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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021



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July 5th, 2020



05 July | Charlie Montgomery

These clouds have been fascinating.

I can't wait to see which one is next. There are so many possibilities. The magic behind it has got to be rather complicated which makes it even more impressive. But what do I know about that kind of thing right?

Alright, so I managed to trap some of the tangerine clouds today in a jar, and well, it doesn't seem to want to be trapped it keeps getting more and more intense, I took a sample from it and have gotten out some of the potions that are in it, but there is some really in-depth alchemy to it. I think there is a combo transfiguration-charms on it that's keeping it from breaking apart mixed with a new chemical.

Oh! I got it! It turned orange! Proper orange!

This is so much fun!!!

*** VERY few people know Charlie isn't just a dumb socialite and has a lab in her flat she shares with Tracey. I believe the list includes: Tracey Davis, Graham Montague, Phillip Montgomery, (I can't remember if Adrian or Miles know???), Gemma Montague(?). Ask if you think your character might know, it's probably unlikely unless really close to Charlie or

Also around NOON today the clouds seem to get inside ferry flats, she's sorry!



05 July | Malcolm Preece

How does a squid go into battle?

What's the best thing about Switzerland?
I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus.

Why aren't koalas actual bears?
They don't meet the koalafications.

What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?
Phillipe Phillope.

Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.

What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Same middle name.

What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between you and me, something smells.

🤣 - ONE CHARACTER EACH can't help but tell old jokes today.



july 5 :: georgie bletchley

Yesterday was pretty awesome, not going to lie. Winning the match, turning 24 and throwing an awesome party... The hangover is definitely worth it!

Thanks to everyone who came!

[ OOC :: Let's pretend Georgie threw an awesome party for all her friends that lasted for hours and hours and it was amazing. Feel free to assume your character was there!]



narrative: gemma vs the bashing bandit

Gemma Montague
5th July 2020 | Bashing Bandit Plot
RATING PG-13 | Warning of some violence.

Read more... )



phone conversation: gemma & graham (late evening)

After questioning, a Healer bandaged her up then gave her some privacy to make a call. Gemma sucked in a breath as she hit Graham's contact information.




5 July | Graham Montague

[shortly after this. *Assume or if unsure then check with Chele/Gemma pls!]

Group message sent to friends* and teammates of Gemma
Gemma was attacked this evening. It's not known who the attacker was, but she's spoken with the DMLE and was able to give a description. She's alright. Shaken, mostly, with some minor bruises and scrapes.

I'm bringing her back to stay at my flat for the night, but if anyone is able to go over to her flat to look after her two cats, I know she'd appreciate it.

And I'd appreciate a heads up if anyone hears any additional rumors of who the fuck attacked my sister tonight.