War Is Coming Communications.

September 9th, 2012

September 9th, 2012

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I know that I'm going out on a limb, but are you here, Dr. Rosen?

Texts to Dick

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>> I've gotten probably all I'm going to on Queen
>> Their personal files are all but unhackable but I've got their banking info
>> An initial lump sum went in and interest is accruing on that
>> There's also some business transactions in his name, small companies he sold for money and the like
>> Looks like he also took out a loan or two for startup purposes, and there's a few legitimate credit cards in his name
>> I couldn't tell you where the initial money came from but I doubt it's drugs?
>> Regardless, they really are well funded so...
>> ...I really should've just emailed you all this

Filtered to Zee

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Um, can we say best housemate ever?

You could've popped in to say hi, you know! But seriously, thanks. We had a blast and it was totally needed.

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[Text to Connor]

>>Guess what

[Text to Lois]

>>I still owe you drinks from last month.

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[Filtered to whoever accessed QI's financial records]
Really, you could have just asked. As I told Hardy someone else, have an accountant of your choosing make an appointment with ours.

We need to up the firewalls surrounding QI's financial and business records.

[Pete Lattimer]
Have any plans tonight?

Filtered from evil

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I am not the speech making girl. Or, well, no, I can come up with pretty damn good speeches when I need to, but I am not the let’s all play nice and work together speech girl. I think that’s supposed to be Clark’s forte. But here is the thing, you guys, all of this in-fighting is driving me insane. I don’t care who started it, but it needs to stop.

We need to work together. We need to put whatever little remarks or outlooks or whatever has blemished opinions of one another to the side. We’re in the middle of a war--was that forgotten? I feel like that’s been forgotten, and this tension and all of the crap isn’t helping anyone. Not even a little bit.

And before I get the whole “I just won’t talk to so and so” plan, stop it. Are we in elementary school? I swear that was the argument of elementary school when someone stole your damn pudding cup or took the last pizza on Pizza Fridays and you were stuck with the nasty burrito instead. I’d like to think we’ve moved away from that time in our lives.

Communication has to happen. Bridges need to be mended. Because here’s the thing. Everyone can say they’ll play nice at the time of an emergency but you will not. How can you place your trust in someone during a freaking emergency if you can’t stand to talk to them for four seconds on the boards? You can’t. I’m not saying we suddenly all have to be best friends and do one another’s hair or any of that crap, but we need to be able to tolerate one another.

The snippy remarks need to stop.

The hurt feelings need to be expressed and dealt with because pushing them down isn’t going to do anything but let them fester and eventually explode.

I don’t want to hear that it’s so and so’s problem or so and so started it. Again, we’re not in elementary school. Sit down, shut up and listen to one another. Work past whatever is going on and become the damn cohesive unit I am fairly sure you all can be.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go take a nice long bubble bath because a lot of you give me a damn headache.

Filtered against evil

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Some cheese to go with the wine. Yum. )

Mark, we should do this sometime. Drink wine and stuff. Pretend to be classy.

Filtered Against Evil/Katherine

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Back to Russia in September. I seriously don't get why they keep expecting us to... Some place called Chelyabinsk....

Russia then somewhere that used to be Commie, Usbecksasomething. I don't know. Still basically Russia

Then London in March, least I know London.

Florence, are we sure FIDE aren't being paid off by Moscow?

Text to Katniss

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» ...should we be worrying about our jobs, you think...?

[Filtered to the Patrol team and Watchtower residents]

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Watchtower passwords have been changed, spells and traps have been upgraded and all should be very secured again.

Sorry about the scare and the information leak. I will be redoing patrol schedules once I check with all of you individually so they won't be able to expect one of you specifically.

I also had the tattoo done to make sure this doesn't happen again. I suggest all of you do the same.

Lastly, we're still open to suggestions if any of you can think of ways we can improve and prepare the team better.

[Filtered to Oliver]
I think we should do something for the team.

[OOC: People on the patrol team filter are listed here, including the special occasion ones. To avoid confusion. =) Let me know if I missed anyone who should/should not be on it.]

Filtered against evil + Katherine

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Ugh. Does anyone around here do legit graphic design / printing? I just tried to get some cards made, and since I don't have a logo or an actual business name the girl doing the design just used a cutsey bird thing as my logo just because my last name = a kind of bird, and no thank you. Cute is not my thing. At all.

