[Gamewide Mingle]
29 January 2012 at 07:27 am
[Sector 3 is a popular destination for entertainment! People may be interested in seeing a movie at the theater, getting a drink or singing karaoke at the club, playing games at the arcade, or dropping by the Brave Vesperia headquarters -- on business or otherwise. In addition, Sector 3 has a lot of apartments and small houses; maybe people are just coming and going on their daily routine, or you might be seeing a friend who lives here.]

[Everyone who might have passed through Sector 3 today -- morning, noon, or night -- is invited to thread out a chance encounter here, or a date, or a gathering of friends. Just tell everyone where your character is and what they're doing, and go!]

[ (But if your occasion takes place after dark, remember there was a bomb threat if that's relevant to your character.) ]
[Video | Open//Filtered]]
28 January 2012 at 06:52 pm
[Video: Open to all]
Good evening, Marina. As you all have no doubt heard, there has been a threat to the Defense Force Headquarters. We are well aware of the situation and have already taken steps to ensure safety. It would be most helpful for everyone to remain calm.

Additionally, please do not cross the established perimeter surrounding the headquarters. [Which is easily spotted with the bright crime-scene like tape, and posted guards.]

We are available to answer any questions you have.

[Filtered to Defense Force]
Hello, Defense Force members. [A somewhat more official, yet still friendly, tone.] Suzaku would like to thank everyone for their adherence to his instructions. Those who are guarding the perimeter, please be vigilant about not allowing anyone through. Patrol members are instructed to report any concerning activity over official filters right away.

Anyone with abilities that allow them to withstand an explosion safely, please contact myself or Suzaku to volunteer for searches within or in the immediate area of HQ. Anyone else who feels they can assist in any way, please respond immediately.

As far as punishment for the perpetrator, it is still under consideration.

Please continue to assure the inmates that things are under control. The goal of this threat was panic, and we cannot allow that to occur. Remaining in close contact is essential, and please remember to use the official filters.

((OOC: I'm on my way out but I wanted to get this up! Lacus will answer tags when I get back, BUT Suzaku may also respond and/or people can discuss among themselves. o/ ))
[video / action for housemates if desired]
26 January 2012 at 03:33 pm
[the communicator turns on with a clatter as it tumbles across the floor of Orihime's house and comes to a stop, facing her. Orihime is sprawled on the floor, having tripped over apparently nothing at all. she's still in her pajamas even though it's afternoon; she's felt sick and strange and dizzy all day, and so she stayed in bed. but now that she's finally gotten up...]


[Orihime clutches at her face as she starts to straighten. anyone who knows her may recognize that her hair is much longer, and thicker, and wavy. she is, in fact -- two years older than she was before]

[she just holds her head for a beat longer before reaching for the communicator again. when she notices it's on, she smiles sheepishly, picking it up]

Um -- good afternoon, everyone... Can I ask someone to get me something from the clothing store?

[her hair isn't all that's grown! CANON UPDATE'D]
[Video | Open] :3
17 January 2012 at 10:04 pm
[Hi, Marina! Have an *extra* smiley pink haired girl!]

Good morning, everyone. Does anyone here have the skills to help create a wedding dress?

[Context? NOPE. Have fun~ and threadjack Neil if he shows up!]
[MINGLE / Open to ALL] Snowball Fight in Sector 4!
11 January 2012 at 07:35 pm
[ Wandering around the snowy park? There are two things to look out for: (1) don't trip over the bright orange ropes that close off a large open area, (2) take cover and watch for a stray snowball, and (3) ... you know, you might want to join in for this is a Snowball Fight.

Only guidelines: no weapons, no head shots, no stuffing snow down someone's mouth, collar or anywhere else uncomfortable. Play to your heart's content! Spoiler: there's no winner.

Warm drinks and snacks are served in a nearby tent (ah, thank goodness for space heaters!), while towels and blankets are also available. You might want to take advantage of the snow as well -- make snowmen, snow angels, your own sculpture as you wind down~ ]

--- OOC Guidelines; PLEASE READ --- )
[Voice | Action]
02 January 2012 at 10:21 pm
[Rogue is sitting on the bed in a corner room of the shelter. Her knees are drawn up to her chest and there are fresh tear tracks on her cheeks. The room isn't hers, it's Logan's and it's empty now. There's a cup of coffee going cold on the nightstand. The door to the room is cracked open and people passing by might hear her sniffling. Once she's got herself under control, she flips on the audio of her device.]

