August 2015




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Dec. 1st, 2013


WHO Nathan Bradley & OPEN
WHERE & WHEN Smuggled, backdated to yesterday afternoon.
WHAT Talking Muggle stuff and hanging out.

--- )

Nov. 18th, 2013


Charity's Skate-Extravaganza!

WHO: Anyone who cares about Charity.
WHAT: Her birthday party.
WHERE: Strikes and Skates
WHEN: Slightly backdated to Sunday, Nov. 17th @ 7:00 p.m.
NOTES: IC/OOC. Also, if you reply, please try to remember to tag the thread with the character's name.

Happy birthday, Charity! )

Oct. 11th, 2013


WHO — Everyone.
WHERE & WHEN — Friday night, All Night Long.
WHAT — Karaoke!
RATING — Medium? Feel free to do spin-off threads.

It's Friday night — what are you doing? Hopefully in town for a karaoke night at All Night Long! The mic opens up around 8, and drinks and snacks/pub food are served well into the night, although anyone under age 17 will not be served anything alcoholic. The music library had been enchanted to play songs from just about any era within the range of the characters — so basically, if your song exists between the late 1800s to the modern day, any character who knows the song would be able to find a karaoke version, no matter their original time period. (I'm sure music gets around.)

This is an IC/ooc event! If your character comes to the event, post a comment with their name in the subject line, and put in the comment box what they sing, who they're looking to hang hot with, whatever. I figure this can go for a couple days since it was a last-minute idea. Afterwards we could also do a funny pictures thread just for reasons?!

Basically: group activity, have fun, everyone's invited!

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Aug. 27th, 2013


Eff Those Monsters!

WHO: Mike Corner, Merlin, & anyone 17+
WHAT: Eff demons, time for a little fun.
WHERE: By the lake.
WHEN: Tuesday 8 p.m. until laaaaate!
NOTE: IC only please.

Mike told several people that he wanted a "I fought a demon and won" shirt, but that did not mean the hellish events didn't take a toll on him. Like others, he too remembered the Final Battle at Hogwarts. Going through a bloody war again had not been part of Mike's plans. Hell, the village was not in his plans, but no one got through life without a few hiccups. Still, the last week didn't just remind Mike of the war. No, the Wizarding War involved a man who used dark magic for evil. The Village War? What the bloody hell was that? Mike told himself it didn't matter. They defeated the damn thing. It was how he blocked out the memories of Alecto torturing him all those years ago. He boxed it up and pushed it deep down inside him. Of course, blocking dark memories was easier when alcohol was involved.

He spent the majority of the day scouring the town for booze. It was no easy feat considering the damage, but Mike saw the cans and bottles he found as a reward for cleaning up the blasted rubble, glass, dirt, and whatever the fuck else was around. By the end of the afternoon, he had a nice variety of drinks he used magic to duplicate, mix, and replenish. Mike Corner succeeded in NEWT potions for a reason!

He was reluctant to leave his brewing and mixing so when he noticed Merlin was only a few feet away, he seized the opportunity. He didn't know him too well, but Mike thought Merlin seemed like someone who was up for a party. "Hey, Merlin!" He called. Other villagers might have fawned over the medieval crew, but Mike saw them as just people. Some he liked, some he didn't. Who cared if they were from the past? Did everyone like all the future kids just because they were from the bloody future? No, Mike didn't think so. However, he thought Merlin might be up his alley. "I think it is time for a party, what do you say, mate?"

Aug. 19th, 2013


WHO Nathan Bradley and Daphne Greengrass
WHERE & WHEN Community Center, after Daphne's entry.
WHAT Bonding and trying to sleep.
RATING Low/Incomplete.

--- )

Jul. 20th, 2013


backdated to the 17th


Jul. 9th, 2013


Who: Nathan Bradley and Daphne Greengrass
What: Not working at work :P
Where: The bank!
When: Wednesday 10 July
Rating: Medium? Depends on what happens
Status: Locked // in progress

she was all too familiar with his Muggle contraption from the near future )

Jun. 13th, 2013


Cut for large images because I am lazy and did not feel like re-sizing them from their websites.

Jun. 5th, 2013


Pretend this was up way earlier...


Jun. 1st, 2013


WHO: Pansy Parkinson and OPEN TO ALL
WHAT: Daphne's Birthday Party
WHEN: Saturday, June 1
WHERE: Community Centre — 2 PM to whenever
STATUS: Ongoing (IC/OOC)

Daphne's Birthday Party!!!Read more... )

May. 24th, 2013


Owl Deliveries to Nathan and Regulus

Seperate Owls Sent to Nate and Regulus )

Mar. 17th, 2013


Who: Rose and Nate
What: Rose is being her annoying self
Where: Their cottage, duhhhh
When: (backdated to yesterday) Saturday, eveningish time
Rating: PG13 for Language?

Because she could )

Mar. 5th, 2013


WHO: Michael Corner & Nathan Bradley
WHAT: Michael says Nathan owes him a drink.
WHEN: Backdated to last night.
WHERE: The pub
RATING: PG (Michael has a mouth and he is not very PC)

He was twenty-eight years old and still pulled into Hogwarts drama. )