That was some game between the Magpies and Puddlemere. Instense shit.

Jun. 15th, 2020



15 June | Cassius Warrington

Some news.

Good luck with the Pies

Good luck mate, tough break.

Jun. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

I love all animals, I really do. But this stuffed monkey is playing really quite ugly. Here's a smattering of what he said whilst I took my daily walk to the office:
  • "If you'd stop nerding out about servals, you might attract someone. No one wants a man with cat hair all over their shirt."
  • "Consider the unkempt hair on your face. It tells people you don't care about your appearance. If you don't care about your appearance, how can you hope to attract someone to you? Care about yourself first."
  • "Your grandfather understood more about toxic masculinity and how to combat it than you ever will, no one will want to date you because you're an insipid author."

  • Really didn't need all of that truth hitting me so hard today! And from a monkey made of cotton bloody stuffing, too.

    Jun. 9th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Would anyone be interested in some Dungeons & Dragons? I was thinking that I have time to run a campaign if anyone wants a go.

    [OOC: if you're interested, please sign up only one character to start! I want to make sure everyone gets a chance, and I'll probably cap it at 6 characters to make it more manageable for me.]

    Jun. 8th, 2020



    24 May | Gemma Montague & Perry Derrick

    gemma montague &
    perry derrick
    24 May 2020 DATE Around Cuaditch Town LOCATION Low RATING
    "“Find out the secret to keeping your employees happy for a harmonious work environment."
    Read more... )

    Jun. 7th, 2020



    07 June | Malcolm Preece

    Where them shoe's at? shoes! shoes! shoes! Where them shoe's at?

    I'm going to find every shoe themed song and play at the Snitch today. Shoe jokes get discounts.

    👟 - ONE CHARACTER EACH can't keep shoes on today. They keep coming off of your feet and running back to your closet.

    Jun. 2nd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Lisa Turpin, I'm giving you box seats to the next Harpies game.



    June 2 | Tracey Davis

    I mean, Rune is a good-looking bloke. A girl could do worse.

    I'll never think of Twister the same again.

    Also, bloody thankful for an afternoon practice time yesterday.



    june 2 :: isobel montgomery



    Jun. 1st, 2020



    june 1 :: leo spinnet

    Let's play truth or dare! Who wants to play??? Anyone?

    [ PLOT :: 🕴 - ONE CHARACTER EACH feels the need to challenge people to truth or dare, but they will only pick dares. ]

    May. 31st, 2020



    31 May | Charlie Montgomery

    Favourite weird pizza toppings? Go! It's important.


    I'm ordering way too much food tonight and staying in. You are all welcome to come over and share in said food!

    Tracey, we might have people over for dinner!

    🚰 - Someone dumped Veritaserum in the towns water. It's a rather strong dose. If you drank anything with town water in it, you find yourself unable to speak anything but the truth. It lasts for 72 hours until the water supply is cleaned out properly. The DMLE is after the person who did it.



    31 May | Cassius Warrington

    Well, that was interesting.

    Avoid crowded places, people have gone mental today.

    🚰 - Someone dumped Veritaserum in the towns water. It's a rather strong dose. If you drank anything with town water in it, you find yourself unable to speak anything but the truth. It lasts for 72 hours until the water supply is cleaned out properly. The DMLE is after the person who did it.

    He hasn't had any... yet?

    May. 28th, 2020



    27 May | Post Harpies Match

    Fuck, yeah, Harpies! That was a brilliant match!

    Kind of mad how all the away teams won, though, wasn't it?



    may 28 :: rory corner

    People need to find new hobbies. Especially in space.

    Also, hamburguer tasting? Don't mind if I do.

    [ PLOT :: ☀️ - The sun is blue today, why? Because of some international wizards that felt the need to experiment with colours in space. An emergency alert goes out around 10:00.

    🍔 - The Covered Market is hosting a Hamburger tasting today. Stop by and try loads of different kinds of hamburgers. ]

    May. 27th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    Damn, we're good. 🎉

    We're not just a team, we're a family. And that's why our victories come to us. It's also why they mean so much. In light of that, I think it's important that I tell you something. Greer and I have agreed to start dating. We would rather tell you now than have you start guessing or feeling like you've been kept unawares. This isn't going to adversely impact the team in any way.

    We're very happy. How about you all come to our house tonight for a toast to the game and a toast to our family? There's Scotch, wine, beer, and seltzer ... 😆

    May. 26th, 2020



    may 26 :: georgie bletchley

    I have no idea how to tap dance. Did that stop me from dancing? Hell no. AND I walked out with a couple of magnums of wine. Win for me!

    [ PLOT :: 👯 - ONE CHARACTER EACH gets asked to take part in tap the dance, do you? If you do, you get a couple of magnums of wine. ]

    May. 24th, 2020



    may 24 :: leo spinnet

    Hell yeah, scavenger hunt!

    [ PLOT :: 🎟 - A Scavenger hunt! Not just an average scavenger hunt, a husband and wife team have set up an epic day full of challenges and adventures from speed rock climbing to reach the piece of the puzzle you need to find, to zip-lining through the clouds to collect the cloud puzzle piece to a swim contest and more! The winning two teams are in for a very big surprise! If you don't win, don't worry, there are surprises in store for you! ]

    May. 23rd, 2020



    23 May | Gemma Montague

    ooc: after the match

    Turtles? Seriously? What is wrong with people?