Logan's gone. I came to bring him coffee and...[She trails off shaking her head and shuts the device off.]
[ action | closed ]
29 December 2011 at 08:46 pm
[Kitty had her English textbook with her as she headed for Touma's room in the shelter. She had decided this was a good way to spend some time until they were released, so she was on her way to bother him. She easily found the room number he had given her and knocked.]

Hey, Touma!
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
[Video//Action | Open] BANQUET MINGLE GO!
20 December 2011 at 12:16 pm
Good morning, Marina! [Have a very smiley pink haired girl on your video feed!] For anyone I haven’t met, I’m Lacus Clyne and I’m very glad to meet you.

It seems as though we’re all going to be in the shelter today, so we should make the best of things. I was thinking that we should get together and have a big winter banquet! Anyone who wants to help cook should please feel free to come to the kitchens and assist, and if not you should still come and enjoy the food with us.

Dinner will be served at 5 in the main cafeteria, and after that maybe we could have fun playing games and watching movies together. I hope everyone has a good day, and I hope to see everyone at the feast!

[A few minutes later]

I just learned that today is also Ritsuka’s birthday! To celebrate there will be a cake and some special desserts and decorations. [as many decorations as they can find without access to the store.] Everyone please, stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

((OOC Notes: Mingle post, open to all! Reply to Lacus by [video] or there are several action options: [cooking] any time before 5pm ICly, [dinner] a huge buffet of almost anything you could want, or [after dinner] for card games, board games, and movies throughout the cafeteria and nearby common rooms! Your character is in no way obligated to be at all of these, but they could be if you want~

Also! A link to Ritsuka’s birthday party will be added once it goes up. There will be cake and lots of special desserts and pretty decorations in one area of the cafeteria.

If anyone wants to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage the food, please contact me OOCly before you do so. Thanks and ENJOY!))
[ action | open ]
15 December 2011 at 11:02 pm
[Kitty was happy that the moving was keeping everyone occupied. She wasn't sure about Rapunzel's 'frying pan' fighting style if something were to happen today during their patrols. Either way, things were thankfully quiet so faaaaar. At least, nothing they couldn't handle. So, she was still out and about, watching for straglers who wanted to take advantage of moving day to avoid the bots and raid some houses, or whatnot. Being able to go through walls had it's advantages, and Kitty could easily wait out things until she was the last one inside.]
[voice | open]
28 November 2011 at 05:26 pm
Hello. [She didn't sleep much last night. The announcement could wait, but she doesn't think it's going to get easier, so sue pushes ahead. She wants to be strong for his sake. To make him proud of the way she's handling his business in his absence and so that Suzaku and Nunnally won't have to worry about her too. She can be there for them instead.]

I regret to tell you all Lelouch vi Britannia has left Marina.

I will be taking over all his administrative duties at the school. Literature and Philosophy classes will be put on hold until a replacement can be found. If anyone is interested in teaching one or both classes or taking up teaching cooking, art or any other subjects we don't currently offer, please contact me. Thank you for your time.
[ Voice / Action ]
16 November 2011 at 11:28 am
I'll make this short... [ Since, of all the things Touma does not like airing out over the network, sadness is one of them. Not that he's particularly obvious about it, but those who have known him for longer can probably tell that something is amiss even before he opens his mouth again. ] I don't know how many friends Misaka had here in Marina, but... she's gone now.

[ And even though it's hard not to blame his bad luck, that has to be part of it, right? Right. ] Sorry.

Enjoy the snow, or whatever. [ And Touma just hangs up there, to return to drowning his sorrow moodiness in food at the ramen shop. ]
[ Video | Open ]
16 November 2011 at 08:06 pm
[ This lady is dressed warmly, hood of her heavy green cloak pulled down to her shoulders, white knitted scarf around her neck. In a jovial but determined voice, she calls out -- ]

Touma Hashiba.

I am hereby calling you out on plans we have made over the last baseball match -- that on the day of the first snowfall, we shall have a snowball fight.

Where would you like for us to duel?

(( OOC Please Read : This post is so very open to all! I would like to draw your attention to the ooc plotting thread in the case your character wants to join in, and the fight will be postponed for better organization on another day. If you feel like handwaving your character voicing their interest, please respond to the ooc thread, or leave an ooc tag here. ))
[Action | Open!]
15 November 2011 at 02:19 pm
[How many days had it been? No, more like weeks. Keeping an eye on Diva and her Chevalier and training were all that she thought about; it didn't occur to Saya that she had missed her blood transfusions until she nearly collapsed in the dojo.]