Someone make me something. Impress me. I can either pay, or give you a free trip to somewhere spiffy. Your choice.

[Added Filter: against Watson, sorry bro]
Also, helping John clean out the apartment = lots of weirdass pictures, when he wasn't looking. It's glorious. The eyeballs from the fridge + one of the skulls = best picture I've taken in ages. Sherlock would probably even be a little amused. Or stare at me like I was being a moron. But in a nice way. I think. Kind of hard to tell, someti

...Shit, okay, no, we're not going to talk abou

Also I need to kidnap someone and get drunk somewhere awesome. Taking volunteers and location suggestions.

Text to Oliver

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» ...I thought of something you can do for me, Oliver...if you're still available for that.

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Filtered to Tom S.
Feel up for a drink tonight? Not the Roadhouse, though. I need to get out of the fucking complex for a bit and I could use the company.

Have you heard from Cordelia at all today? I tried calling her and she's not picking up.

never mind. she's gone. drinks tonight?

Text to Florence

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>>Just about everything is packed.
>>Now what?

Filtered to Maria, Darcy A., Eponine, and Victor

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Are you guys still here? Everyone's freaking out because a bunch of people just got sent back. Please tell me it's none of you, I know few enough people here as it is

Filtered from Evil/Katherine

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I would like to thank you all for attending the opening of my inn.

As I said, any who are not as yet used to modern things you will find free board here as long as you need it. We will also have some visiors hopefully and there will be reasonably priced food and drink.

We also hope to offer lessons in learning the ways of this world we find ourselves in.


Did you have fun? I'm glad you came to the bonfire.

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[Filtered to Avengers+ Warehouse residents]
A friend of Gary's from his home has shown up, and he's offered to let her stay at the warehouse, if she wishes. I wanted everyone to know so that it didn't come as a surprise, and make sure that was fine with everyone?

ETA: Felicia & Tony will be joining us for dinner.

[Filtered to Zatanna]
I have a magic-related question for you.

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[Texts to Clark]
» you're still here, right?
» because I don't know if I

[Texts to Steph]
» Check in please.

[Texts to Emma]
» You and the kid okay?

[Texts to Andrew]
» Are you around?

[Texts to Kon]
» You and Krypto better be around still.

[Texts to Dick]
» You're still here, right?

Filtered against Evil & Katherine

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I'm still here, in case anyone's wondering. Fuck you in the fucking ass, Seal. With a fucking pitchfork. I'm getting majorly drunk tonight, if anyone else cares to join me.

cut b/c omg ALLL THE FILTERS (Steph, Wesley, Tom, Lexi, Troy, Rose, Marguerite, Emma, Faith, Piffy, and Andrew) )

filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia

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Normally this is the part where I get speechy, but I don't think I have it in me. Who wants a drink? I can do that.

Filtered Against Evil/Katherine

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Met with the accountant. Personally I still think they're ridiculously shady and I have no idea how you're paying those people and the patrol teams unless there's more I'm not seeing but there's nothing I can find beyond Queen was paranoid enough to carry a couple of thou on his when he got seal nabbed.

Drugs and Kitten Smuggling, true story.

Friends Ward

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I know there's probably a mass amount of posts like this but I'm both checking in and making sure everyone is still around and okay. Because I really can't lose anyone else after Anakin

Filtered to Gisborne

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What time suits you best, to teach people?

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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Chloe, Mia, and Oliver were just sent home. I hope you people are hap

ETA: Could any magic users remaining please double check the spells Zatanna placed on Watchtower? It seems that she, too, is gone.

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i hate hate HATE this place!!!!

cordy just disappeared right in front of me. and all her stuff disappeared.

Added: filter against evil & Katherine. My bad, kinda shocked here.

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Holy fucking shit...what's going on, Seal?!

Please still be here. You're still here, right?

...still here...? I'm sorry. Let's not fight okay?

[Other friends]
Guys? Still here...?

Filtered against evil

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This sucks.

Filtered to Emma Swan )

Filtered to Steph )

Filtered to Dick )

Filtered to Jason )

Friends filter

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Please tell me you're all still here?

