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War Is Coming Communications.



October 31st, 2012

Filtered against the usge

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Has anyone seen Myka? I can't get ahold of her.... Fuck. Please don't be Home is SO not better than here Fucking goddamn seal I swear I

[Warehouse Filter]
Headcount. NOW!

October 27th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine and Gaia

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Emily said her first word. I daresay my British is rubbing off on her.

I can officially say I have been called mummy again.

October 26th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Jerry

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I finally purchased some exotic fish for the aquarium Oli my aquarium. And I've started to forget what having a day off feels like.

[Pete Lattimer]
I'll cook tonight. What are you in the mood for?

October 6th, 2012

Filtered against evil and whoever else on this week's list

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Because I heard about Darcy and Andy and I really don't want to think about all that right now

There are no words.

And also, new people: Hi, I'm Jo Harvelle-Shurley. Owner/Operator of the Roadhouse, a saloon at [address]. You all eat and drink there for free. I also offer weekly shooting and knife-fighting classes at a target range at [address].

Also, I'm one of the locals to this world and I'm a Hunter, if I'm not as field-active now, given I have two baby girls. But if you have any questions or want to run any theories or ideas by me, feel free.

October 5th, 2012

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[Filtered to Rory, Adam, Jamie, Roy, Kaine, Pete L, Banner, Jacen, and now Martha]

All right, here goes. While Anatoly is gone:

Schedules )

Is everybody cool with this?

ETA: I almost forgot...do not, under any circumstances, touch River's chess board. Not kidding, guys. Don't touch it, don't move the pieces, just pretend it isn't even there. This was the one thing Anatoly asked and since he's been working with her the most, I think he probably had a good reason for it.

I'm so sorry for the overtime, but we both had to take some or else I'd have had to put John on the schedule and I think all three of us would agree, it's better if we don't. Guess this is what they mean by "that's why we make the big bucks" huh? Except...we kinda don't yet lol

I've worked it out. You're off the hook.

I don't want to discuss now, but when you get back, I'd love for you to help me set up new schedules, because this is...really hard and I could use some input. I hope all is going well at home ♥ tell your wife and the girls I send well wishes.

Holy shit, you're my hero. I'm just saying.

[ooc: added in a few minutes later]

Hey...I have like...no Kimmy time any time soon but I really do want to look at the stitches and see how they're doing so, do you think you could stop by on one of my graveyard shifts? River's usually sleeping and it's always dead that late at night.

October 3rd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry

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[posted after his discussion with Anatoly]

Right so, is there anyone who has a MD and is certified and able to practice medicine? We're bloody short staffed in the medbay right now given Jess is on medical leave for her baby and others who stepped up seemed to have backed down for psychological reasons. So if anyone could step up, that would be bloody brilliant. Right now it's really just been myself, Anatoly, and a few others busting our butts down here.

Any help is appreciated but medical doctors would be outstanding.

[Edit]: This is also entirely voluntary by the way.

September 29th, 2012

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I feel like I am at the end of my rope with nowhere to
You offered to listen if I ever needed to


You are aware that
He has barely been home since
Do you even


Are you actually going to listen and

[Warehouse 13]

Fayina has informed me she wishes to challenge Pete to another chess match at his and your convenience.

September 27th, 2012

Filtered to Peter V.

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Hey, you. Yeah, you. Me and you, we're gonna go do something that doesn't involve your apartment or alcohol, k? I'm pretty sure I'm not going to give you much room to debate me, either. You need something good and stupid-happy right now. And we are going to find whatever the fuck that may actually be. And then we're gonna do it. Even if I have to make you watch the ridiculous that is Finding Nemo 3D. DORI IN 3D PETER! It's gonna be even more squishy and swimmy than ever before.

[Added Filtered to Pete L. & Jinksy]
Can you boys handle Em tonight? Going to watch fish in 3D with Peter V. to get our sober and stupid-happy on cause the seal and Lawrence have been bitches to him lately and I am awesome with distractions, as you well know.

September 26th, 2012

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What would you say to getting some drinks with me tomorrow night?

[Warehouse filter]

Would one of you be able to look after Emily for a little while tomorrow night? I need to go out for a bit. I need to ensure I don't regress

September 25th, 2012

Warehouse filter

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I'm awake. The computer is too bright, but I'm awake.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going back to avoiding noise and light.

September 18th, 2012

Sent to Helena, cced to Jinksy and Claudia

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Helena! Are you home? Myka's down. She's sick, or... something. I'm bringing her in.

Clauds? Jinksy?

Are you three okay?

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Meg, & Jerry

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Something must have happened to cause all these ghosts from our own dimensions to show up here, all at once this way. We should be working to find out what that is and stop it.

September 16th, 2012


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Magellan's Astrolabe was used to erase 24 hours, wasn't it? Specifically the 24 hour period in which the Warehouse was destroyed.

added filter from evil, etc

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hes here

ETA: [Pete Lattimer]
Would you mind staying with me for a little while?

Filtered against the usge (evil/Jerry/Katherine/Gaia)

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Dear Seal,
You're insane and cruel and have the most fucked up sense of humor ever, but don't ever. EVER send me home. I think I can deal with your stupid crazy more than what's waiting there. So, to re-iterrate: Lawrence ftw, do NOT send me home, kthx.

September 15th, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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So, a lot of people have been seeing things, people they know aren't here, people from their past, and for a lot of you its awful and I'm sorry.

..but is anyone seeing someone they like, someone good.

Because this time, for one time, the seal really really did come through for me.

Filtered to friends*

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Any of you have an extra person tagging along with you today? I'm noticing a pattern, here, starting to think this might be a trend. Fuck I hope the seal left John out of this.

[*Jinks, Myka, Pete L., John, Connor, Abby, Elena]

September 12th, 2012

Warehouse Filter

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I'm in the process of making neutralizer gel but we need somewhere to store it. Suggestions?

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[Team Warehouse]

I do apologize for my behavior the past several days. Though you know why, it does not excuse my behaviour. I should have opened up about it earlier, it may have saved me some irrational and unacceptable behaviour. I will endeavour not to repeat this course of action again.

[OOC: Jinks can, of course, see this though he missed all the irrational behavior but undoubtedly saw Claudia and Myka tag-team Helena when she got back from Banner's. Soooo yes. Also everyone got apologies in person as well, she's just reiterating.]

[Filtered to Sam, Dean and Ruby]

I have a question that you may or may not have the answer to. We all know the Seal is mysterious, but any chance you know whether or not it emits energy when it brings people here or sends them home?

September 11th, 2012

Added filter against evil, Katherine, Gaia (when Myka explains it)

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Okay so...Lawrence, Kansas is definitely a bit of a ways to travel from South Dakota in the blink of an eye.

Artifact, right Clauds? Pete? Myka? Artie?
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