[Making her way to the hospital is slow going, Saya hunched over and using her sheathed katana rather like a crutch. She can't take the main roads because of the risk of Diva and Conrad attacking her while she's weakened. Stupid stupid stupid.]

[-- wait, what's that sound? A... snatch of a melody? Fear grips her tight, but she barely manages to lift her sword. Damn it, not now...]

[She's so focused on Diva's sudden appearance that it doesn't even occur to Saya that the DF dispatch is currently registering her life signs tanking -- with Diva right there beside her.]

((OOC, PLEASE READ: When your character arrives they will see Saya's identical twin, Diva, flitting away. DF participation is not strictly necessary in this post, but if members want to show up that would be awesome! Also, Saya DOES NOT bite people, unless your character is very very insistent. o/ ))
11 November 2011 at 10:45 am
[voice | private | Murata - unreceived]
Hey, Murata. Where have you been? [And then a few hours later.]

[voice | private | Conrad & Wolfram]
Conrad? Wolfram?

...It's Murata.

[voice | open]
[That usual bounce isn't in his voice today.]

No one is allowed to be baseball manager anymore.

[Because that's clearly what sends people away who he'd really rather have not away.]
[video | action | open]
11 November 2011 at 08:25 pm
[Snow is cold, which means its time to bundle up. Yuta's at the clothing store in Sector Five, wearing a winter hat and scanning shelves and aisles for gloves and scarves too. Hopefully he could keep warm to avoid freezing his fingers. He switches on the video feed and blinks curiously before speaking.]

I was wondering, who's the youngest in Marina? I want to play in the snow but I don't think the adults will want to.
[ Voice | Action | Wide Open! ]
09 November 2011 at 09:10 pm
Good afternoon, Marina! Ladies, it's that time again~ Yesterday was so stressful, and it's been a while since we all gathered together, so head over to the spa for a spell! [ Jeanne's enthusiasm isn't quite at the levels it normally is for these, but she hides it behind her newfound energy. ] Today we are doing things a little differently -- and by "we" I mean my new friend Inara and I! She has a world of experience in things I could only read about in magazines, so tonight is sure to be a real treat.

Come on down to the public bathhouse, let your hair down, and get pampered just like you deserve! Hope to see you all there!

[ Action | Come one, come all! ] )

((OOC note: Post is NOT filtered, so "crashers" (read: boys) are welcome -- serious troublemakers will be escorted out, so please make an OOC note in your tag if you feel comfortable with that happening, or have someone planned to do just that. Otherwise there might be some female Defense Force members who will gladly do the honors~

If you want to answer the voice portion, just tag into this sub-thread for Jeanne only, otherwise mingle and tag around as you like. <3)
[video | action][OPEN!]
01 November 2011 at 12:02 am
[She touches the button. Afraid to do it and afraid not to do it.] Hello? Who's listening to this? We need help in here!

[She quickly turns, startled at some sound nearby and accidentally swipes her hand through the device temporarily short-circuiting the device and cutting the feed.]


(OOC: Deaged and dememoried to 13 before being rescued by the X-Men. She will be sneaking around the dome, trying not to be noticed and maybe dodging through things to escape! Oh, and feel free to respond via video. Her headset will pick up bits and pieces and gradually get better.)
18 October 2011 at 03:23 pm
[ Good morning Marina~!

Were you sleeping alone last night? Well now you have company!

Were you sleeping with someone? Well, you're still sleeping with someone, but maybe you'd like to give it a look-see, before you get too comfortable.

Are you sure this is your room? You might want to check though -- who knows if you're using the same design of lampshade or if your bed really is set up against the wall...

Whether you are in your own room or not, one thing's for certain, you're in for a surprise this morning! ]

(( OOC: Many pardons for the late, but here be your Morning After Prank all-purpose post! Do your threads here if you are so inclined, or make your network freak-out posts~ Have fun!

ETA: I have used the reveal table as a handy Thread Index. I'll update this as the event rolls along [last updated: 22 October, 12:40 p.m. EST] ))

[Video - Open]
11 October 2011 at 05:41 pm
[Hello, Marina. Gazelle hasn't used the communicator very often (at least not where she's using it to post) so bare with her for a moment as she fiddles with the device to be extra sure it's on and working. Finally when she's 100% sure it is, she smiles a little victoriously.]

[And now it's question time, people!]
Oh, hey. If anyone can hear me, can you tell me who I talk to... to get to go to school here?

[pause, pause]

Um, because I forgot --But! I really want to go, though.