[ooc: Includes Claudia, Florence, Rose, Harry, Jacen, Jess, Kim, Enjy, Kat even though KAT IS DRUNK WITHOUT HIM AND HE RESPONDED WHATEVER. SHE'S INCLUDED OKAY. And anyone else Watson regularly talks too but my brain is mush and can't remember atm]

Filtered Against Evil

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I'm sorry to anyone that had someone get taken by the seal. I'm around if anyone needs anything Zee did magically checked to be sure.

[Wy, Chris, and Phoebe]

Are you guys still here? This is an official check in.


So, you better not be gone or I'm going to scowl up a storm.


It's probably bad that every time the seal takes someone I worry, isn't it?

And that I'm glad you're still here.

Filtered to friends

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Separate filter to just Katniss/Prim/Peeta )

(OOC: Basically the main filter includes: Peeta/Prim/Katniss/Elena/Jeremy/Elphaba. If I am forgetting anybody pleeeeeeeeeeease let me know because my memory is terrible. >.>)

to Andy

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Andy, are you still here?


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Still here? Everybody's going apeshit...I just wanna check.

filtered against evil and Katherine

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Who all just went home? Does anyone know?

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[Sam and Dean]
There is concern over many being sent back to where they came from. This is a common occurrence?

Filtered to friends

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Are you all still here...? It looks like the Seal decided it was time to kick us when we were down, apparently.

[Filter includes Florence, Helena, Svetlana, Dick, Clark, Kon, Allana, TK, Peter V, Hermione, Cindy, Katniss, Prim, Scorpius, Emma, Henry, Other Darcy, and probably about a zillion more I can't think of right now because I'm tired, so I apologize if I forgot anyone!]

Filtered against Lucifer

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So, as I was sitting, watching everyone flip the hell out inquire about loved ones...which was rather amusing I realized something...

...I have no friends.

It was a very sad realization that prompted me to go steal get alcohol.

Filtered to friends*

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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat just happened?! Are you guys all still here? ...did anybody new come in when everybody else got taken out, you think...?

[ooc: *includes: HG, Claudia, Britt, Penny, and Freddie]

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Filtered to Lancelot, Kaine, Faith, River T., Mara, Helena, Molly, Wesley, and the Evil Twin

Still haven't seen you guys show up on the boards. Sound off please? Tell me you guys aren't gone too?

Filtered Against Baddies

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wil soneone tel edie he csn letgo noq?

[ooc: One handed phone-posted is not easy when being clung to by Red Devil and can't really move your arms. :D]

no evils

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so fiji is awesom
bestrandom exporic place to get drnink YET SO FAR

I STOLe a Pifany
AND THeres these dudeshere and theyer playng with fier

looooooook )

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Yeah, so. I was just tackled.

I'm still here. Sorry to dissapoint, everyone.

...except for you, Eddie.

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Text to Ariel
>>You're still here right?

Text to Kon
>>Hey, come by when you can tonight?
>>I would have felt it if you'd gone home, but I think I'd really like to hug you right now anyway.

>>I'm really glad you're still here. I was weirded out by everything that happened but this made me remember you could just go and I'd never see you again and you'd be
>>...just so you know, I guess.
>>Also mom's staying with me. You know, in case you were worried about where she'd go.

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» You have a day. Since you're hunting to let me know
» that you're still here.
» It'd also be great if you're mentioned how you're doing.
» Let me know that you haven't been Seal-napped.
» I don't care that we're not even friends
» More you're not m
» Still here?
» It would suck if we caught up with each other
» and you disappeared.
» Yes. This is concern. You have it in writing.
» Sparring is always open. Whenever you nee want it.

[ooc: if andrea didn't post someone it's because she either saw them commenting on the boards OR my brain went from 'bleh don't wanna study about organs' to 'ahaHA bitch time for med!' rather quickly. [and posted earlier.]]

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I'm sorry so many people were taken away today.

I know it's not much, but if anyone wants to get out and take their minds off what happened for a while, I finally set up a range out in the woods a little ways off my house. You're all welcome to come out and shoot. Maybe work off some of that frustration, I don't know. I wish there was more I could
That goddamn seal is a pain in the
I hate

Text to Bruce

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you have (1)New media text )

Filtered to Loki

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Brother, why did you appear at the warehouse for a few moments? What is going on?
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